Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1376 Advance luck

Chapter 1376 Advance luck
This mark on my hand gave me a very bad feeling, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

From time to time, I feel some dull pain, and I don't know if it is caused by psychological effects.

I don't know anything about these techniques of Shi Guo, and I guess there aren't many people who do. I'll just wait until I have time to ask someone who knows a little bit about them.

After I got home, I didn't think about anything and just fell asleep. Maybe it was because my brothers and I drank too much at night and my head was a little dizzy.

Woke up early the next morning, the sky was bright, and I slept very soundly.

Only then did he realize that he had something serious to do, which was Zhu Zi's business, so he thought of making a phone call with Xue Xiaoqi.

At the same time, I subconsciously took another look at the mark on the palm of my hand and found that it was still there. It seemed that it could not be removed.

The call was dialed quickly, and after two rings, Xue Xiaoqi picked up the phone. He smiled and asked me what was going on, looking in a good mood.

I didn't talk about it first, but asked how the two old men of the Xue family were doing. Did the thousand-year-old wild ginseng I sent them have any effect?

When talking about this matter, Xue Xiaoqi seemed very happy, saying that the two old men had prepared the medicine for the thousand-year-old wild ginseng, and now their mental state was getting better day by day, and their faces were very rosy. Sometimes, the two old men were fine. When I was a child, I would often make two moves. Judging from the state, it would be fine even if I lived another three to fifty years.

Whoops, let me go, live another 50 years, these two old men will not be 70 years old, they will really become old people, it is unimaginable.

I heard that the two old men were in much better health, which made me feel at ease.

Finally, all my hard work paid off, and I did what I could for the Xue family.

After chatting with Xue Xiaoqi for a while, I told him about Zhuzi's situation. When I mentioned this, Xue Xiaoqi was shocked. He didn't expect that Zhuzi could encounter such a weird thing. He also said that The boy is indeed a little obsessed with sex. An old virgin was actually fucked by an old aunt.

After joking for a while, Xue Xiaoqi told me about this matter seriously, saying that he had encountered similar situations before, and someone had also sought treatment from the Xue family.

Nowadays, more and more people travel to Tongnanzhou frequently, and Tongnanzhou is very famous for its magic. Witchcraft, beheading, raising imps, and Buddhist amulets are all commonplace.

But this kind of evil magic has a great counterattack. For example, if you raise a kid, once you raise this kind of kid, you can indeed have smooth sailing and good luck for a period of time.

But this situation only uses your future luck in advance. Once all this luck is used up, the second half of his life will be very miserable. It can be said to be bad luck. It is best not to have this kind of thing. Contamination is just like contraband. If you only want to be happy for a while, it will cause endless troubles and cause more harm than good.

A situation like Zhu Zhu's is not very troublesome. He only needs to prescribe a few strong vitality-enhancing medicines and take them on time, and his body will slowly recover. In less than half a year, everything will be back to normal.

Xue Xiaoqi said, fortunately, I said hello to him early, otherwise Zhuzi would probably have aged prematurely, and in serious cases, he might not even be able to leave his descendants.

I didn't expect this matter to be so serious, so I asked Xue Xiaoqi to quickly prescribe medicine for Zhu Zhu and make his body better. This matter was completely left to Xue Xiaoqi.

Xue Xiaoqi also met Zhu Zhu, and we knew each other. I immediately gave him Zhu Zhu’s phone number. After getting the medicine, I sent it to him and told him to take it on time.

Xue Xiaoqi felt strange and asked me why I didn't send him over, or why I should go over to get the medicine. It would be better for me to do this.

In fact, after the Chinese New Year, I plan to go to Mujing Gubang Mountain Jueming Valley to settle accounts with Mrs. Huaxi, and to get the flower-skinned lizard over to Xue Xiaoqi. During this time, I have to plan this matter carefully. I can't care about Zhu Zhu, but I can't tell Xue Xiaoqi about this yet, for fear that he will worry about the safety of us, and maybe this kid will also be involved in this matter.

There is no need to speak of Xue Xiaoqi's medical skills, but when it comes to dealing with people and matters of cultivation, there is already a long distance between him and the rest of us. If he can't be allowed to intervene in this matter, he must not be allowed to do so. Its intervention.

So, I made up a reason with Xue Xiaoqi, saying that I wanted to go to Qingshan to celebrate the Chinese New Year with my parents. They had just been to Qingshan for more than two months, and I didn’t know if they would get used to it. , the Chinese New Year is about to come, I have to go there a day or two early.

Xue Xiaoqi didn't doubt it was a lie, so he agreed immediately, saying that he could just leave Zhuzi's affairs to him and there was no need to worry.

So, I hung up the phone and felt a lot more relaxed.

After hanging up the phone, I suddenly remembered another thing, which was the mark that appeared on my palm. What was it? I forgot to ask Xue Xiaoqi about this, and I didn’t know if he understood it. This aspect of things.

The medical skills of Xue Xiaoqi's family were inherited from a miraculous doctor named Xue Guiyi. I heard that the medical skills of Xue Guiyi were learned from a great wizard in the wood realm, and that wood village was very mysterious. It is a place bordering several countries in Tongnanzhou. In this way, Xue Xiaoqi should know some of these Tongnanzhou's sorcery.

Forget it, anyway, it didn't hurt or itch, and I didn't think there was anything wrong, so I didn't ask, so I didn't make this call again.

Don't you know that this phone call did not make a lot of troubles, but it is all for later, so I won't mention it here for the time being.

In fact, what I said to Xue Xiaoqi was not all to lie to him, I was indeed going to Qingshan to spend a new year with my parents.

After the Zhuzhu matter was arranged, I lost my mind.

There were still two or three days before the Chinese New Year, so I got up directly, freshened up briefly, went downstairs to eat something, said hello to Monk Hua and the others, and then drove straight to Baoren Qingshan Mountain.

The car he drove was the luxury car Wan Luozong gave him. Once he got used to it, he felt that this good car was a good car. It was very comfortable to drive, and he didn't want to drive other cars.The rock hit by Li Chao in front is a little deformed, and there is no time to repair it during this period. I once asked Gao Jianqiang, and he said that such luxury cars may not be repaired in Tiannan City, but in the capital area. Maybe.

I thought to myself, forget it, since it doesn’t hinder my ability to open my mind, it doesn’t matter whether I practice or not, I don’t care about that.

But when I think about this, I hate Li Chao's little brat and itches my teeth. If I meet him again, I will have to teach him a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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