I have a city in another world

Chapter 852 The floating island arrives!

Chapter 852 The floating island arrives!

Compared with the ocean in the original world, the ocean in this water world is undoubtedly much more stable. At least Tang Zhen has been here twice, and he has never seen too much wind and waves.

Most of the time, it is sunny and sunny here, with little rain falling.

If it was in the original world, this is definitely a rare good weather for going out to sea, but for the wanderers at sea, this kind of weather has long been used to it.

If there is any wind and rain, the wanderers on the sea will definitely celebrate with singing and dancing, because in this way they can take a fresh water bath happily and have the opportunity to collect a lot of fresh water for drinking.

In a word, living in the water world is definitely not poetic and artistic, but full of danger and hardship!

At this time, on the boundless sea, there are more than a dozen garbage boats floating slowly, chasing a group of aquatic creatures discovered a few days ago.

This jellyfish-like creature is a rare delicacy for the wanderers at sea. Although it is very difficult to catch, once found, the wanderers will not easily miss it!

Food is scarce on a water world, and even more so in this barren region.

Compared with other sea wanderers in the water world, most of the wanderers here have a very difficult life, almost nine out of ten days are in a state of hunger.

The same is true for drinking water. Although after long-term adaptation, they can already drink a small amount of seawater, their bodies will still be damaged.

So in the water world, there are several items that always maintain a high price, namely plants, sundries, soil, weapons and food!
No matter if you encounter any of them, it is worth these homeless people to go all out to get it!
At the moment, a few young children were sitting on one of the garbage boats. Under the leadership of their father, they used the fishbone grinding tools in their hands to continuously throw them into the sea, and waited until they sank to a certain depth. , and then quickly retract the rope.

This method is somewhat similar to anchor fish, but because the number of aquatic organisms is scarce, the harvest rate is also extremely low.

Prior to this, these children had repeated the same actions for several hours, but there was no gain at all.

But even though they were tired and thirsty, these children still didn't have any complaints, and they seemed quite sensible.

In fact, the children of the nomads at sea have learned how to make a living in this water world since they were young. After all, this cruel world will not treat you leniently just because you are young.

In the absence of food, it is not uncommon for people to starve to death, but in more cases, they drink too much untreated seawater to satisfy their hunger, which eventually leads to poisoning and dehydration!
In the water world where supplies are scarce, not everyone has the tools to distill seawater, so fresh water is equally valuable!
On the garbage boat, a child threw the tool in his hand into the water again, and then yanked back as usual, but felt the rope in his hand sink slightly.

The child, who was listless from the sun, suddenly had a flash of surprise in his eyes, let out a loud cry, and then quickly pulled the rope.

The feeling of struggling and swinging became more and more obvious, and other homeless people also noticed this scene, and all turned their eyes here.


There was a sound of water coming out, and then a translucent aquatic creature the size of a human head was dragged up by the fishbone-polished hook, struggling constantly in the child's hand.

Seeing this, several children next to him immediately showed happy smiles on their faces.

Because after catching this prey, as long as they save some food, their family will no longer have to worry about food for today and tomorrow.

After all, under normal circumstances, the source of food cannot be guaranteed, and the wanderers at sea cannot eat enough at all.

The other vagrants were also extremely excited, because through this captured prey, they could confirm that the previous chasing route was not wrong.

As long as you continue to work hard, you may be rewarded next time you throw the hook!

But just when these vagrants cheered up and were about to continue working, suddenly there seemed to be an unusual sound coming from afar.

The biggest feature of the water world, apart from the absence of a trace of land, is that it is very quiet, as if this is not the sea, but a huge goldfish bowl!
All these abnormalities abound!
After the homeless people heard the sound, they immediately became very vigilant and began to look around constantly to determine the source of the abnormal sound.

After all, in addition to those big tribes, there are also water thieves in this water world, and they are all murderers without blinking an eye.

They all prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that they would never meet those cruel guys! .

Soon they saw that on the sea in the distance, a huge black shadow unexpectedly appeared, moving slowly on the sea with a shocking momentum.

That terrifying momentum cannot be described in words at all, and that roaring sound was also made by that huge black shadow!

"What the hell is this...?"

A wanderer at sea said blankly, with an unconcealable shock on his face.

At this moment, a black speck suddenly jumped down from the huge black shadow, and then rushed towards their position.

That roaring sound is also getting closer!

After seeing this scene, the group of nomads at sea suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, and then turned the bow of the boat without hesitation, paddling desperately to escape.

However, compared to the fast-moving vehicles, the garbage boats of these nomads on the sea seemed to be crawling slowly, so the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed.

At this moment, the horrified sea wanderers had already seen clearly the appearance of the chasing enemy.

I saw that they were all wearing uniform standard armor, covered with all kinds of strange equipment, and they were driving a strange water-spraying boat, quickly surrounding them.

This kind of strange boat can only take two people, and the tail is dragged by water waves, and the speed is quite fast.

Seeing this, the nomads at sea showed more panic on their faces, and began to paddle even harder to escape.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this moment, the nomads at sea only heard a rushing and piercing sound, which caused a series of water waves several meters high to be splashed on the sea surface, and even the garbage boat was affected, and was beaten to pieces.

Where had the wanderers at sea seen such a weapon, they screamed in fright, and either lay down on the boat and refused to get up, or jumped into the sea to escape without hesitation.

"Listen to me, we have no malicious intentions, so you don't need to hide, as long as you obey the command obediently, you won't suffer any harm!"

A monk in battle armor shouted loudly, but his words needed to be translated into a language that these wanderers on the sea could understand through the equipment worn on his chest.

After hearing this shout, the sea wanderers who were still in shock suddenly raised their heads in a daze, and quietly looked at these monks who were full of oppressive aura.

This was the first time they saw a stranger dressed like this. They only felt that the other party's weapons and equipment were particularly majestic, but the murderous aura emanating from his body made people shudder.

Comparing each other's strengths, those wanderers at sea gave up their resistance and sat obediently on the garbage boat waiting to be punished.

As for those guys who escaped by diving just now, after swimming a certain distance, they were dragged back by the ropes!

Also in this process, the huge black shadow that made the roaring sound has also approached the place where everyone is.

It turned out that this is a giant floating island made of steel, full of moving figures and various strange objects, placed on the edge of the giant floating island, exuding a chilling atmosphere.

Those sea wanderers looked at the giant floating island in front of them, they were already dumbfounded and couldn't recover for a long time.

Suddenly there was a sound of mechanical operation, and then a steel platform quickly landed on the giant floating island, which was at the same height as the sea surface.

Those monks drove the captured sea vagrants to the platform, and then the platform was raised rapidly, sending these vagrants to the top of the floating island.

At the same time, a more spectacular scene came into the eyes of these nomads at sea!

(End of this chapter)

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