Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 127 In an ambush

Chapter 127 In an ambush
I watched Wang Chuanbao enter the door of the nightclub with two heavily made-up women in his arms. At this moment, my eyes must have been shining fiercely, and the miserable look of Gao Jianqiang and Zhu Zhu who were lying on the hospital bed appeared in my mind. There is also a messy scene in Gao Jianqiang's house, and even his big wolf dog whose body has become stiff.

Anger instantly burned in his heart.

Today, I, Wu Jiuyin, came here not only to seek an explanation from Wang Chuanbao, but also to smash up his nightclub. Just because he smashed up Gao Jianqiang’s home, I will pay him back if he hurts me. Ten points, let him know that the tiger's butt cannot be touched, and if he wants to be beaten, he will regret provoking me, Wu Jiuyin. This is the fate he deserves.

So, I'm not going to do it on the street, I'm going to hit his lair and impress him.

As soon as Wang Chuanbao stepped in for the two women, I followed him and entered the door of the nightclub in a flash.

To be honest, I have never been to such a luxurious place before. Not only because I am a child from a rural area, but also because I have been working outside all year round since graduating from high school. The salary is really pitiful. There is no consumption in this kind of place. I can't afford it, and I don't even know what this kind of place does.

Coming to a place like this today also opened my eyes.

As soon as you enter the gate of the nightclub, it is a luxurious scene. There are people coming and going, men and women, all dressed in extraordinary clothes, and the decoration inside is also very elegant. There is a crystal lamp hanging above the head. It is also very valuable. Seeing such an environment, I have a feeling that I have no way to start. Where should I start smashing later?Such an exquisite thing was smashed, and I still couldn't get rid of it.

I think Wang Chuanbao must be very rich. He owns such a big nightclub. I wonder what other properties he has under his name.

If a rich man like this is caught by Luo Xiang, you know how powerful Luo Xiang is.

All this happened because of Luo Xiang, but I was not in a hurry to find him. After finishing dealing with Wang Chuanbao, it would soon be his turn.

After entering this nightclub, I immediately felt dizzy. I was stunned for a moment. I almost lost track of today's protagonist. After searching carefully, I saw Wang Chuanbao leading two women towards the nightclub. Walked up to the second floor.

Wang Chuanbao's hands were dishonestly rubbing oil on the two women, causing the two women to keep swaying and giggling, and disappeared in front of my eyes in the blink of an eye.

I stayed for a moment, and then chased after him. When I reached the stairs to the second floor, I suddenly had a strange feeling. I always felt like someone was staring at me coldly from behind.

As a practitioner, I can easily detect the changes in the Qi field around me. Although my cultivation is still very weak now, it is very different from ordinary people.

I quickly turned around and looked around. There were still people coming and going behind me. There was nothing strange, but I always felt that there were more people going out than coming in.

I didn't think too much, fearing that I wouldn't be able to find Wang Chuanbao in a while, so I quickly ran towards the second floor.

Fortunately, I arrived in time. After reaching the second floor, I saw the back of Wang Chuanbao. He entered a room with the two women.

This kid may be a little anxious, but he didn't even close the door.

I followed them, opened them a crack, and walked in in a flash.

When I walked in, I suddenly felt strange. The room was dark, there were no lights at all, and I couldn't see anything. I held my breath and cautiously took a few steps forward. Suddenly, there was a sound behind me. There was a noise, and the door of the room suddenly closed. Then, there was a whistling sound in my ears, as if something hit my head.

Ever since I entered this room, I had been tense and carefully aware of the changes in the Qi field around me. So when that thing hit my head, I reacted immediately. Based on my intuition, I He dodged and then flew out with a kick. It felt as if he had kicked someone. The person let out a muffled groan and immediately flew backwards.

Before I could react, the lights suddenly turned on in the room, and it turned completely white.

My eyes couldn't adapt to the sudden bright light, so I quickly closed my eyes. At this time, there was another whistling sound behind me, and several things were hitting me everywhere in succession.

I thought badly that I was ambushed, but at the moment I still relied on my keen sense of Qi field to subconsciously avoid this thing coming from behind.

My steps kept changing, and my body moved several places in one second, but I still couldn't completely dodge all the sneak attacks. I didn't know what happened to my back, but I was hit hard by something. He fell forward and rolled to the ground.

Before I could get up, a big foot stepped on my back, and then a sharp machete was placed on my neck.

"Hahaha...Wu Jiuyin, I knew you would come to me. You have been in the world for so many years. If you didn't have some means, why wouldn't you have been fucked to death several times? How could I have fallen into this trap? On the hands of a young boy like you?"

I looked up and saw Wang Chuanbao sitting behind a desk, hugging him from left to right, baring his big yellow teeth and laughing triumphantly at me.

Next to Wang Chuanbao were not only the two women with heavy makeup, but also several shirtless and muscular men, with gloves wrapped around their hands, bright eyes, and bulging temples. They looked uncomfortable. They seem to be practitioners, but each one is a practicing family, and they must have extremely powerful foreign skills.

In addition to the few shirtless strong men, there were at least thirty or forty people standing in this spacious room. Everyone was holding a steel pipe or a machete, and they were looking at the people lying on the ground with eager eyes. I.

I should have expected it. After I was taken away, I was not disabled by the people arranged by Luo Xiang in the detention center, and was quickly released. This matter must not be hidden, because they have Tian Ning to do it. Insider.

I guess Tian Ning had already notified Wang Chuanbao and Luo Xiang as soon as I came out of the detention center.

Therefore, they had already prepared and expected that I would come to find them, and I stupidly fell into their trap.

No wonder I felt someone staring at me with malicious eyes in the hall downstairs. I was probably spotted by them when I first came here.

(End of this chapter)

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