Chapter 137
This monk was neurotic, he looked like a neurotic, I didn't bother to talk to him, waved my hand, and said: "Okay, okay, I don't want to argue with you, you go to bed quickly, I have to do serious things, Let me tell you, if you dare to disturb me again, I will be in trouble with you."

The monk chuckled and said, "Little benefactor, if you do something to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, the little monk will naturally ignore it, but you just did those shady things, so the little monk can't just sit idly by. Are you using a puppet?" Please take the spirit of someone else and use magic to harm them? Are you a fool who doesn't understand that you are a monk?"

I immediately became angry. This monk really knows a lot. The key is that he is nosy, which is so irritating.Then he stared and said, "What do you know, a monk? Do you know why this family is like this? And the big wolf dog you just buried was done by the person I wanted to punish. Now I still have Two buddies were beaten so hard that they were admitted to the hospital and their legs were broken. If I don’t vent my anger on their behalf, is there any justice in this world?”

The monk was stunned for a moment, then came over and asked, "This is really true, please don't lie to me?"

I nodded and said: "It's absolutely true. Although that person didn't directly cause this, it is inseparable from him. The person I want to punish is definitely a good person, and he is also an evil person. We are all practitioners, and there is some truth. Everyone knows that if you use the skills you have learned to act recklessly and do things that are harmful to nature, you will definitely be punished by God, and it will also hinder your practice. Therefore, you monk, please stop meddling in your own business. I know what I am doing. , don’t worry, I’m not the kind of person who does evil things.”

After hearing what I said, the monk laughed, walked to me, and said: "You can say these words, it seems that you are a person who can distinguish right from wrong. The young monk will not interfere, but there is a saying, young monk But let’s talk about it up front, let’s not cause any casualties, just do a little rectification...”

"Okay, it's all up to you. Go to bed quickly. It'll be dawn if you don't bother me anymore!" I said angrily.

"I offended you unintentionally just now. Please forgive me. Do you need help with this technique? How about I come with you, monk?" The monk said again.

"No, thank you! Disappear in front of me quickly, immediately, immediately!" I said impatiently.

That shameless monk refused to leave. He touched my shoulder and said, "Little donor, we met by chance. It's fate. I still don't know your name. I always say I am Zi Liang." The true disciple of Master Shan Huijue has been relieved. Can you also tell me your name? Let’s make friends..."

"Wu Jiuyin lives in Gaogang Village, Beisu Town, Youyin County. Is there anything else you want to know?" I was really speechless.

The monk nodded and smiled mischievously at me. The smile made all my bones feel numb. I knew that this smile was up to no good. He immediately said: "Brother Jiuyin... what, the monk has something to do recently." It’s a bit tight, can you lend me some money and I’ll pay you back then…”

Oops, I’ve seen shameless people, but I’ve never seen such shameless people, eating, drinking, and sleeping. What I did almost killed me, and now you’re lending me money. Did I owe you in my previous life?
I was about to open my mouth to scold him, but then I thought something was wrong. If I kept blabbering for a while, it would be daybreak. I couldn't do this, so I had better send him away quickly.

"How much do you want to borrow?" I took a deep breath and said.

"Three there any..." the monk asked tentatively.

I didn't say anything and just took out the money. Last time I went out, I took two thousand with me and paid Gao Jianqiang five hundred. I spent almost six hundred on a meal with Li Kexin. There was less than 1000 yuan left. I was about to take out 300 yuan. After sending him away, the monk suddenly changed his mind and said quickly: "How about five hundred, five hundred!"

I took a deep breath again, resisted the urge to hit him, and took out 500 yuan, but he snatched it away. He happily turned around and left, saying as he walked: "Thank you. Brother, I will definitely return it to you another day..."

I still want to pay back the money, but I think there is no hope, so I will regard the money as wasted.

When the monk walked halfway, he suddenly turned around and said seriously: "Brother Jiuyin, you really don't need my help?"

I looked back at him. If eyes could kill, I would have killed this monk eight hundred times, so I said one word to him: "Get out!"

Immediately, the monk laughed and walked towards the room. Even when he walked, he looked mean. I really doubted how such a person could be a monk and claim to be Hui Jue of Purple Liang Mountain. Master's disciple, if Master Huijue knew about this, he would have to strangle him to death even if he traveled thousands of miles away. This shameless look has reached a level that has never been seen before or since.

Watching the monk walk into the room, I calmed down my heart-ache from the monk's anger and sat cross-legged on the ground again.

After a moment of relief, I rearranged the puppet on the stone, and started the method of guiding the upper body of the spirit according to the method recorded in Wu's family secret technique.

This time, the monk kept his word, and he really didn't disturb me. The energy flow was very smooth, but there was some backlash just now. After doing the technique this time, I felt very exhausted, and a lot of the spiritual energy in my Dantian was consumed. .

However, I can feel in the dark that I was very successful in attracting the spirit this time, and the spirit that went to find Tian Ning seems to be a vengeful spirit with some skills. Once the vengeful spirit takes over Tian Ning's body, , it must have been an excruciating torment. This time I was so angry that I had to torment him until he couldn't get out of bed for ten or eight days in order to relieve my anger. However, there was a prerequisite. Kill me, otherwise my crime will be huge.

After finishing the ritual, it was already getting a little dark. I put away the puppet on the stone again and walked unsteadily toward the house.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard the monk snoring. It felt like the glass would shatter. He was sleeping like a dead pig.

I closed the bedroom door, sat cross-legged on the sofa in the main room and began to breathe.

Although what I did just now was a small spell, it also consumed a lot of spiritual energy. If the monk hadn't interrupted me midway and caused me to suffer the backlash, I would have been fine and I wouldn't be as tired as I am now.

But now I have to recharge my batteries and restore some spiritual power, otherwise the little ghost and demon Mengmeng in my body may not be able to bear it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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