Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 160 It's Broken to the Bones

Chapter 160 It's Broken to the Bones
Several shrill wails sounded, and the big-headed and small-headed babies suddenly fled in all directions. Mengmeng was finally freed and floated toward me. I walked quickly and ran towards Mengmeng, trying to catch Mengmeng. Meng Meng was put back in the Dantian to warm up and prevent it from showing up anymore. In the past, I only used Meng Meng to deal with some ordinary people. Meng Meng was naturally very handy, but what it has to face now is a very vicious practitioner, and it is still An expert in refining spirits, Mengmeng will never get any benefit from that young man. This is inevitable. If there is something wrong with this little girl, I will definitely go crazy. The end result is that everyone here will have to suffer. The cuteness will be buried with you, no scraps will be left behind!

I'm not kidding.

When Mengmeng was floating towards me quickly, another figure also rushed towards me quickly, that was the young man. This young man had a sinister face, and he showed a kind of viciousness at a young age. The cruel and bloodthirsty methods, I can be sure that these big-headed little spirits refined by this young man are definitely a sinister technique, so the few copper coins I just typed out were aimed at his forehead of.

That's right, I just want to kill him. Among practitioners, if you know the magic, you must not be a serious person. Any righteous person who encounters such a person has only one purpose, and that is to kill him so that he can't Continue to do evil again.

This big-headed little spirit must have been a normal child before, but to be refined into such a spiritual creature is unacceptable. I killed him to do justice to God.

But although this young man was young, he was very clever in his methods. When I was about to hit him with the few copper coins, he raised the black stick in his hand and swept away the few copper coins in my hand. The copper coin suddenly changed its trajectory and came towards me quickly. My steps were stopped, and I had to hide, otherwise I would be beaten to death by this copper coin.

The young man took the lead and jumped. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a black air spread out in his hand. He grabbed Mengmeng's ankle. Mengmeng screamed in pain, but only half of the scream. The young man quickly took it. A small gourd came out, and with a tap, Xiao Mengmeng turned into a ball of blood-red breath and was taken into the small gourd.

Just for a while, the young man hit me with a black stick.

This is the first time I have fought against a practitioner since I started practicing, and I am still a young man. However, this young man's cultivation seems to be better than mine, and his movements are much faster than mine. It seems that although he is young, he has practiced for a long time. Definitely above me.

Seeing Mengmeng being put into the little gourd by him, the anger in my heart was ignited again. I shouted loudly and quickly performed several hand gestures in my hand. The copper coins that flew out gathered together again. It turned into a copper coin sword again and fell into my hands.

Of the copper coins that had just been taken out, only the bodyguards were hit and fell to the ground. However, the big-headed little spirits and the young man were not injured at all.

The boy took Mengmeng away and sneered at me, as if he didn't take me seriously. Seeing such a smile appear on a child's face, I felt very strange. It was broken to the bone at a young age. , would it be okay if he waited until he grew older?
kill him!Get Mengmeng back!
This is my only thought now. At that moment, I held the copper coin sword and attacked the black stick boy fiercely. The short stick in the black stick boy's hand flew up and down, like a long dragon, like running water, and was made into a ball by his dance. Black energy lingered around me. I used the copper coin sword to fight him for more than ten times. The fights made a clanging sound and sparks flew out, but I didn't take any advantage. The boy seemed to be playing, very relaxed. is fighting with me.

I discovered that I was no match for this young man. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to me, a person who was used to bullying ordinary people.

As a person who has been practicing for less than a year, can I not be able to resist a practitioner who is a little bit more capable?

I do not believe!
At that moment, I gritted my teeth, my anger sank in my Dantian, and my energy surged all over my body. I concentrated all my spiritual energy and attacked the boy forcefully. Finally, I opened up some situations and forced the boy to take a few steps back.

"Big brother! Do you think you can beat me? I was just playing with you, and now I want your life!"

After saying that, the young man tiptoed, flew back a few steps, made a few strange finger tips, and struck the black stick a few times, making a "ding-dong" sound, and soon the black gas was on the black stick. All of a sudden, the young man appeared and ran towards me again with the black stick in his hand.

As soon as the stick came down, it felt like the sky was falling. I moved my sword to block it, and I felt a heavy and surging pressure coming down. Suddenly, there was a surge of energy and blood in my body, and it was so exciting that a mouthful of old blood reached my throat. I was stunned and swallowed it alive.

Caught off guard, the boy flew up and kicked me in the chest, and I flew upside down with a sword, and hit a flower bed, as if the bones were falling apart. The blood could no longer be held in, and it spurted out from his mouth.

He couldn't even beat a child, so he was humiliated and sent to his grandma's house.

I climbed up from the ground with difficulty, picked up the copper coin sword again, pointed it at the young man, held on and said, "Come again!"

"You're still here? Aren't you afraid of death?" The young man looked at me sideways, looking extremely disdainful.

"Whoever is afraid of death is the grandson!" I said viciously.

The boy didn't look at me, but glanced at Luo Xiang upstairs. This boy was sitting on the balcony on the second floor, hugging left and right, laughing, as if he was watching a monkey show. He cast a glance at me , and said to the young man: "You don't have to look at me. Since this kid is here to die, let him be fulfilled. After killing him, he will be fed to the dog directly. In this way, I can also have an account with those people, saying that he is a thief. My dog ​​killed me...haha..."

After that, Luo Xiang kissed the beauty in his arms. It was so arrogant. Why was I so angry after seeing it?
"Brother Luo, just look at it, no one can see how the person I killed..." After finishing speaking, the boy raised the black stick again, and moved towards me like a whirlwind. He was running towards him, moving like the wind and as fast as lightning. The black stick in his hand was filled with black energy, carrying a strong aura of death.

What's even more frightening is that there are five big-headed little beings on top of the boy's head who also pounced on him. This was a rhythm that wanted to kill me on the spot.

 Today, the editor suddenly notified that it was put on the shelves. I was a little overwhelmed and didn't have time to inform everyone. I'm really sorry.But sooner or later there will be a day when it will be put on the shelves. I hope everyone can understand. After all, Youlong makes a living by writing books. If you don’t charge for it, Youlong will have no choice but to drink from the northwest wind. I hope that friends who support the corpse exorcism family will continue to support Youlong. Long expresses his great gratitude to you. He will definitely live up to expectations and make the story of Exorcism more exciting. Thank you for giving Ghost Dragon a bite to eat.If you don’t want to see it, I also thank you. See you again in the future, and we will still be friends.

(End of this chapter)

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