I have a city in another world

Chapter 6168 City Clinic

Chapter 6168 City Clinic
Tang Zhen only needs to stay in the Qunfeng Territory and let the Black Evil monk make sure that the target they are tracking is in this place.

At that time, the entire Black Evil Legion will focus on the Qunfeng Territory and ignore other places for the time being.

While walking on the street, Tang Zhen saw a shop on the roadside closed for sale, so he asked his neighbors for details.

This is a medical clinic that usually treats patients and sells various ready-made pills.

The old doctor died because of the unrest, and there was no one to inherit his property, so his relatives prepared to sell the entire store.

If they were sold in full, the price would definitely be higher. Otherwise, the things in the clinic would just be sold as scraps, and no one would even spend money to buy them.

When Tang Zhen said he wanted to buy it, the owner of the restaurant next door immediately helped to make the contact and was very enthusiastic.

He can also gain benefits by helping to make a deal, at least he can get a favor.

If the clinic is reopened, the customer flow will increase significantly, and the business of its own restaurant will also be better.

In recent times, the clinic has ceased operations and the restaurant business has obviously deteriorated a lot.

Now that someone has taken over, the restaurant owner is naturally happy and hopes from the bottom of his heart that the transaction will be successful.

Not long after, two young men came to the store and began bargaining.

The deal was quickly concluded, and the two young men were very happy and couldn't wait to go back and divide the money.

For them, this was a pleasant surprise, which greatly increased the amount of inheritance income.

Tang Zhen opened the door of the clinic, went in and took a look around. He was quite satisfied with the environment.

He went to his neighbor's restaurant, ordered some food and drinks, and invited the owner to have a drink.

After eating and drinking, Tang Zhen asked the restaurant owner to help hire some people to clean up the clinic.

The boss agreed and quickly found a group of young women who came with cleaning tools and started cleaning carefully.

While working, he was asking questions and inquiring about news related to Tang Zhen.

Some people also asked Tang Zhen whether he was married and whether he wanted a matchmaker to introduce him to a decent girl.

Tang Zhen responded with a smile, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

These women all live nearby, and when they have headaches or fevers, they go to the clinic to see a doctor and take medicine.

Previously, the clinic was closed, so seeing a doctor became a problem and people had to go to other places in the city.

Not only is the journey long, but the fees are also higher, and patients often have many complaints.

Now that Tang Zhen has taken over the clinic, no one knows what it will be like, which makes the neighbors feel a little bit excited.

After finishing the cleaning and sending the neighbors away, Tang Zhen began his daily practice.

Opening this clinic was purely a spontaneous act, without any additional purpose.

Tang Zhen has now entered the fourth level. In the surrounding area, such strength is already quite strong.

By coordinating various means, Tang Zhen is confident that he can defeat even a fifth-level cultivator.

However, Tang Zhen has a special identity, so there is no need for him to put himself in danger. He should try to avoid fighting with the enemy as much as possible.

The courage of a common man is not enough to accomplish great things.

If an accident happens and the boat capsizes in a ditch, wouldn't you be so depressed that you would vomit blood?

A person like Tang Zhen should hide behind the scenes and stir up the world for the same purpose of seeking benefits, but it is definitely not the gold, silver and power in the eyes of ordinary people.

The plan to kill the gods was successful, and Tang Zhen obtained several pieces of limbs and arms, which are now being decomposed and refined by the artifact.

There are no rules to crack the artifact. Even if you get the remains of the divine body, there is no way to extract the origin.

Tang Zhen has insights, means and things that others don't have, so he can do things that others cannot do.

With enough origin, the rule-breaking artifact can take effect, allowing Tang Zhen to practice as if he were assisted by a god.

The extracted divine essence must not be absorbed directly, as that would cause serious damage to the body.

Tang Zhen has a set of methods that can transform the origin of God, so as to achieve the purpose of harmless absorption.

Activate the rules to crack the artifact and transform the origin of God. It won’t be long before it condenses into an incense stick.

Incense and candles are used to worship ghosts and gods, and the special fragrance transformed from the essence of gods can be used by oneself.

Offering incense to the gods, worshipping yourself. Inhaling it into your body will help you practice and rapidly improve your strength.

Looking at the heavens and the world, those who quickly improve their strength often have some shortcuts and means.

Practitioners from top forces would never be as shabby as those at the lower levels, but would possess all kinds of natural treasures.

Even a pig will gain great strength if it is fed like this.

Don't be misled by the propaganda of the cultivation sects, and don't think that those chosen ones are so great. Without a large supply of precious resources, they will not be much stronger than ordinary cultivators.

After the incense is lit, the smoke moves like a snake, floating in the air without dispersing.

Under Tang Zhen's guidance, the smoke surrounded his body and was absorbed into his body bit by bit.

Before I knew it, a night had passed.

The next morning, Tang Zhen opened his shop for business, and soon someone came to seek medical treatment.

This was a porter who accidentally fell while working in the morning and broke his leg, causing him great pain.

Tang Zhen came to the rescue and reset the broken bones in just a few moves. At the same time, he used acupuncture and pulse-cutting methods to greatly alleviate the victim's pain.

After using a splint and giving the other party a few words of advice, the rescue was successfully completed.

The injured person received effective treatment for his illness without spending much money, and was very grateful to Tang Zhen.

After expressing his thanks repeatedly, the injured person left satisfied and praised Tang Zhen's superb medical skills to everyone he met.

In the following time, several more patients arrived and left with smiles on their faces.

Not long after, some rumors began to appear about Tang Zhen, saying that his medical skills were indeed superb and his fees were quite reasonable.

When the neighbors heard this, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

By evening, many patients were suddenly sent to the clinic, many of whom were seriously injured and contaminated with deadly toxins.

After asking carefully, I found out that a battle had taken place outside the city and a group of monks of unknown origin suddenly launched an attack.

These monks had a clear goal, which was to destroy the city's war supplies, which also affected nearby residents.

As there were too many injured people, they were sent to various clinics in the city, and the city lord requested that all efforts be made to treat the injured.

The mayor of the refugee city is always a monk from Loucheng, and the heads of various departments are also residents of Loucheng.

After Hai Lianfeng became the city lord, he dispatched more personnel to the major refugee cities, making sure to keep a firm control over the refugee cities within the territory.

This is to prevent problems from arising again, and the refugee city from being used by the enemy and becoming accomplices in attacking the Qunfenglou City.

After the wounded were sent to the clinic, Tang Zhen immediately provided treatment. Some seriously injured and dying patients were even saved by Tang Zhen.

When the onlookers saw this scene, they were filled with admiration.

Soon more injured people were sent in one after another, filling the entire clinic.

When the last injured person was treated, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Tang Zhen with awe.

It is not easy to do any job well. Tang Zhen's performance today won everyone's respect and admiration.

Some of the injured's family members expressed their gratitude to Tang Zhen. If he hadn't provided treatment, the injured would have surely died today.

Many more vehicles arrived and took the injured back to their homes. The clinic had limited space and certainly could not accommodate so many patients.

At present, we can only send him home, take and change the medicine on time, and come to the clinic for treatment when the situation is serious.

The neighbors around him admired Tang Zhen more and more, but not everyone could treat a large number of seriously ill and injured people in a short period of time like he did.

The neighbor took the initiative to bring food to Tang Zhen, saying that he would not charge Tang Zhen a penny, but just wanted to express his gratitude.

Among the injured today is one of his relatives. Other clinics are unable to treat him, and his family is preparing to take him back to die.

When the neighbors learned about this, they sent the patient to Tang Zhen Medical Clinic, where they treated the patient as if he were still alive.

Tang Zhen provided treatment and successfully saved his relative's life in just a short time.

After seeing off the restaurant owner, Tang Zhen was about to eat, but suddenly he frowned slightly.

Looking at the food in front of him, Tang Zhen chuckled and began to eat slowly.

An hour later, a figure quietly sneaked into the clinic. It turned out to be a waiter from the restaurant next door.

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