I have a city in another world

Chapter 6132 Attention

The defensive power accumulated in the trial channel has a terrifying killing effect that is absolutely beyond the ability of ordinary cultivators to withstand.

In the face of such power, ordinary monks were like ants, being hit hard by the rocks rolling down from the top of the mountain.

There is no way to resist at all and you will be shattered in an instant.

Tang Zhen is well aware of this and will not try to resist, but will resort to some tricks once again.

The terrifying and unusual destructive force was guided into the void before it even touched Tang Zhen.

Taking this opportunity, Tang Zhen directly locked onto the control core and pointed a finger at it.

The all-pervasive divine consciousness burst out and directly entered the interior of the magic weapon, starting to fight for control of the core.

The process of seizing power is not easy. If you don’t understand the tricks, you may not succeed no matter how long you work.

For Tang Zhen, it was an easy task. He used his powerful spiritual sense and the rules to crack the artifact in just a few seconds.

The defensive force dissipated instantly, as if it had never appeared. The twisted and entangled trial passages dispersed gently, and then dissipated one after another.

Everything was calm, but the trial passage had a new owner.

All the secrets of the trial passage were clearly displayed before Tang Zhen's eyes. Not only could he control it freely, he could also transform and upgrade it.

Tang Zhen had some understanding of the trial channel, and he had also seen more complex and advanced trial fields in books.

It seems superficial when you read it on paper. Only when you operate it with your own hands can you clearly understand the mysteries involved.

Tang Zhen was very happy at this moment. With the abilities he possessed, he was fully capable of upgrading the trial channel.

Compared with the trial passage itself, the treasures and prizes in the light ball become less important.

After being controlled by Tang Zhen, not only would he not take away the prize, but he would add more rewards.

Once the residents of the tower city pass the level, they can obtain it randomly from the light ball.

The original prize acquisition model still has some unreasonable aspects, so Tang Zhen plans to modify and upgrade it, using different colors to mark the grades.

Among the items in the trial passage, Tang Zhen was only interested in one item, which was the trial token of unknown origin.

I thought there were some more such tokens in the treasury, but when Tang Zhen counted them, he found that there was only one in the treasury.

That was the only one, which was obtained by Tang Zhen and bound to him.

If someone else holds it, it won't be able to exert its original effect at all.

Tang Zhen only learned about this after he gained control of the channel, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

It was because before this, he had no idea that he was secretly bound by the token.

This mysterious token is far more powerful than imagined.

Although he was surprised and unexpected, Tang Zhen did not panic. He had seen many storms and had been through fire and water several times. He was confident that he could handle all difficulties.

Besides, fortune and misfortune are interdependent, and accidents are often linked to opportunities. After enduring the wind and rain, the sun and rainbow will follow.

After some planning, we finally gained control of the trial channel, which was truly an unexpected surprise.

This opportunity is not easy to obtain, and those without strength cannot take it at all. Tang Zhen also obtained it by his own ability.

Next, you need to transform it according to your own wishes to enhance the strength of the residents of the building city.

For Tang Zhen, transformation and upgrading is not difficult. He is proficient in this, not to mention the assistance of the rule-breaking artifact.

The transformation and upgrading can be completed without much effort and in a short time.

As long as we seize the time, the remodeled and upgraded trial channel will be available in about a week at most.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry because the construction of the Immortal Tower City had not yet been completed and there were still many things to be done.

Improving the strength of residents is certainly very important, but it does not mean that it can affect other things.

Besides, Tang Zhen’s base camp is still in the new world, and most of the cultivators have not been teleported here.

Once the tower city is upgraded and more places are available, it won’t be too late to teleport over and join.

There is another purpose, which is to use it as a hidden trump card to prevent the enemy from knowing the true strength of the Immortal Tower City.

When the need arises, they can be quickly transferred to join the battle, which will surely deal a fatal blow to the enemy. The upgraded trial channel will be temporarily used by Tang Zhen and the selected residents of Loucheng to test the effects of the upgrade and find possible loopholes.

Tang Zhen would also use his authority to open a back door for himself, allowing him to practice without restrictions.

Whether it is increasing the intensity or speeding up, Tang Zhen can control it at will.

Only by doing this can you achieve the exercise effect.

After making a plan, Tang Zhen began to implement it and once again entered a semi-secluded state.

During this period, the Immortal Territory became more and more lively. Not only did merchants from all over the world gather here, but also a large number of refugees arrived in groups.

The Fallen Earth War Zone belongs to the extraordinary world, where information is transmitted very quickly, and there are various magical instruments and treasures for long-distance communications.

With the spread of caravans and refugees, the Immortal Territory became a place where gold was everywhere, and both refugees and wild cultivators could benefit from it.

There are many places outside, and many people swear that their friends and brothers are living well in the Immortal Tower City.

Not only did he make money, he also bought a house and lived a very comfortable life.

The environment is clean and tidy, there are flowers, plants and trees everywhere outside the city, and the security environment is excellent.

Those robbers and thieves dare not act recklessly in the Immortal Territory. If they dare to break the rules, they will be thrown into the wilderness to do hard labor and serve their sentences.

I heard that recently, the Black Evil Legion also set its sights on the Immortal Tower City, but was severely punished several times.

Paid a heavy price but didn't gain any advantage.

The Black Evil Legion has a bad reputation, which makes countless people fear and avoid it as much as possible.

The fact that the Immortal Tower City actually held out against the Black Evil Legion and inflicted heavy losses on the other side really shocked many forces and organizations.

At first, they all thought it was a rumor, just rumors spread by refugees.

But it wasn't long before the matter was confirmed through the cornerstone platform, and needless to say, I was shocked.

It is really unreasonable that a newly built first-level city has such strength and means.

More and more people believe that there is a powerful backer behind the Immortal Tower City, otherwise it would never be able to do this.

After careful inquiries, I learned that there was a level 4 tower city nearby, which was also completely subdued by the defeat.

After suffering a great loss, no one dares to provoke the Immortal Tower City.

Under normal circumstances, no one would pay any attention to a first-level small building city.

Nowadays, there are many forces that are secretly paying attention to the Immortal Tower City, wanting to know what will develop next.

Let’s see whether the Immortals will win, or become the prey of the Black Evil Legion and end up being annihilated.

A background investigation into Tang Zhen is also being quietly conducted in an attempt to uncover his backers.

There are even some tower cities that specifically dispatch various types of personnel to quietly go to the Immortal Tower City.

Hearing is not as good as seeing. There are some questions that can only be answered by going to the scene.

All the major cities heard the news and came here, not to mention the refugees and wild cultivators, who simply flocked to the place.

Affected by this incident, the nearby mountain tower city also became extremely lively, and the area outside the city was full of dusty travelers.

Stay here for a while, then continue on the road and head straight to the territory of Immortal Tower City.

There was originally no road leading to the wasteland sea, but with the establishment of the Immortal Tower City, more and more people and vehicles went back and forth, and a simple road was also opened up.

Within the territory of Shanlinglou City, this road is very simple, and traces of human trampling can be seen everywhere.

Because there are many stones in the soil, it is now being trampled and becoming more and more solid, and is quite conspicuous in the green wilderness.

Pedestrians and vehicles can be seen on the road from time to time. Pedestrians are heading to the Immortal Territory, and convoys of all sizes are coming and going.

Whether going or coming, the vehicles are always fully loaded and the merchants accompanying them are all smiling.

It seems that they all made money.

When arriving at the border of the territory, an unusually wide and straight road suddenly appeared before the traveler's eyes, as if it led directly to the distant horizon.
(End of this chapter)

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