Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1625 Escape from the cave

Chapter 1625 Escape from the cave
Master Yunyi can naturally feel that this wandering corpse is really powerful, and if it stays here, it will only lead to death.

Not to mention the wandering corpses, even if these hundreds of zombies of various kinds surround us, we can't bear it.

At that moment, Master Yunyi and I both used extremely fast lightening techniques, as if our feet were not touching the ground and we were flying forward.

The second senior brother also quickened his pace and ran over after us.

This cave is very deep. We didn't even reach the end before we encountered the group of zombies. Even if we wanted to leave the cave at the fastest speed, it would probably take a while.

Speeding all the way down, we soon caught up with Li Chao and the others.

It was really difficult for Yue Qiang. He held the weak Li Chao with one hand, and with the other hand held Yubo Zhenren, who had just recovered some strength, and staggered forward.

And behind us, the rich ghostly aura is rolling in, getting closer and closer to us.

If Li Chao and Yubo Zhenren hold us back at this time, all of us will end up here.

At that moment, I glanced at the second senior brother behind me, and quickly said to Yue Qiang: "Quick, climb on the back of the flaming unicorn beast!"

Yue Qiang stupidly looked back at the second senior brother who was burning all over, and let out a sigh, which was obviously a bit difficult to accept. The second senior brother's body was steaming with pure Yang fire, and it could be burned into a pile of ashes as soon as he climbed up. Yue Qiang That's certainly what I thought.

At that moment, I didn’t have time to explain to him, so I grabbed Mr. Li, who was weak and could not walk, and threw him on the back of the second senior brother, and then threw Mr. Yubo up. .

Simply put, the second senior brother became very big after his mutation, and he could still walk as fast as he could with three or five people hunched over.

When Yue Qiang saw that Li Chao and Yubo Zhenren were doing nothing on the second senior brother's back, he became bolder and quickly jumped on.

Among us, Yue Qiang's cultivation level was much different, so he naturally couldn't escape as fast as Yun Yi and I.

After the three of them got on the second senior brother's back, we didn't even dare to look back, we just kept our heads down and ran.

In addition to the spreading black evil energy behind him, there were also the sounds of countless zombies jumping and roaring sounds coming from their mouths, which was very scary to hear.

We were running away very fast, and our ears were filled with the whistling wind.

I felt like I was running wildly for about twenty minutes when Master Yunyi suddenly grabbed me and said, "Little friend, stop for a moment. Let's take the bodies of two fellow Taoists, Mingxiu and Mingyu..."

Even now, Master Yunyi has not forgotten the two corpses, which is definitely benevolent and righteous.

Anyway, good things should be done to the end, send Buddha to the west. I responded and put one of the corpses on my back. Over there, Master Yunyi also picked up a corpse and put it on my back. above.

Because I was so panicked, I didn't even see clearly which real person's body was carried on my back.

In other words, when our cultivation level reaches our level, a person carrying a weight of more than [-] kilograms does not feel heavy. It is basically the same as not carrying it at all, and it does not affect our speed.

We just carried the body on our backs and continued to run away, feeling extremely terrified in our hearts.

After running for another distance, I suddenly felt something was wrong. When I looked up, I was shocked, but I saw several jumping zombies chasing after me on the top of the cave above my head.

Zombies like jumping zombies are very special. They are not very high-level, but they are very fast, just like a civet cat.

I was stunned for a moment and said to Master Yunyi: "You go first, I will use a big move to suppress these zombies first. It will be very troublesome to be entangled by them."

Master Yunyi's face was solemn and he didn't say much. He just looked at me deeply and said, "Be careful and follow me quickly."

I responded and paused in my steps.

While stopping, I had already taken out the copper coin sword from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe.

Then he threw it overhead, and the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation was quickly formed.

All the magic weapons on my body are basically prepared to restrain zombies. Even the copper coin sword has a great restraint effect on zombies.

The copper coin sword is composed of dozens of copper coins.

And these copper coins are all coins of the Five Emperors. They are very old and have the emperor's name engraved on them. They have passed through the hands of countless people and have been contaminated with the yang energy of many people. Zombies are the most yin things, and the most feared thing is... This is the most yang thing.

The copper coin swords immediately spread out and turned into dozens of copper coins. In the blink of an eye, thousands of copper coin sword qi were separated and scattered towards the zombies chasing us.

When the jumping zombies above my head jumped down towards me, I used my corpse-crouching ruler to shoot them all flying.

These jumping corpses are far different from the jumping corpses that Mingxiu and Mingyu transformed into real people.

The main reason is that these two real people died not long ago, but they still carry the Tao of their lives.

After this powerful attack from the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation, I don't know how many zombies fell down, and even the rolling black evil energy was stopped. In fact, I wanted to use this move just now, but it was so There is one of my own among the zombies. I was afraid of hurting innocent people, so I never dared to use it. Now I have seized the opportunity.

I don’t know how many zombies I killed, but I still didn’t dare to delay. I put away the copper coin sword with a wave of my hand, turned around and ran away again.

After just a moment's delay, Master Yunyi and Yue Qiang disappeared with their people.

I gritted my teeth and ran for more than ten minutes at a stretch, and finally reached the end of the cave. When I got there, I found that Yue Qiang was not there, and neither were the bodies of Mingxiu and Mingyu.

"Where's Yue Qiang?" I asked.

"He went up first with the bodies of the two real people. We are waiting for you here. You quickly use the water-proof beads to take them up, followed closely by Pindao." Zhenren Yunyi said.

I responded and threw the water-proof beads into the water, and soon there was a bubble-like thing floating in the water.

Li Chao and Master Yubo were stunned. They had never seen a magic weapon like me.

After sacrificing the water-avoiding bead, I waved my hand to summon the second senior brother, and touched its head. The second senior brother quickly shrank in size and was put into the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe.

"You two, please, time is running out..." I motioned for them to enter the water-proof beads.

Even if Li Chao did something stupid again, he didn't dare to do it now. He pulled Yubo Master silently and got into the water-proof bead, and then I ducked in too.

At this time, Master Yunyi plunged into the water and disappeared without a trace.

 Good night, I'll update it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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