Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 124 Spells

Chapter 124 Spells
Li Erhua raised his head and looked at me. Maybe he remembered the beating he had just received. His face suddenly turned pale. He hesitated for a while, and then he seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Okay! Master Jiu, I'll tell you this, but It’s still the same condition just now, don’t tell others, I told you this.”

"No problem, I, Wu Jiuyin, keep my word, you can rest assured."

Later, Li Erhua said: "This Tian Ning is not a mortal. His father is a small leader in Tiannan City. This kid just graduated from college this year and had nothing to do, so his father arranged him to work in this small town. A local intern, he is not a serious police officer. This kid has also had a son-in-law temper since he was a child, making trouble all day long. If it weren't for his father's relationship, he would have been beaten to death countless times. Even the university he went to was a pheasant university. Tian Ning and Luo Xiang have known each other since they were young and even went to kindergarten together. It was all arranged by him that we could come here to deal with Master Jiu..."

Hearing this, I finally understood. When I first saw this kid, I felt extremely displeased. He was always targeting me, and he and Na Luo Xiang were on the same team.

I nodded calmly and asked, "Do you know when Tian Ning's birthday is?"

This question made Li Erhua stunned for a moment. He didn't understand the meaning and said: "Master Jiu... why do you ask this? Do you want to celebrate his birthday? His birthday just passed a few days ago..."

I was speechless for a while. I couldn’t celebrate this kid’s birthday even if I was celebrating a pig’s birthday. Then I said impatiently: “Just answer my question. Don’t talk nonsense. The more you know, the faster you will die. "

Li Erhua nodded repeatedly and said: "Master Jiu, you are the right person to ask about this. I really know Tian Ning's birthday. It's just a coincidence. A few days ago, I went to sing in a ktv with a few buddies, and it happened to be in a I met Tian Ning in the private room. Luo Xiang was there at the time. It was to celebrate Tian Ning’s birthday. I went over to toast them a glass of wine. I remember that day very clearly. It was around 5 o’clock in the evening on May 17th. Tian Ning Blow out the candles, it happens to be this kid’s 9rd birthday..."

I nodded to show my understanding, and then asked Li Erhua to go back, while I lay there thinking about it.

It seems that this matter is getting more and more complicated. It was originally a very simple love triangle relationship, but it involves so many things at once. If I am an ordinary person, the person I offended is Luo Xiang, the son of the boss of Sanluo Group. This person The most important thing for a pampered person is money. The young master’s habits are cunning, arrogant and domineering. There is no reason at all. Just because of this matter, he dared to find someone to cripple me in a place like this. Maybe he would have done it before. Have you done anything outrageous?

This person tried to kill me over and over again. I am like a rabbit and will bite when cornered. I will definitely not let him go.

But now it’s even more complicated. Tian Ning has been added to the mix. According to Li Erhua, this boy named Tian Ning is also very powerful. So far, I seem to have offended both parties...

As for Tian Ning's, it's not a good thing. I almost fell into his hands today. If I don't show him how good he is, I always feel sorry for myself.

How to deal with this Tian Ning?In fact, I already have the answer in my mind.

Everything is in our old Wu's family's secret book of Wu family heirloom.

Over the past few days, my cultivation has been improving every day. Although the Wu Family Secret Technique is quite thick, I can’t stop reading it over and over again every day. As time goes by, I read the contents in it. I have memorized all the contents. Although I have memorized it, there is still a long way to go before I can fully comprehend it. I cannot learn all the techniques in one go. Even my grandfather, After living for most of my life, I have only learned part of it.

However, there is a simple little technique among them that I was able to master. It is a technique for summoning spirits. Originally, the Secret Art of the Wu family recorded how to crack this technique, and also described it in detail. The implementation process of this spell is to prevent our old Wu family members from being harmed by this spell in the future.

But now I plan to do the opposite and use this somewhat vicious technique on Tian Ning. If I do this, I will definitely be unaware of it. No matter how they think, they can't think of me.

Before, I picked out a few hairs from Tian Ning's head, which was the key to implementing this spiritual technique.

Now I learned Tian Ning's birthday from Li Erhua, so I can calculate his birth date.

Use the birth date and horoscope to match these strands of Tian Ning's hair, and then wait for me to go out and find some small objects for the technique. Once this technique is successful, Tian Ning will be possessed by the spirit, and at night, the whole person will go crazy. Doing some things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, it would be better if an ordinary spirit is attached to him. If it is some evil spirit, it can directly torture Tian Ning to death. However, although this kid is quite bad, he does not have to die. , I kill someone who doesn't deserve to die, and I have to bear the consequences. It's not cost-effective. This will cause care in my heart, and it's also very detrimental to my own practice. Therefore, I just want to punish him and get rid of the feelings in my heart. That's all the bad breath.

But these things still have to wait until I get out.

Thinking about these things, I was a little tired, so I just lay on the bed and fell asleep.

As for people like Li Erhua, I don’t have to worry at all. They have been scared out of their wits by me and will never harm me again while I’m sleeping. I beat them horribly even with handcuffs on, let alone now. Is a free body.

I had a very restless sleep this time, and I always felt that something else was going to happen.

I don’t know when I fell asleep, but the iron door of the guard room was opened, and I was woken up immediately.

The person who came in was the agent named Zhou Qi. He politely told me that their director wanted to see me.

I have seen their strengths, that is, the middle-aged man with a kind face.

Then, I followed him out. In a room, I met Xiang Qian. As soon as he saw me, he came over to shake my hand with a smile on his face and said that the matter had been clarified. I was indeed the one who was involved in this matter. I am wronged, I can leave here at any time now.

Moreover, all the things I brought with me when I came were returned to me.

(End of this chapter)

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