Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 132 The little demon is cute

Chapter 132 The little demon is cute
However, Wang Chuanbao didn't believe it, but the two women with heavy makeup behind him turned their heads and glanced at each other. At this glance, it was okay, a gray and gray little spirit wearing a big red robe floated behind them, with the corners of his eyes. There are still blood stains everywhere, and the tongue is hanging out for a long time. The key is that it is floating in the air. What is this if it is not a spirit?
After seeing the cute little spirit monster, the two women with heavy makeup immediately let out an earth-shattering scream. Their faces were twisted and the glass almost shattered. My eardrums were also buzzing. These two The explosive power of women cannot be underestimated.

After screaming, one woman fainted on the spot, and the other also collapsed on the ground.

Wang Chuanbao couldn't help but not believe it. He pointed his gun at me vigilantly and looked back quickly.

At this time, the little spirit demon Mengmeng suddenly dwarfed and floated directly behind Wang Chuanbao's head. Wang Chuanbao turned his head and was face to face with Mengmeng. The moment Wang Chuanbao saw Mengmeng, his expression was really wonderful. I can't even describe it in any words.


Wang Chuanbao let out an earth-shattering scream, his hands shook in fright, and the gun fell on the table. He climbed onto the table desperately, hoping that he wanted to climb over the table and escape.

I walked over quickly, grabbed Wang Chuanbao by the collar, and pulled him off the huge desk.

His fat body hit the ground hard and rolled twice. He quickly got up and tried to escape. I kicked him in the crook of his leg. He knelt down again with a "pop" sound. land.

At this moment, I once again thought about the pitiful Gao Jianqiang and Zhu Zhu who were lying on the hospital bed. The anger rushed to my forehead. I walked to Wang Chuanbao who was kneeling on the ground and punched him in the face. On the face, this blow left him with bruises all over his face, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and a few big yellow teeth flying out.

"This punch was given to you by Master Jiu!" I stepped on Wang Chuanbao's back and said angrily.

At this time, Wang Chuanbao was frightened, his liver and gallbladder burst, and he was bleeding from the corner of his mouth. In fact, what he was most afraid of at the moment was not me. After being punched by me, he was still looking around blankly. An ordinary little spirit monster. Mengmeng's trace, but at this moment Mengmeng's task has been completed, and she has already entered my body along the Tianling Cap.

He couldn't see Mengmeng, but Wang Chuanbao saw my murderous face. Only then did he react, turned over, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to me, begging for mercy: "Jiuye... I should Oh... I will never dare to provoke you again. Please be kind and spare me this time... If I dare to offend you again in the future, I will definitely die..."

I smiled coldly, walked around behind him, and stepped on his ankle with one foot. I only heard a crisp "click" sound, and Wang Chuanbao's ankle was directly broken by me.

Wang Chuanbao let out a howl like a killing pig. He almost fainted from the pain. He turned over and held his ankles with his hands. He was sweating from the pain and his whole body was shaking.

"This kick is for my brother Gao Tianjian!" I said viciously again.

Wang Chuanbao cried, tears and snot dripping down from his nose, mixed with the blood from the corner of his mouth, and dripped to the ground. He looked extremely pitiful. While crying, he continued to beg for mercy: "Jiuye...my biological grandfather...please spare me." ...I was the one who beat your brother, and it's all my fault. I'll pay for the medical expenses...I'll pay double...I'm not as good as a leopard, a pig, or a dog. I'm blind, and I offended you...I was wrong. …”

I sneered again, grabbed one of his hands, and slapped it with one palm. Wang Chuanbao's arm suddenly showed a strange arc and broke again.

"This time, give it to my brother Zhuzhu." I said again.

This time Wang Chuanbao couldn't take it anymore, the pain was so painful that he didn't even have the strength to howl, so he just stared and passed out on the spot.

Just like this, I won't let him go easily. Before we finished talking, I stretched out my fingers and pinched his penis. It took a full 5 minutes for Wang Chuanbao to take a deep breath and live again. Come over.

But when he opened his eyes and saw that I was still standing next to him, he was so frightened that he almost fainted again. I guess I should have become a nightmare for him for the rest of his life.

Before he fainted to death, I passed by, and I sent me a melon seed with big ears, and Wang Chuanbao immediately became much more energetic.

Opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of bloody foam, Wang Chuanbao immediately fell to the ground, crying and saying: "Grandpa...stop...what do you say about this matter, draw a path...I will do it." Already..."

"Okay, this is what you said." I nodded and said.

"Well... you can do whatever you want, please don't do it again... I really deserve it. I regret it so much now. If I had known that Master Jiu had these methods, I would have strangled myself to death. I don't even dare to offend you. …”

"Well, my two brothers are still lying in the hospital. What do you think we should do?"

"I'll pay, double the medical expenses... no, no, no... pay four... four!"

"My brother Gao Jianqiang's home seems to have been smashed by you..."

"I'll pay [-] yuan and buy them all new...do you agree?" Wang Chuanbao said quickly.

I estimate that in Gao Jianqiang's poor family, the most valuable thing is a 21-inch large-head color TV. The total of all the belongings should only cost 2 yuan, and 10 yuan is enough.

So, I nodded and said, "It seems that the big wolf dog that my brother's family has raised for many years was killed by you. Who did it?"

"This... this... this was not done by me. It was killed by one of my brothers. I will also pay for the dog. How about I give you a cedar dog as a reward? A purebred cedar dog... Do you think that's okay?" Wang Chuanbao looked at me with longing eyes, full of sincerity.

"As the saying goes, if there is a dog in the family, if there is a bite, my brother Gao Jianqiang is often at home alone and lives with this dog. If you beat the dog to death, he will definitely feel distressed. So, you can just go and ask about this matter. He, you can pay whatever he asks you to pay, okay?"

"Okay! Whatever you say is fine!"

I was thinking about what else to say, and suddenly I remembered something. When Zhuzi and I came here, we were riding a bicycle, and two wheels fell off after they smashed it. I need to talk about this. : "Also...one of my friend's bicycles was also smashed by you..."

Without saying a word, Wang Chuanbao put his hand into his pocket. I didn't know what he was going to do. Was there a gun in his pocket? Was he desperate to kill someone? I immediately became vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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