Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 149 The Ruthless Man of 1 and 1

Chapter 149 A first-rate ruthless person

Then I got up from the ground and rushed towards the man in one step.

The man in black showed that he was well-trained. He threw aside the spear in his hand, took out a guard thorn from his body, and stabbed it towards my heart. Fortunately, I reacted in time and dodged. The guard thorn pierced under my arm.

I immediately grabbed the man's wrist and wanted to snatch Wei Ci from his hand, but the boy really had a second hand. He quickly pulled out a dagger with his other hand and stabbed it towards my waist. .

I raised my foot and kicked his arm holding the dagger, knocking the dagger away from his hand.

This kid rushed over suddenly, and put his head against my chest, and the two of us fell to the ground, rolling over and over again.

He is really a master. Although he is not a practitioner, he is decisive and ruthless in his actions, and his moves are crisp and clean. All his moves are aimed at killing people. When we were rolling on the ground together, this kid actually took out another weapon from his body. The sharp blade was thrust towards my heart.

I thought to myself, if I don't show off my power, you still treat me like a sick cat. I was so angry that I secretly exerted my strength and struck the man in black on the shoulder with a soft palm move.

The man in black let out a muffled groan, and his body flew out when I slapped him. He hit a rock not far away and then slid down.

If my palm were to hit an ordinary person, he would definitely be unable to stand up, but this kid's physical fitness is really extraordinary. He staggered to his feet while holding on to the stone, and turned around and wanted to run away.

Want to run?

If I, Wu Jiuyin, let you run away today, I would cut off my head and use it as a chamber pot for you.

At that moment, I rushed forward with a single step and slapped his back again. The kid threw back a dagger. I swayed, grabbed the dagger with my backhand and caught it in my hand. Here, he immediately treated him in his own way and threw the dagger to him again.

I didn't strike at his vitals, but stuck the dagger deeply into his thigh. The kid let out another muffled groan and knelt on the ground with one leg. He still got up and dragged A bleeding thigh kept running.

Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?
It seems like I'm going to give you something cruel. I immediately chased after him, poured my spiritual power into one leg, and kicked him towards the ankle. This time, that's really cruel. I can Hearing a very crisp sound of bones breaking, the boy finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground, letting out a scream.

Despite this, the man in black still crawled forward with both hands. I slowly walked towards him with a murderous look on my face. I stepped on his back with one foot and asked in a cold voice: "I want to live." Yes, tell me who sent you..."

The man in black turned his head, even wearing a black mask, with a fierce look in his eyes. He turned back and stabbed my leg with a dagger.

I had been prepared for it, and when I kicked him in the arm, there was another "click" sound of bones breaking. The kid's arm was broken again, and the dagger fell to the ground.

This guy is definitely a first-rate ruthless person. After being kicked off his arm, he didn't even grunt. He just lay on the ground like a dead dog, looking like he was ready to be slaughtered by me.

"You won't tell me, right? I have a way to make you tell me!" I was in a very unhappy mood. He happened to bump into me when I was angry. It was really his bad luck. I stepped on his other uninjured leg with one step. In the crook of the leg, this foot was heavier than the previous ones. It was inevitable that the bones would be broken. Moreover, I stepped on his joint with this foot and the whole thing was crushed. It will never recover. of injury.

The boy was shaking all over in pain, but he still gritted his teeth without saying a word, and clasped his fingers on the ground, even drawing blood. The pain was inevitable.

Since he plans to take my life, I will definitely not make it easy for him. Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. This is Wu Jiuyin's style of doing things. He will never give up until he is convinced.

Two arms and two legs, I destroyed three of them at once, and this guy only had one arm left that could move. I immediately turned around and walked in front of the man in black, and reached out to hold his last movable arm. hand, and said in a cold voice: "Brother, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't say anything else, your arm will be useless..."

The man in black's eyes hurt so much that they bled, but the cold light remained, and his murderous aura was fierce. He gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me if you dare. What the hell are you talking about? If I blink my eyes, I'm not my father." Mother-in-law!"

"Yes! I, Wu Jiuyin, admire a man like you!" After saying that, I slapped his arm with one palm, and the last arm was displayed in front of me in a strange arc. It's definitely a comminuted fracture.

The man in black couldn't bear it anymore. He trembled all over, fell down and fainted.

At this time, Mengmeng was still floating in the air, looking at me blankly without saying a word. She was probably frightened by the ferocity I showed.

When I saw it, my heart suddenly felt soft, and I said to Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, don't be afraid, he wants to kill brother, brother has to do this..."

Mengmeng nodded sensibly and fell down from the air, returning to her former cute appearance.

"Mengmeng, come in, brother doesn't want to scare you." I said softly.

"Brother... I'm already alert. What else is there to be afraid of... Mengmeng wants to see my brother beat up bad guys." Mengmeng said, blinking her big eyes.

"That's not okay, it's not suitable for children, you can't watch it, you'd better come in." I said again.

"Okay then..." Mengmeng pouted her little mouth, and reluctantly turned into a ball of red mist, got into my Tianling Cap, and continued to stay in my Dantian.

I took a deep breath, groped for a while on the man in black, and found a pack of cigarettes and a zippo lighter. I lit a cigarette and sat next to the man in black. I took a deep breath, but I was coughing so much that I couldn't stop coughing. I don't know how to smoke very much, and now I am a little worried. I smoked one to relieve my sad mood at this time.

Halfway through smoking, I crushed the butt of the cigarette out. I looked at the man in black again. After doing a few hand gestures, I imprinted it on his Tianling Cap, and input a stream of spiritual power into his body. After a while, the man in black woke up. When he raised his head, he saw me again. This time, his eyes were full of fear.

 Thanks to Hongchen Lianxin for your full support, I will add a special chapter to express my gratitude, recommend votes, support all kinds of votes, brothers and sisters~

(End of this chapter)

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