Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1410 5 Poison Gu Venerable

Chapter 1410 Five Poison Gu Lord
At this moment, I was red-eyed. I was charging all the way with the sword soul, unstoppable. Those black-haired zombies had become vulnerable to my sword soul. With one strike of my sword, I could cut them in half. , some Gu Masters from Guimen Village who were not very discerning wanted to take advantage of me, and wanted to use their Gu to sneak attack on me, but I quickly saw through it, and with one move of my sword energy, they immediately fell into a pool of blood. among.

Along the way, I chopped down four black-haired zombies and killed seven or eight men from Guimen Village before I collided hard with the Huaxi woman.

At this time, I have killed probably no less than a hundred people in Guimen Village, and two great elders fell under my sword.

Granny Huaxi will definitely not show mercy, she will definitely keep me here.

As soon as I got up, I had a head-to-head fight with the Huaxi woman. She was very tricky with her cane. She was swiping and provoking, always trying to get on me. I knew without even thinking that there must be a poison on the cane. And her voodoo must be very powerful, but I don't know if the thousand-year voodoo can be solved. I don't dare to be too careless. My limbs must not be touched by the crutch of the Huaxi woman.

These few strikes I made were very fierce, and the Huaxi lady couldn't bear it anymore, and was forced by me to keep retreating.

At this moment, the two great wizards who had just fought with the sword spirit rushed over and joined the battle group, which relieved the pressure on the Huaxi woman.

There are also countless Gu masters from Guimen Village who are going around, constantly casting poison on me.

I felt a clattering sound under my feet, and many poisonous insects were crawling towards me. I could hide from these poisonous insects. If I couldn't avoid them, I would just let those poisonous insects bite me. Anyway, I couldn't care less about it. Fortunately, the thousand-year poison was swirling around in my body, helping me quickly get rid of the influence of those poisons on me.

When I was fighting the most intense fight with Mrs. Huaxi and the elders, I suddenly felt something was not right. It seemed like something was crawling along my ankle and onto my thigh. When I reacted, the thing bit me hard on my thigh. I felt a stinging pain in my thigh, and then I lost feeling in one leg.

Suddenly, I was hit by a knife in the chest, blood spurted out, and then the Huaxi woman's crutch struck me hard, knocking me away.

My mind was spinning, my whole body flew into the air, and then landed heavily on the ground.

After my body hit the ground, the first thing I felt was not pain, but numbness.

First my legs were numb, then my whole body went numb and I lost all consciousness.

My head was buzzing, and I felt like there were countless bugs crawling in my body. The moment I was about to pass out, I suddenly saw something crawling onto my chest. That thing was covered in colorful A colorful and bumpy lizard.

This thing just bit me on the thigh, causing me to lose consciousness all over.

I said something was wrong. I turned on the light and didn't notice the existence of the piebald lizard. It turned out that this little thing was hiding in the dark, always looking for opportunities to sneak up on me, and it was mixed in with the group of people just now. Among the Gu insects that surrounded me, this thing was raised by Mrs. Huaxi, and the Thousand-year-old Gu was afraid of it and did not dare to come out to remove the poison for me.

In addition to the flower-skinned lizard lying on my chest, I also saw two elders from Guimen Village running towards me with wooden swords and murderous looks on their faces.

It's over, it's over...this time my life is definitely at risk.

Before the two great elders from Guimen Village rushed to my side, my eyes suddenly blurred and I fainted.

It felt like there was darkness all around, and there seemed to be a consciousness in my mind that was constantly communicating with me. My consciousness began to gather from the boundless darkness, and an image suddenly formed in my mind. It turned out to be the thousand-year-old Gu in my body. Calling me.

The thousand-year-old Gu told me not to move, let alone open my eyes, and to continue pretending to be dead. It was trying to find a way to remove the poison that the flower-skinned lizard had cast on me.

Afterwards, the Thousand-Year Gu cut off its connection with my consciousness. Then, I could feel it quickly moving around my body, and my body began to slowly regain some consciousness.

I tried to move my body slightly, but found that I couldn't move at all. Only then did I realize that I was tied up by Wu Hua Da, and my body was still shaking up and down.

I opened my eyes a little and looked to the side with the corner of my eye, only to see that I was already tied to a stretcher, being carried by four men from Guimen Village, swaying towards Walking ahead.

On one side of me, there are two great wizards from Guimen Village and Mrs. Huaxi.

"Great witch... This kid just killed so many people in our village. Why don't you just kill him and avenge the people in the village?" One of the elders asked the Huaxi woman.

"It's precisely because he killed so many of us that we can't let him die so happily. Even though he is young, he has superb cultivation. When I fought with him just now, I could feel him There are some very terrifying and powerful forces hidden in his body, wouldn't it be a waste to kill him, don't you think?" The Huaxi woman said with a sinister smile.

"I understand, the great wizard wants to use this kid to feed the Five Poison Gu Master. If the Five Poison Gu Master can digest the energy in this kid, then no one will dare to covet our Guimen Village anymore... ..." said the great elder.

"It seems that you are not too stupid. The Five Poison Gu Master we have refined has been around for some years and has not yet been fully formed. If the Five Poison Gu Master can swallow him, it may be possible to facilitate this matter. Once we refine the Five Poison Gu Master, The Gu Master has been refined, let alone the Blood Witch Village, even if the four elders of Guiyong Road come together, there will be no return." Huaxi Granny said.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful. The great wizard has thought carefully." The great elder laughed.

What they said happened to be in my ears, and I couldn't help but feel horrified. What the hell is this Five Poison Gu Master?I heard that Mrs. Huaxi wanted to feed me to Gu.

At this time, the great elder glanced at me and said with some worry: "Great witch, this guy is so capable, he won't be able to break the poison you planted, don't ruin our good things..."

"No, he was bitten by a lizard just now. The poison the lizard gave him can paralyze all the nerves in his body. He will be in a state of paralysis for three days and it is impossible to wake up. , he will use it to feed the Five Poison Gu Master soon, and there will be no splash..."

(End of this chapter)

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