I have a city in another world

Chapter 6143: The Tower City with Internal and External Troubles

Chapter 6143: The Tower City with Internal and External Troubles

At the gate of Huangshi City, a large group of refugee warriors gathered, responsible for guarding the checkpoints in and out of the city.

The refugee warriors were wearing light brown studded armor and holding sharp spears more than two people tall. They looked coldly at the refugee laborers queuing up to leave the city.

These refugees were forcibly conscripted to participate in the construction of defensive facilities outside the city to prevent possible attacks by the rebels.

The Qunfeng Tower City issued an order that all refugee cities in the territory entered a state of war, and all refugees and monks must obey the command of the Tower City.

Anyone who dares to disobey orders can be regarded as a traitor, and law enforcement officers have the right to kill them on the spot.

As the order was issued, multiple conflicts broke out in various cities during the implementation process.

Some refugees were killed, and many were sent to prison. For a time, people were in panic and the refugees felt deep fear and anxiety.

Working overtime day and night has indeed had obvious results, greatly improving the city's defense standards.

The rebel army controlled by Hai Lianfeng once again launched an attack on a nearby city. During the attack, they encountered fierce resistance from the defenders, but they eventually successfully captured a city.

The rebels might not be a match for the city of peaks and towers, but attacking the refugee city is a sure win.

The Tower City and the Refugee City cannot be compared at all and are not on the same level at all.

The fall of the third city to the enemy intensified the atmosphere of panic, and various refugee cities did their best to strengthen their defenses.

The Qunfeng Tower City suffered heavy damage and is temporarily unable to launch a second attack. It is currently repairing and recovering, seeking ways to break through and fight against Hailian Peak.

The previous lightning attack caused heavy casualties in the Qunfenglou City, as well as a large amount of material loss, which had a great impact on morale.

Analyzing the incident afterwards, if there had been adequate preparation, there would definitely not have been such serious casualties.

It can even withstand thunder and lightning and launch attacks on cities occupied by rebels until they are recaptured.

Although it is feasible in theory, it is not easy to achieve and requires a large amount of money.

Whether this consumption is worthwhile has caused controversy among the top leaders of Qunfeng. Opponents believe that the refugee city is not valuable and there is no need to spend a huge price to take it back.

Now that Loucheng is facing threats, precious resources should be used where they are needed most instead of fighting a war of attrition with the rebels.

The rebels will pay a price if they occupy the refugee city, which will cause their own strength to be damaged.

Defending each city will also consume resources and cause various problems among the rebels.

If Qunfenglou City seizes the opportunity and makes a concerted effort, it will surely defeat the rebels.

There are also high-level officials in Loucheng who believe that the fallen refugee city must be recaptured, otherwise the power of the rebels will grow stronger and stronger.

Once a climate is formed, it will be able to confront the peaks and towers, and it will become very difficult to destroy it.

Just like a wildfire in the wilderness, the wind direction and momentum must be controlled. Once the fire spreads across the prairie, it will inevitably burn.

The two sides argued endlessly and were slow to make a decision.

The top management of Qunfeng are well aware that any wrong decision will most likely lead to failure.

When that time comes, they will all be affected and end up in a miserable situation.

Of course, if it is handled properly, it is possible to protect oneself. If Hai Lianfeng regains power, he may only kill the main culprit and eliminate the current city lord's confidants and minions.

Ordinary senior executives are the backbone of maintaining the operation of the tower city. They are indispensable, but they cannot be considered the confidants of the city lord.

Even if the city lord is replaced, it will not have much impact on them.

In times of crisis, it is best to protect yourself and not bring disaster upon yourself.

Therefore, during the debate, these supervisors remained silent to avoid making mistakes by talking too much.

Upon seeing this, the Lord of Qunfeng City became even more gloomy.

He did not participate in the debate, but had the final decision-making power and was more cautious than anyone present.

If this war fails, others may have a chance to survive, but he will definitely die.

Not being able to kill Hai Lianfeng at the beginning was my biggest mistake. Now I really regret it.

No one could guess what the Lord of Qunfeng City was thinking, but they all tacitly agreed not to provoke him.

Before making the final decision, the defense of the refugee city must be strengthened, and a large amount of supplies must be taken out of the warehouse in the tower city and sent to various cities for preparation for war.

The years of accumulation of Qunfeng Tower City was rapidly consumed because of this war, and it was still shrinking. The atmosphere inside the tower city was also tense, and the war factory was running at high speed, constantly producing various weapons and equipment for war.

A large amount of money was consumed to purchase extraordinary materials from the cornerstone platform and was quickly distributed to combat units.

The lives of residents in Loucheng have been severely affected. They face various restrictions when traveling and are subject to conscription at any time. Many families also face scrutiny.

Some residents of the building city would disappear quietly, and no one knew where they went.

No one dared to ask questions randomly, otherwise they might get into trouble.

Once a war breaks out and there is a need to go to war or defend, the residents of the tower city must be ready to go at any time.

Loucheng is a special city. It can also be a military camp fortress and can be transformed into a super factory at any time.

Residents of Loucheng enjoy welfare but also have to assume corresponding obligations. The more they get, the more they have to pay at critical moments.

Including their lives, they also belong to Loucheng, and they will serve this huge war machine for the rest of their lives.

There is no room for idle people inside the city.

The streets inside the tower city are also guarded, and monks and warriors pass by from time to time.

The Lord of Qunfeng City obviously does not trust the residents, fearing that a traitor may pop up and cause trouble.

Nowadays, there are still many residents who miss the benefits of Hailian Peak and are dissatisfied with the current city lord.

This situation is inevitable. No matter who becomes the city lord, it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

If there is no opportunity, he will choose to endure, but if the opportunity comes to him, he will definitely not mind overthrowing the current city lord.

The current city lord came to the position illegitimately, and facing the threat from Hailian Peak, he must feel panicked and uneasy.

He began to be suspicious and extremely distrustful of the residents of Tower City. He used the wartime rules within Tower City to increase surveillance and scrutiny of the residents.

Many residents of Loucheng received summons from within Loucheng and went to designated locations for investigation and interrogation.

Inside the interrogation room, there is a hallucinogenic and hypnotic rune array that can make the trainees tell the truth.

If you enter the interrogation room with a secret, there is a high possibility that you will never come out.

Once a problem is confirmed, they will either be sent directly to prison or find an opportunity to deal with it secretly.

This secret interrogation room has caused fear and rejection among the residents of Loucheng, and they have been terrified at the mention of it in recent times.

After surprise interrogations, it was discovered that many residents did have problems. Although their crimes did not warrant the death penalty, they would not be tolerated or condoned.

These people were sent to prison, waiting to be dealt with. Whether they could survive in the end depended on the mood of the Lord of Qunfeng City.

If he thinks the prisoners are useless, he can kill them all with one order. If he thinks they still have value, it is no problem to detain them for a while.

To the Lord of Qunfeng City, the life and death of prisoners were not worth mentioning. If they were not still of use and he was afraid of causing greater chaos, he would have dealt with all the guys related to the rebels long ago.


In the slightly dark passage, a thin figure walked slowly, and the footsteps sounded a little heavy.

The street lights shone down on her slender figure, making her look lonely and frightened.

Thinking back to what had just happened, Shi Niang was still feeling panic in her heart, and her hands and feet were still shaking uncontrollably.

The monk from Loucheng who was in charge of the interrogation had an extremely cold expression on his face and kept asking her questions about her father and brother.

From time to time, murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the monks from Loucheng, filling Shi Niang's heart with fear.

During the interrogation, a strange voice kept ringing in her consciousness, demanding that she tell everything she knew.

Shi Niang's consciousness fell into chaos. Listening to the question coming from her ear, she subconsciously answered according to the other party's request.

He told the interrogating monk from Loucheng that Tang Zhen had come to his house before and rescued his brother and the bald old man, and had used magical means to avoid Loucheng's detection.

As soon as the thought came to his mind and before he could speak, Tang Zhen's face suddenly appeared.


When I saw that smiling face, the memories in my mind disappeared instantly and turned into a blank.

Shi Niang thus escaped the disaster.

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