Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1642 Unless You Kill Me

Chapter 1642 Unless You Kill Me
I held back my strength on Li Chao's slap and used about [-]% to [-]% of my strength. If I used too much, I was really afraid that I would kill him with one palm.

The main reason is that this kid Li Chao used several big moves in succession, and his spiritual power has been exhausted. He really can't take my palm.

Despite this, Li Chao was thrown seven or eight meters away by my palm, spitting blood from his mouth, and fell to the ground hard. After landing, Li Chao did not get up again, and he probably had to lie down on the bed at least. It takes two to three months before I can walk around.

Seeing that Li Chao fell to the ground, I walked towards him slowly with the sword soul in hand. When I got closer, I found that there was a thin electric current rolling over Li Chao's body. The results caused by the heart-destroying palm, especially the heart-destroying palm, are full of thunderous intent, destructive and unstoppable. This is a method learned from master Shi Guoweimeng. It is the first time I use it, and I feel that the effect is not bad.

After walking to Li Chao's side, I stretched out my sword, pointed it at his throat, and asked in a deep voice: "Li, do you still want the corpse mirror?"

"If you want... why not! That is the magical weapon of our Dancheng Mountain... Unless you kill me, otherwise I will come back sooner or later..." Li Chao put his hands on the ground, looking unyielding, his eyes fixed. Staring at me, as soon as he spoke, blood slipped from the corner of his mouth.

The corner of my mouth twitched slightly. I didn't expect this guy to be so harsh even when he was about to die. I couldn't help but feel a little angry. Then I said fiercely: "You think I don't dare to kill you?"

"You can try it!" Li Chao looked at me without fear.

Just when I was about to teach him a lesson, Ling Mo, the leader of Shanqing City's special task force who had been standing not far away, came over, grabbed my hand holding the sword soul, and said excitedly: "Mr. Wu... No, Mr. Li is the son of Master Dan Chengshan. If you really kill him, you will definitely not survive. Both of you are young and energetic, and both of you are angry at the moment. Please calm down and don't be impulsive. Can’t we talk it over if we have something to say?”

At this time, the person from the special task force who had just carried Yue Qiang on his back put Yue Qiang on the ground, walked over quickly, helped Li Chao up, who was injured and fell to the ground, and helped him to the side.

This is because I am afraid that I will take action again and hurt Li Chao's life.

Ling Mo held on to my arm tightly and kept trying to persuade me: "Mr. Wu, if things get to this point, stop it. Mr. Li is this kind of person. He has a very bad temper. Let's not let him go." Just get acquainted with him, I will take him away now and go to the big hospital in the city. You go back to the village and kill the zombies in the village first. The village is still in a mess."

In fact, I don’t want to kill Li Chao in my heart, and there is no big grudge between us. It’s just that this kid is a little too stupid, which makes me a little angry. At this time, Ling Mo came over to start a fight, which happened to give me and When Li Chao steps down, I will naturally give up as soon as I feel like it. I don’t want to fight to the death with someone like Li Chao.

Ling Mo said a few words to me, then carried the unconscious Yue Qiang on his back, asked the person from the special team to carry Li Chao on his back, and hurriedly left here.

When Li Chao left, lying on someone else's back, he didn't forget to look back and glare at me, quite threateningly.

Of course I wasn't afraid of him, so I glared back, thinking to myself, you are still not convinced, I spared your life mercilessly, and yet you dare to show off in front of me, you are really tired of living.

Watching them leave, I collected the sword soul. Just when I was about to go to the village to return reinforcements, I saw a group of fire approaching me from a distance. When I looked carefully, I saw that it was the second senior brother coming.

This guy ran up to me, rubbed his huge head against me a few times, and barked at me a few times. This guy was obviously worried about my safety and came over to take a look.

That's what I thought. However, things were not what I imagined. But after seeing the second senior brother meet me, he quickly turned around and trotted towards a certain place, and started eating around a pile of things. , I walked over and took a look, and found that what it was eating was a black coal-like thing, but it still retained the appearance of a human being.

This thing was the corpse of the wandering corpse that was finally destroyed by the corpse-crouching ruler. It turned out that the second senior brother smelled the smell and followed the corpse of the wandering corpse.

I think back when Nan Jiuzi killed Drought Mother with thunder from the sky, the body of Drought Mother was eaten by the second senior brother.

At this moment, the second senior brother did not even spare the corpse of the wandering corpse.

But having said that, this wandering corpse is also an evil thing that has been cultivated for hundreds of years. Its corpse is also full of energy. If the second senior brother eats it, his Taoism will be improved, and the improvement is quite high.

I just don't know if the second senior brother will have to sleep for a while after swallowing the body of this wandering corpse.

Now that Mengmeng is not by my side, I feel a little stretched and restricted everywhere. If the second senior brother falls asleep again, I will lose my left and right arms. Go to Qingshan and bring Xiao Mengmeng back.

Seeing that the second senior brother was enjoying the meal, I walked over and took out the Corpse Ruler from the slightly charred mouth of the wandering corpse, put it back into the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and then informed the second senior brother that after eating, , hurry back to the village to find me.

The second senior brother swallowed heavily while humming a few times at me as a response, and then I ran towards the village.

When I went back and took a look, the village was still very lively. The experts from the special team and Xiyanzhou Daomen were all scattered, fighting fiercely with the zombies.

There were many corpses lying on the ground, including zombies that had been knocked to the ground, and many experts from our side. Among them, the special team suffered the greatest casualties.

After just a general glance, I took a deep breath and cursed Li Chao in my heart for that idiot. If he hadn't stopped me and had a fight with me, I would have come earlier, and maybe I could have saved a few more people. A life.

Immediately, I took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell, quickly chanted the incantation, and with the clear and melodious ringing of the bell, almost all the zombies who were fighting fiercely trembled and looked towards me.

Some zombies also changed rapidly. The black-haired zombies became red-haired zombies, and the white-haired zombies became black-haired zombies.

Because the sound of the Qingshan Emperor's Bell sounded, it temporarily attracted the attention of the zombies. Those masters took the opportunity to take action, and many zombies were knocked to the ground for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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