Chapter 1403
At this moment, I have stirred up the muddy water more and more muddy. I feel like there is nothing I can do. I am completely a crowd of onlookers squatting on a tree and eating melon seeds to watch a good show. If I can have another bottle Beer or Erguotou or something is best.

But as soon as I saw the Huaxi woman releasing the flower-skinned lizard, I couldn't calm down immediately. This thing was too tempting to me. The biggest purpose of my coming to Guimen Village was this thing, even It doesn't matter whether the Huaxi woman lives or not. As long as he stays here and doesn't go out to cause harm to others, he has something to do with me. Furthermore, her own grandson also lost his life because of this incident. Xiaoxu and his girlfriend took revenge.

A battle was inevitable. I sat down firmly on the tree branch, pushed aside the leaves in front of my eyes, and stared at Mrs. Huaxi and Mr. Xue for a moment.

In fact, I was sitting on a tree branch and kept thinking, why didn't Mr. Xue, a bastard like me, escape?
After thinking about it, I soon had the answer.

First, it was because the grandson of the Huaxi woman did not die in his hands. He was wrongly accused, and the crime was confirmed as soon as he escaped.

Secondly, behind Young Master Xue is the Blood Witch Village, and behind the Blood Witch Village is Gui Yong Dao, which can be said to have a profound and extremely powerful background.

But this Guimen Village is just a small village, with only a thousand people in it, not as many as a small branch in Guiyong Road. Young Master Xue is very confident, and Guimen Village has no guts to touch him. , once the killer is killed, the Ghost Gate Village will not be far from the Death Village.

However, Mrs. Huaxi definitely didn't think so at this time. Judging from the arrogant look on Young Master Xue's face, she didn't take their Guimen Village seriously at all, let alone her grandson's life. To Young Master Xue, that child is just a cheap life. Whether he dies or not has little to do with him. However, the pride and authority of the Blood Witch Village cannot be lost. Running away in despair is not his style, but the child is Huaxi Po. He is the grandson of his wife, and his only grandson. The death of this child will simply make Mrs. Huaxi die. This matter must not be tolerated.

Neither side made it clear at all that Mars would hit Blue Star and a fight would begin.

Moreover, that Young Master Xue had already killed several great elders of Guimen Village, so the hatred became even deeper.

At this time, the two parties set up the arena and each released the poisonous things they could get close to.

Mr. Xue's Gu is a green poisonous snake that combines sword and spirit, while Mrs. Huaxi's Gu is the terrifying flower-skinned lizard.

As soon as the two poisonous poisonous creatures were released, they attacked each other without even coming up, just like masters exchanging blows.

They just looked at each other from a distance, observing each other's flaws.

The cockscomb-like thing on the green viper's head kept making a squeaking sound, but the pied-skinned lizard didn't imitate the toad, and kept making "croaking" noises.

I stared at them for 2 minutes, but these two Gu creatures still had no intention of taking action.

These two guys couldn't be more eye-catching, so they decided to keep looking at each other and pair them up.

I rubbed my eyes, and suddenly the two Gu creatures stopped making noise. When I looked at them again, I found that the two Gu creatures were pinched together, and the green poisonous snake directly grabbed the flower-skinned lizard. It was entangled, and green venom was continuously sprayed out from its mouth, heading towards the flower-skinned lizard, but the flower-skinned lizard seemed unaware, and a group of colored smoke appeared on its body, looking at it. There was nothing unusual, and the flower-skinned lizard was very direct. With one mouthful, it bit the seven-inch snake. The two poisonous creatures rolled and struggled on the ground, making a loud bang on the ground.

Less than 2 minutes later, the Gu snake was bitten into two pieces by the flower skin lizard, and they were scattered in two places. The strange thing is, even though it was bitten off, the green poisonous snake did not die. The body got together again, and soon became one again.

It was too late and then it was too late, but the flower-skinned lizard jumped up and pounced on the green viper again. Before the green viper's body could wrap around its body again, it opened its mouth and moved towards the green viper again. The green poison snake bit the body. This time, it didn't bite the seven inches of the snake, but directly bit the head of the poison snake, and then chewed it with big mouthfuls.

The Gu snake's tail swayed for a moment, and soon became silent.

Just when the Gu snake died, I saw that the blood young man's face suddenly tightened, then turned red, opened his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

Obviously, Mr. Blood's green snake was no match for the pied-skinned lizard, and it was ended by the pied-skinned lizard so easily.

I thought it would be some fancy scene when such top-notch Gu creatures fight, but it turns out that it is no different from ordinary animals fighting. High and low are distinguished, and life and death are just a matter of thoughts.

The only difference is that these two Gu objects are connected with the master's soul. As long as the Gu object dies, the master will inevitably suffer the backlash, so the Bloody Young Master spurts out a mouthful of old blood.

Fighting Gu may be that simple, but it only becomes extremely terrifying when dealing with people.

The bloody young man lost and staggered back two steps.

At this time, the two followers behind Young Master Xue suddenly walked quickly and stood directly in front of Young Master Xue. One of them shouted loudly: "Young Master Xue, run away! Let's stop Mrs. Huaxi!"

After saying that, the two followers went straight to Mrs. Huaxi, looking fierce and unafraid of death.

Young Master Xue was not a fool. He knew that he had lost in the Gu fight and his body had been severely injured. If he stayed here any longer, he would be dead. Then, Young Master Xue didn't stop for a moment and turned around and ran away.

But the Bloody Young Master was surrounded by a circle of people from Guimen Village. How could he escape so easily?

Just when I thought Young Master Xue was about to lose his life here, something unexpected happened. However, I saw Young Master Xue open his mouth and spit out a stream of blood mist. The blood mist flew everywhere, and suddenly It turned into a living creature, a group of extremely tiny Gu insects, heading towards the people in the Guimen Village who were blocking him.

The people from Guimen Village had already reacted and rushed towards Young Master Xue with all kinds of weapons.

But those Gu insects transformed from the blood mist swept towards the people in Guimen Village in an instant. The three or five people standing in front of him were immediately wrapped in those tiny Gu insects and fell to the ground screaming. Crouching on the tree, I could clearly see that within a short time, those who had been infected by Mr. Blood's tiny bugs were all chewed up into bones by those tiny bugs in a very short period of time...

(End of this chapter)

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