Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 110 You Come With Me Really

Chapter 110 You Come With Me Really
When I think of this cute little girl, I have a feeling of protecting a calf. This little girl is so pitiful and helpless. The only person who can trust her now is me. Since I decided to keep her When you come down, you must be responsible for it, strive to make yourself stronger, and let it be better nourished by me. Try to come out earlier so that you can chat with it at night and teach it some cultivation skills. .

Brother Luo said that this little girl was originally one with the spirit demon. With the spirit demon's cultivation foundation, she is more suitable for cultivation. This is more similar to a feeling of awakening consciousness. If this little girl can return to the spirit demon's form, A master of this level, no matter what kind of monsters I encounter in the future, I will be scared to death when I release this little spirit monster?
However, I can't just hold on to this fantasy. When the little girl becomes strong, I must also become stronger. If the little girl becomes stronger in the future and I can't cure it, wouldn't it be tragic?
I rested at home for a few more days and drank Shiquan Dabu Decoction every day. My body recovered quickly. In addition, I practiced day and night non-stop. I practiced Qigong every day and absorbed some spiritual energy from heaven and earth and pressed it into my Dantian. They all seemed much more energetic.

I survived this little life, but I couldn't sit idle at home. I always wanted to go out and have fun. It was a coincidence that it happened to be the weekend. This guy Zhuzhu was off work, so he came over to play with me.Among the four of us, Zhuzhu works as a coal miner in the mine and goes home often. Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang both go to college away from home and only come back during winter and summer vacations.

As soon as the pillars arrived at my house, they started to purr like they were at home. When they saw me, they said, "Brother Xiaojiu, what do you think you do at home all day? It's like a hen laying eggs, and the other hens are still making contributions." Lay an egg or something. If you fall down, lay an egg for me to see..."

"Go away, go play. Your scar has healed and you have forgotten the pain. It's not all your fault that I am like this. You got drunk and went crazy on the night of staying up late. You had to go to Langtougou and made me squat at home for several months. I couldn't leave." Door." I said angrily.

Zhuzi chuckled and said a little embarrassedly: "Okay, that's all my fault. Why don't you come to repay you today? How about I pledge myself to you?"

As he said that, the kid took off his clothes and walked towards me while smiling. I kicked him on the buttocks with a flying kick. The pillar he kicked flew up in the air, and a big horse hit him. on the door, and then slid down a little bit.

I didn't feel that I had exerted much force with this kick, and the pillar flew up after I kicked it, which shocked me. At this time, I remembered what my grandfather told me. Depending on the severity, I might have thought that I could beat someone to death without much effort. Thinking of this, I was frightened for a while, so I jumped out of bed and ran towards the pillar.

Zhuzi was really angry now. He came up and said with a pale face: "Okay! Wu Jiuyin, you! I'm joking with you, are you serious about coming with me? Do you want to kick me to death?" "

I knew I had made a serious mistake, so I quickly lowered my face and apologized, but I pretended to be a grandson and tried to talk it over, so Zhuzi calmed down.

At this time, Zhuzhu explained to me the reason for his visit. It happened to be that he had a day off today, so he wanted to ask me to go shopping in the city, go to a restaurant, have a drink or something, or watch a movie.

I agree with drinking and eating, but I don't think it's necessary to go to the movies with two big men. It always feels a little weird.

These days, I have indeed been holding back enough at home, and I have also drank enough Shiquan Dabu Decoction. It is time for a change of taste.

In spring, when flowers bloom, the sun shines on the earth. Zhuzi and I ride a bicycle on a mountain path filled with the fragrance of flowers, and head towards the city.

After coming out, smelling the flowers and fresh air outside, I felt much more relaxed.

I have been on tenterhooks for the past few months, the spirit demon tortured me, and Zhu Zhu and the others were lying in the hospital before. I was full of despair. When I think about it now, it is simply unbearable to look back. But now everything is fine. I, Wu Jiuyin is still alive, which is really a gratifying thing.

I sat on the back seat, staring at the bicycle like an old scalper. I was humming from behind, thinking about whether I wanted to have hot pot later.

Originally, Zhuzi had agreed with me that we would ride a part of the way alone, but I just said that my injury was not healed yet. Zhuzi was helpless and stupidly believed it. He was pedaling the bicycle all the way, and I was happy to be lazy.

He didn't even have to think about it. If my injury hadn't healed, would that kick just now have kicked him away?
When I came out, I took out 2000 yuan, which I earned from working outside. When I came out of the hospital, I borrowed 500 yuan from a friend of mine. A few months ago, I was still thinking about whether I would have this money. The law is over, and since everything is fine now, the money must be returned to him.

They have all worked outside and can understand the hardships involved. Although the 500 yuan is not much, it is still earned with a sweat.

After riding for more than two hours, Zhuzi and I arrived in the city. Zhuzi fell down from exhaustion and sweated like a steam engine.

At this time, I let him sit in the back seat, and I took him directly to the house of my buddy Gao Jianqiang. I was thinking of making a phone call with Gao Jianqiang, but then I realized that I had never remembered his phone number. Number.

It was a coincidence that Gao Jianqiang did not go out to work this year and found a job in the city. It happened to be the weekend and this kid was also at home off work.

What else is there to say? We directly made an appointment with Gao Jianqiang and sat down to have a drink at a small restaurant near his home.

Zhuzi didn't know Gao Jianqiang at first, but after I introduced him and told him about the times Gao Jianqiang and I fought while working in southern states, they quickly became friends.

Friends of friends can always become good friends, all because they have similar temperaments.

The guys were all cheerful people, and everyone was having a great time drinking, and everyone was blushing and thick-necked. After drinking, Zhuzhu sat directly with Gao Jianqiang, arm in arm, as if they had been brothers all their lives. Halfway through, I took out the 500 yuan, handed it to Gao Jianqiang, and said, "Brother, I lent you this 500 yuan. As the saying goes, it's easy to borrow and repay. It’s not difficult, brothers have to settle accounts clearly, you took this money, it really helped me a lot.”

Gao Jianqiang was stunned for a moment. He didn't know whether it was because he drank too much or had a bad memory, but he said, "Brother Xiaojiu, have I ever lent you money?"

(End of this chapter)

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