Chapter 1406
The opportunity is fleeting. While Mr. Xue is not completely exhausted and can still resist the Huaxi woman, I must take action as soon as possible to deal with the Huaxi woman. As long as the Huaxi woman dies, I think If the Thousand-Year Gu dares to come out to deal with the flower-skinned lizard, everything will be solved.

At the last moment, I used the finishing touch in the Xuantian Sword Art. A purple beam of light shot out from the tip of the sword and went straight to Huaxi Granny's back. If this single move was successful, Huaxi There is absolutely no chance of my mother-in-law surviving.

However, things were not as good as I imagined. When the sword spirit in my hand just let out a dragon roar, the Huaxi woman sensed it and quickly turned around to look at me. Her dim old eyes were full of fear. Her reaction speed was much faster than I expected. The crutch in her hand was directed towards the purple beam of light.

But when a "boom" sound was heard, the purple beam of light did not fall firmly on the Huaxi woman's body, but it fell on her crutches, and the Huaxi woman and her crutches collapsed directly. flew out.

The Huaxi woman rolled on the ground twice before she got up. She was shocked by my move and her blood surged, and a line of blood fell from the corner of her mouth.

I just injured the Huaxi woman here, and Young Master Xue groaned, staggered back a few steps, and finally half-knelt on the ground.

He raised his head and glanced in my direction. It was obvious that he didn't know who I was, and his expression was confused.

But when I saw that the sneak attack failed and I didn't kill the Huaxi woman, I was very depressed. However, I also injured the Huaxi woman. I just gathered strength and rushed towards the Huaxi woman with the sword soul. Go up.

The dragon sweeps away thousands of troops, the finishing touch, the sword moves away the dragon and the snake!
As soon as I came up, I used three Xuantian Sword Art moves in succession. The Huaxi woman was forced to retreat continuously. I had no power to parry and did not give her a chance to use the poison. I just wanted to use this series of moves. Under the attack, the Huaxi woman died.

But Mrs. Huaxi's cultivation level is better than I expected. I really didn't expect that this old woman is not only good at playing poison, but her cultivation level is also so good.

Being forced by me to keep retreating, the dangerous woman Huaxi was startled and angry, while accepting the move, she asked angrily: "Where did you come from again, report your name!"

"I'm here to seek revenge. Do you remember that you helped a guy named Chen Mingzhi, bewitched my friend, and killed his girlfriend. You have to pay with blood. It's time for you old woman to die!" "The sword soul in his hand was flying up and down, and the crisscrossing sword energy blocked the water that enveloped the Huaxi woman.

It seems that the Huaxi woman is really unable to resist. She can only resist with the crutch in her hand. She can't even think of trying to trick me. To be honest, I'm just afraid that she will try to trick me, so I don't give her any breathing space. Chance.

Just when I was dealing with Madam Huaxi, the voice of Young Master Xue suddenly came from behind me. He said in a deep voice: "My dear friend, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. Thank you very much for risking your life to save me. I will definitely repay you in the future and say goodbye!" "

After saying that, there was a burst of messy footsteps behind him, and the playboy turned around and staggered away.

Which ghost wants to save you, so he just said a few words and left?It's so disrespectful, and I didn't even say to come and help.

By the way, if this bloody young master knew who I was, I'm afraid he wouldn't have said these words. Gui Yongdao and I are mortal enemies.

I guess this kid was confused and didn't recognize me for a while.

People from Guiyong Dao should know this Xuantian Sword Technique very well.

But it's possible that because this kid is in Ning Yue Country, he doesn't know that there is a person like me.

I changed my sword moves at an extremely fast speed. The more I wanted to take down the Huaxi woman as soon as possible, the more I couldn't do it. After the Huaxi woman got used to my sword moves, her body skills seemed to be stable. many.

Sadly, while we were fighting, I gradually heard a large number of footsteps coming from behind the Huaxi woman, and there were many flames shrouded in them, and those flames were quickly moving towards us.

Oh no, people from Guimen Village are here.

After a while those people came over, and all kinds of poisons came out, I couldn't handle it, and then I had to repeat the mistakes of the blood boy, surrounded by so many masters from the ghost village, I don't have the confidence like the blood boy .

Seeing that I couldn't kill the Huaxi woman, I didn't want to fight, so I took out the copper coin sword from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and used the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. Thousands of copper coin sword energy burst out, forcing the Huaxi woman away several times. step, then turn around and run.

But before I ran a few steps, the piebald lizard suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking my way.

It opened its mouth and sprayed a cloud of colorful poisonous mist at me. I was so frightened that I broke out in cold sweat. I quickly walked around the flower-skinned lizard in eight steps, trying to break out from the other side.

The first eight steps of confusion went very smoothly. Just when I was about to perform the eight steps of confusion in succession, something tragic happened.

The Qi field around me suddenly fluctuated greatly, and the air seemed to have become much thicker. I had just performed my second eight-step move, and after only moving three or four steps, I was suffocated by the thick air. It was squeezed out from the void.

When I looked back, I saw that the Huaxi woman was grasping with both hands, and she was jumping up and down. I don't know what kind of magic she used, but she actually restrained my eight-step method.

"Surround him, I can't let this kid escape!" Mrs. Huaxi said extremely angrily.

While I was talking, the flower-skinned lizard looked at me again, swaying its flexible body and crawled towards me. As soon as I saw the colorful toad-like back on his body, a cold wind ran down my back.

Well, since we can't use the eight steps of Mizong, let's just run with our legs.

I looked directly in one direction, shook off the flower-skinned lizard, and ran towards the forest. After running a few steps, two elders in black robes suddenly greeted me in front of me. With a wave of my hand, a large area of ​​colorful trees appeared. The poisonous insects spread towards me.

I was so frightened that I dodged away, but even if those Gu insects fell on the ground, they still crawled towards me.

While I quickly retreated, I condensed the void talisman and came out. With a push of my hand, the two void talismans immediately turned into two big fireballs, crushing directly towards the poisonous insects. The two big fireballs kept rolling on the ground. Those poisonous insects that were directly burned crackled.

After just such a delay, I found that I was really surrounded by people from Guimen Village...

 Go to bed early~ Looking forward to tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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