I have a city in another world

Chapter 815 Ambition, coveting!

Chapter 815 Ambition, coveting!
In another team not far away, two young men from the American League were looking at the monster corpse on the ground and exchanging their views.

One of the frail-looking youths habitually pushed his glasses, only to find that the vision of the boarding body was so excellent that he didn't need to wear glasses at all.

The technology possessed by Holy Dragon City made him, a technology madman, have to sigh for it, because in some fields, the technological level of Holy Dragon City has far surpassed the original world by far too much!

Just out of certain considerations, most of these technologies are used for military purposes, but not many are used for civilian purposes.

"This should be a monster deliberately released by Sacred Dragon City. Could it be that they did this to surprise us?"

The frail young man shook his head and said in a questioning tone.

After all, this place belongs to the outer city of Sacred Dragon City. Although the land is vast and sparsely populated, it is absolutely impossible for a large number of monsters to exist. Therefore, the only explanation is that these monsters were placed here artificially.

Although after the fight just now, many traversers' eyes lit up, and they were obviously very surprised and aftertaste about this "surprise", but some traversers still thought it was too cruel.

Weak young people belong to this type of people, who have a natural resistance to killing and conquering.

After hearing what his companion said, a blond traveler beside him shook his head and expressed his opinion.

"I really like this feeling, after all, this is what real games are really about!
If you still use virtual weapons to kill virtual monsters like usual games, then this so-called ultimate game is nothing more than that.

But wielding a real sword and slashing a real monster like now, the feeling of adrenaline rush is simply not something that can be experienced by playing virtual games! "

At this point, the blond man looked at his companion and said in a somewhat intoxicated tone: "So my opinion is exactly the opposite of yours. I think it is precisely because of this that countless players are attracted to participate. In this real game!"

Hearing what the blond man said, the frail young man shook his head: "But this is too bloody, and it feels particularly cruel. Don't you feel that way?"

The blond man glanced at the frail young man with a strange look, and then said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "Cruel, hehehe, don't tease brother!

You actually show kindness to monsters, do you still expect them to let you go if you tell them kindness when they eat you? "

"The best way to deal with these monsters is to wipe them out completely, without leaving any hands behind!"

When he said this, the blond man saw that his companion still had an unconvinced expression on his face, so he couldn't help but continue to say: "One thing you have to understand is that conquest is the nature of human beings, but when technology has developed to today's level, it has been suppressed by little people." One of the planets stopped the human footsteps.

Even if there is some infighting, it is carried out under restricted circumstances and attracts global attention to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Otherwise, if they were allowed to mess around, the entire planet would have been destroyed long ago! "

When the blond man said these words, his eyes sparkled, and he seemed to be full of passion.

"However, the emergence of the Loucheng World has given people hope and given humanity another chance to grow stronger.

This is an extremely rare opportunity. If you don't firmly grasp this opportunity, you will be doomed to be eliminated by history! "

When he said this, the blond man glanced at the surrounding scenery, his eyes full of greed: "This is an incomparably rich and vast land, if we can develop and utilize it, we will get endless resources and wealth!

I think any visionary person will never miss this place easily! "

With a cold look in his eyes, the blond man continued: "If you want to conquer such a place, you can't avoid blood and killing, this is the truth that history tells us, there is no doubt at all!

Fortunately, our butcher knives are not aimed at our own kind, but those creatures from other worlds that are hostile to us! "

When the blond man said this, he turned his head to look at the frail young man with a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"You may not know that I have already submitted a request to the family to develop in the world of Loucheng, and the family has also approved it, and at the same time promised to do their best to support me!
Perhaps in a few years, my family will become an unimaginable behemoth because of this choice! "

When the blond man said this, he seemed to be immersed in the scene of success, and his face was full of intoxication.

The frail young man glanced at his friend, and then asked in a somewhat doubtful tone: "But the environment in the world of Loucheng is not stable now, and there are many restrictions. If you really want to achieve your ideal goal, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult.

What's more, this is the territory of Holy Dragon City, will they allow you to do this? "

The blond man opposite nodded, and said in a serious tone: "Of course I know this, but it is precisely because of this that it is more challenging!
As for Holy Dragon City, you don't need to worry, because according to the information I know, Holy Dragon City has already acquiesced to our actions.

You can't even imagine how terrifying influence those hidden family forces will have in the original world when they are united in the face of such huge interests!
Even Sacred Dragon City had to choose to compromise when faced with this situation, otherwise it would be difficult. "

Casually glanced at the traversers around, the blond man said with a smile: "You may not know, in fact, this game test is just to provide those family forces with a chance to get a closer look at the world of Loucheng.

I dare say that one-third of the traversers here have the shadows of those family forces behind them, and they shoulder their own missions. "

Looking at the stunned frail young man, the blond man smiled, ignored his simple-minded friend, and continued: "After this investigation is over, I will apply to the Administration Bureau to immigrate to Loucheng World, and at the same time my The team will also come together.

My dear friend, I wonder if you are interested in staying here and creating our brilliant career together? "

Seeing the serious and expectant eyes of the blond man, the frail young man on the opposite side hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry buddy, you should know my dream, so I'm sorry, maybe I can't help you. "

"It's a pity, but it doesn't matter, even if we can't work together, it still can't affect our friendship, can't it?
"Of course, my friend"

Having said that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Although each other's personalities and ideals are different, the two have known each other for many years, but they will never affect their deep friendship because of this kind of thing!
(End of this chapter)

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