Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1627 7-star Demon Subduing Array

Chapter 1627 Seven Star Demon Subduing Array

I have seen this scene before, but it was a bit far away at the time. Now that I am closer, I feel an inexplicable shock.

Some people say they have seen a ghost coffin floating in the Kun River, floating down the river. In fact, the coffin is not floating, but there are nine zombies with high spiritual skills below dragging the coffin. .

Just thinking about it, this scene is scary enough.

When I was in the cave, because I was too nervous, I felt that the nine zombies carrying the coffin were very fierce, but I didn't know what kind of zombies they were.

The display of this wandering corpse is really big enough.

This guy has done many evil things and is the enemy of everyone in the world. No matter how awesome he is, he will definitely not be able to escape the end of his body and soul. But how to kill him is another matter.

The coffin is floating on the Kun River. It is floating motionless on the surface of the river despite the continuous erosion of the surging Kun River. Is this a demonstration against us?
Everyone present was frightened when they saw this huge coffin.

In fact, this coffin is not scary, but the eerie aura emanating from the coffin makes people feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone didn't even dare to breathe. At this time, the leader named Xu Peng from the Xiyanzhou Special Task Force suddenly waved his hand and ordered: "Fire!"

With an order, a hundred guns were fired, and grenades and grenade bombs blasted towards the huge coffin together.

"Da da da... rumbling" loud noises one after another, splashing the Kun River water in front of him, and most of the bullets and firearms fell on the huge coffin.

When those bullets landed on the coffin, a stream of sparks burst out.

However, they didn’t know what the coffin was made of. The bullets hitting it so densely could not even hurt it at all. The gunfire lasted for two or three minutes before it stopped. After everything calmed down, then The huge stone coffin still stood quietly in the water.

Xu Peng waved his hand, and everyone changed the magazine again. When they were about to fire another round, but before they had time to fire again, suddenly, the water in the Kun River began to churn, and suddenly there was a huge blood-red wave from The Kun River was churning and slapping towards the people on the shore.

When the waves started rolling, I smelled a strong smell of blood and putrid smell in the waves. I immediately felt something bad, and then I yelled: "Run!"

After shouting this voice, I left the shore in two or three steps, and the waves hit the shore, a distance of more than ten meters, and most of the special teams and Xi The masters of the Yanzhou Dao Sect were able to dodge in time, but the reaction speed of those special ans was still half a beat slower. Some of them who did not dodge in time were immediately hit by the blood wave.

The reason why I reminded everyone to avoid it in time is because the blood wave contained a very powerful corpse poison, and I could tell it apart just by the smell. The record will definitely not go wrong.

The people who were hit by the blood wave containing strong corpse poison all screamed and rolled on the ground, and then a pungent and fishy rotting smell emanated from their bodies.

If these people are rescued in time, they still have hope of survival. The corpse poison created by the wandering zombies is very lethal.

Seeing those people falling to the ground, and waves of blood constantly rolling out of the Kun River, no one dared to go over to rescue them.

But at this moment, Master Yunyi suddenly shouted: "Fellow Taoists, put down the Star-Chasing Demon Subduing Formation, don't let this wandering zombie show off his evil deeds!"

The so-called Star-Chasing Demon Subduing Formation is the most common magic formation in Taoism. Basically every Taoist disciple must practice the magic formation. Although the formation is ordinary, it is not weak in power. Mainly, this magic formation requires the cooperation of many masters. Only in this way can the most powerful effect be exerted.

After Master Yunyi greeted them, everyone remembered to deal with the wandering corpse.

At that moment, a group of people set up a magic circle by themselves, and arranged it like a big dipper chasing stars along the bank of Kun River. Those in the group also joined in.

As soon as the masters set up the magic circle, the surrounding Qi field was more powerful than the huge waves of the Kun River. It was really too powerful. The combination of these powers was far beyond what the top masters in the world could condense. strength.

Divided it is death, combined it is life.

In this case, everyone must unite.

The magic circle soon began to take shape, and boundless power was poured into the surging Kun River, and the waves suddenly became much smaller.

At this moment, I condensed a few void spells and turned them into a strong energy barrier, blocking me in front of me. I took out the corpse-laying ruler and ran towards the shore, and then used The mysterious eight-step method pulled those who were hit by the blood waves and poisoned by corpse poison from the shore one by one.

The corpse-laying ruler was stuffed into their mouths and helped them extract the corpses.

There were at least a dozen people hit by the blood wave containing corpse poison. Although I was very fast, it was a pity that there were still two or three people who could not be saved. When I pulled them, their bodies were already rotting. In disgrace, with a pull, a piece of rotten flesh fell down.

Even those who rushed to save their lives had permanent scars on their bodies that may not be cured.

After pulling those dozen people back, my spiritual energy was exhausted, so I squatted on the shore to catch my breath.

Over there, doctors from a special team came to treat their injuries.

While resting, he looked at the yellow ghost coffin again and found that the Star-Chasing Demon Subduing Array was already working, and the waves of blood from the Kun River had gradually subsided.

After a while, the huge coffin slowly sank to the bottom of the river, and a whirlpool appeared on the water surface again. The wandering corpse could not withstand the pressure of the star-chasing demon-conquering array, so it turned back again.

Seeing that Kunhe had returned to calm, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Xu Peng, the director of the Xiyanzhou Special Task Force, walked up to me and said politely: "Brother Wu, it's all thanks to you this time, otherwise these people would have died there."

I glanced at Xu Peng, waved my hand, and didn't even have the energy to speak.

But I was thinking, these people in the special team are really good. When we go down there to fight, let us foreign aids take the lead. None of the people in their special team participated, so they just waited on the shore to shoot randomly. .

(End of this chapter)

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