Chapter 134

Hearing Li Kexin ask this question, my heart trembled. I thought she must have got some news, so I comforted her and said: "There is no trouble. He just found a few hooligans to deal with me and let me fight them all." He ran away, and since then, he hasn’t bothered me again. I’m at my house now, and I have some things to deal with. When I’m done, I’ll go find you again, okay?”

I had to lie to Li Kexin and make things very simple. After all, she is a simple little girl. If she knew about the dirty things Luo Xiang did, she would definitely be frightened. Talking too much would be useless. Add to her worries.

"Yes." Li Kexin responded and said with some hesitation: "Brother Xiaojiu...Luo Xiang called me today..."

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "What did he tell you on the phone?"

"He...he told me to let me leave you, or he will find a way to deal with you so that you will never appear in front of me...Brother Xiaojiu, I am a little scared, are you okay?" Li Kexin His voice sounded slightly trembling.

And the anger in my heart was once again ignited. This Luo Xiang just caused trouble for me, but he even threatened Li Kexin. He is simply not a man. My fists clenched loudly. If Luo Xiang were sitting right now... If he were facing me, I would even think of punching him to death.

Seeing that I didn't reply, Li Kexin quickly asked: "Brother Xiaojiu... why don't you speak..."

I took a deep breath, calmed down my anger, tried to make my voice as gentle as possible, and said with a slight smile: "I'm fine, sister Kexin, don't worry, I'll be fine. He meant to scare me." It’s just you, besides, is your Brother Jiu that easy to deal with?”

"Yes." There was another response and said: "Okay, Brother Xiaojiu, take care of yourself. When you finish your work, remember to come to me. I'm either in the hospital or at home. I'm here. Call me when the time comes.”

"Okay, it will be processed soon, just wait." After saying this, I suddenly smiled again, added, and asked: "So, sister Kexin, have you missed me these days? ?”

"Hai Ling, I don't miss you... Goodbye." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

A small burst of happiness suddenly filled my heart. I thought of the beautiful girl Kexin on the other side of the phone, blushing with embarrassment. She was so charming.

As soon as I answered the phone, my big bowl of Chaos was served. I picked up the spoon and was about to eat, when I suddenly felt a large shadow blocking my face, and it smelled very bad around me. What was this? Condition?
I looked up and saw a little monk standing in front of me, carrying a yellow cloth bag, wearing a tattered monk's robe, and a beggar. Yes, this little monk looked young, in his early 20s. He looked about the same age and was standing in front of me, staring at the chaos on my table and swallowing his saliva.

Seeing me looking at him, the young monk smiled at me, bowed, and said politely: "Amitabha... the young monk is polite..."

I was stunned at the time. In this age, I could still see a monk on the street. But I quickly reacted and politely said to him: "Hello, hello... have you eaten, little master?" Let’s eat something together?”

"The young monk thanked the benefactor..." As he said that, the young monk sat down opposite me, and then pulled the bowl of chaos I just brought up to him. What's even more annoying is that this monk He also grabbed my spoon and started eating without saying a word. His eating appearance was really unflattering. It was like someone who had been hungry for three days without eating. He was not afraid of being burned. In the blink of an eye, he ate a bowl of Chaos. I even picked up the soup and drank it completely, almost chewing up the bowl.

I stared blankly at the monk, thinking that this guy was really rude to me, so I just said that, and he sat down to eat, and there is such a smelly and shameless monk?
After finishing the meal, the monk seemed to be a little unsatisfied. He giggled at me and said, "The young monk came all the way from Ziliang Mountain in Qiucheng District to beg alms here. Unfortunately, he has not met a kind-hearted donor recently and has been hungry for three days. I finally met a kind person, and I am very grateful..."

I chuckled and said, "What the's just a meal. Are you full, young master? How about another bowl?"

"Donor, you're welcome. Otherwise, I'll have two more bowls. I'm really hungry and can't bear it anymore..." The monk continued to say shamelessly.

Good guy, I have such a big appetite. It seems that I am really hungry. Didn’t I remember that monks now live a good life and enjoy government subsidies? Why is this monk so shabby?

However, after all, I am a monk, and I am also half a Taoist. Monks and Taoists do not distinguish between families, so I can help if I can. A bowl of chaos is not worth a lot of money.

At that moment, I waved and asked the boss for three more bowls of Chaos, two of which were his and one for me.

The monk thanked me profusely, and within a short time, three bowls of Chaos were served. The monk was not polite to me, and directly pulled the two bowls of Chaos to his side, and started eating again. Started drinking.

Looking at the way he was eating, I didn’t dare to move the spoon. In less than 5 minutes, two bowls of Chaos were poured into the monk’s stomach, as if they were poured directly into his mouth. Then, the monk focused on my bowl again. .

When I saw it, I couldn't. Is this monk's belly a bottomless pit?After three big bowls of Chaos, I still wasn't full. I was afraid that he would snatch this bowl from me again, so I ate it myself.

After I finished eating, I thought of a question. This Chaos is stuffed with meat. The monk ate it so happily. Is he actually a monk?
Immediately, I looked at the smiling little monk and asked, "Little master, didn't you eat anything?"

"It's quite fragrant. It tastes good. It would be better if I put more coriander..." The monk chuckled.

" this Chaos made of meat?" I asked doubtfully.

"I know it's stuffed with meat. It's delicious." The monk said blankly.

"Can monks eat meat now?" I asked again.

"Amitabha... As the saying goes, meat and wine go through the intestines. The Buddha remains in the heart. With the Buddha in the heart, it doesn't matter what you eat. What do you think, donor?" The young monk still looked at me with a smile, looking enigmatic.

It seemed like there was something interesting about this, but I couldn't refute it. Could it be that this little monk was still a senior monk? He didn't look like him.

At that moment, I shook it, ignored it, stood up, settled the money, and turned around to leave. At this time, the monk stood up and grabbed me.

(End of this chapter)

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