Chapter 154

Shui'er has lost a lot of weight in the past few days, and her eyes have always been red. I walked up to her and wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know what to say. In the end, I just sighed.

"Brother Xiaojiu... When my grandma left, she asked me to give you something, and she said that I could only give it to you when there was no one around..." Shui'er said with big watery eyes.

I looked at Shui'er, suspicious in my heart. I didn't know what Granny Lin wanted to give me, so I immediately said, "Didn't your grandma say anything to you when she left?"

Shui'er shook his head and said, "Grandma just asked me to give you something, without saying anything."

"Then what's wrong with your grandma, do you know?" I asked again.

Shui'er shook her head and said, "Grandma said you'll understand when you see those things."

This aroused my curiosity, much like knowing what Granny Lin left for me. At this time, Shui'er suddenly turned around and walked towards the bamboo forest behind her house. I followed her closely. .

After walking to the back of the bamboo forest, Shui'er pushed aside a thick bamboo leaf, and took out a yellow cloth bag from inside.

I've seen this yellow cloth bag before, when Granny Lin was carrying this yellow cloth bag on her back when Zhu Zi and the others removed the corpse poison.

"Brother Xiaojiu... Open it and have a look." Shui'er handed the bag in front of me.

I took the yellow cloth bag from Shui'er and opened it gently. The first thing that caught my eye was an ancient seven-star copper coin sword. This was the magic weapon used by Granny Lin. I have also seen it. Granny Lin was the original sword. Use this sword to deal with the little spirit monster.

Then, there was a broken book inside, very thin, with a few words written on the cover: "Seven Star Copper Coin Sword Formation"

In addition, there was a letter written with a brush inside. I opened the letter with trembling hands. The handwriting was very delicate, but it also revealed a domineering tone.

The letter read: "Xiaojiu... Mother-in-law, I know you will definitely come, and I also want to know why my mother-in-law passed away suddenly. In fact, the reason why I left is very simple, everything is because of Shui'er. This girl Shui'er is born with a bad personality, even much worse than yours. You have a strong Yang energy, so your grandfather gave you the name Jiuyin to suppress the Yang energy in you. That's right. As the so-called yin does not grow, yang does not grow, and a strong yang energy is not necessarily a good thing, but it is much better than Shui'er. Shui'er is born with the four yin fates, and is most likely to provoke spiritual creatures, even a small solitary person. The wild soul spirit can easily kill her. These years, Shui'er has been following her mother-in-law, so nothing will happen to her. However, just a few days ago, Shui'er still bumped into an evil spirit and almost To kill her, my mother-in-law will use all her strength to seriously injure the ominous spirit in the old house, but after that, it will be rotten, time is running out, and I am afraid that she will not be able to continue to take care of Shui'er."

"Originally, my mother-in-law estimated that she could live for more than half a year, but she had to leave. While she was still breathing, she poured all her spiritual power into the bone jade Buddha. This way, she could retain water for 20 years. No worries, if this happens, the old woman will not live long and she will go back within three days. Before leaving, I specially asked Shui'er to give you the magic weapon I brought with me."

"I have lived a confused life all my life. When I was young, I was favored by my master and took him to learn Taoism for a few years, but I didn't learn much. My mentor didn't let me tell anyone about his identity. I have never told anyone about this matter in my whole life, but now that I have returned, it doesn’t hurt to tell you. My mentor’s Taoist name is Wu Yazi, and he is a disciple of Wu Danshan. This body technique is also inherited from Wu Dan’s lineage. My mentor taught me not many techniques, but the one that can best protect my body and life is the Seven-Star Copper Coin Sword Formation. According to my mentor, this Seven-Star Copper Coin Sword Formation evolved from Wu Dan’s secret art of killing spirits and subduing demons. Yes, although this small copper coin sword is not as majestic as the spirit-killing demon-slaying sword array, once it is used to its extreme, its power cannot be underestimated. My cultivation level is shallow and my qualifications are average, so I cannot fully comprehend it. This seven-star copper coin sword array, but I think you are a good material for practice. Your old Wu family is definitely not simple. Your grandfather can see some ways. I believe he has led you to the Tao now, and you will have a bright future in the future. . I will teach you this skill, I hope you can understand it well and never shirk it. I have no other intention in giving you this seven-star copper coin sword and the sword formation formula. I just hope that you can help me take good care of Shui'er in the future. After 20 years, if she can't resist, you can help her. In addition, I can be regarded as half of Wu Danshan's disciples. If Wu Danshan encounters any disaster in the future, it will not be in vain for me to ask you to help me. It’s a lot of hard work on my part.”

"That's all, Xiaojiu, Granny Lin is still very optimistic about you. You will definitely do great things in the future. Remember my instructions."

Lin Suying's final work

This is the end of this letter. After reading this letter, I have mixed feelings in my heart. I am speechless and choked. In the final analysis, the death of Granny Lin is inseparable from my Wu Jiuyin. Granny Lin wanted to let me live longer. One day, I fought hard with that little spirit demon and was seriously injured. The injury never healed. If Granny Lin had remained at her peak, she would never have been injured like this because of an evil spirit. She told me that it was because of the water. Son, actually the main reason is because of me.

At this moment, I was full of deep self-blame and guilt, tears rolled down unconsciously, and hit the letter paper.

I took a deep breath, put away all the things Granny Lin gave me, then squatted down and looked at Shui'er.

Shui'er wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes for me, and said obediently: "Brother Xiaojiu doesn't cry, look at Shui'er..."

I nodded heavily and said, "Okay...Brother Xiaojiu, don't cry..."

But my tears still couldn't stop falling. All of this, all my depression and grievances were released, but I only dared to shed tears in front of this six or seven-year-old girl.

After calming down for a while, I said softly to Shui'er: "Shui'er, did grandma give you something before she left?"

Shui'er nodded heavily, and immediately took out the bone jade Buddha from her neck, and said, "Grandma gave me this, and I have to carry it with me every day. I can't take it off..."

I touched Shui'er's head and warned: "Well, remember to wear it with you every day. You can't take it off at any time. Do you hear me?"

Shui'er nodded, and said obediently: "Shui'er remembered."

Then, I took Shui'er's hand and sent him to the door of my house. Then I turned around and walked towards Gaogang Village. After saying goodbye to Shui'er, I didn't know when we would see each other again. I hope she can safe and sound.

 I recommend the book "Maoshan Corpse Keeper" by my good friend Pang Jiakang. If you can't wait, you can read his book. It is very good.


(End of this chapter)

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