Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1661 New Accounts Old Accounts

Chapter 1661 New Accounts Old Accounts
I hate it most when people talk about the consequences. Whether it is offending Gui Yongdao or the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, others always mention the consequences to me. The young master is not as noisy as he is, and he is not living well now.

He is threatening me, but am I afraid?

"Surnamed Su, don't pretend to be a big deal in front of me. Do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed? I'm calling you this number for no other purpose. Don't you want to kill me? Then I'll have fun with you , There are many people who want to kill me, and if you are still not on the list, sooner or later I will find your head and settle the account with you." I said solemnly.

A sneer came from the other end of the phone and said: "I have long heard that the murderer Wu Jiuyin has great supernatural powers and is a person who is not easy to mess with. Now it seems that I have indeed underestimated you... Well, since you want to find I will settle the accounts, and I will accompany you at any time. Even if you don't come to me, I will come to you sooner or later. You know, you and our Su family still have several unsettled accounts."

"Okay then, I'll have some fun with you." I said without fear.

The person on the other side still sneered and said: "Wu Jiuyin, you are too courageous to make enemies of the entire official people of Yan Kingdom. You are the first one. I want to see what kind of tricks you can make, and I really want to. Know how you died in the end..."

"Fuck you..." I greeted Su Bingyi's ancestors, and then without giving him a chance to talk back, I hung up the phone and threw it on the ground.

At this time, the old man holding the double sword glanced around and said to me: "Let's leave quickly. I guess they have sent people over by now. If we don't leave, it will be too late for us."

I also knew that the time was almost up, so I glanced at the three of them again. The three of them were terrified, and their bodies were trembling slightly. It must be because we will kill them before we leave.

I pressed the sword soul against Li Yi's neck again. Before he could open his mouth, Li Yi cried loudly: "Grandpa Wu... don't kill me... I said everything..."

"Shut up!" I shouted angrily, and Li Yi paused, his lips trembling, and he looked straight at me.

"You three, please remember that I will spare your lives this time. I am in a good mood today and don't want to kill anyone, but if you encounter me again next time, I will definitely kill you!" I threatened.

The three of them nodded repeatedly, how could they dare to say no? The next moment, I took out the Ma Boiling Powder and sprinkled it in front of the three of them. The three of them fell to the ground one after another, at least within an hour. Unable to move.

After finishing dealing with the three of them, the old lady waved to me and said, "Follow me. I know where I can escape."

As she said that, the old lady put away her swords and walked as fast as flying. I also used my body light skills to follow closely behind her, heading towards the mountains and forests in front of me.

This old lady's movements were very fast. As she ran wildly, it seemed as if her feet were not touching the ground. Her spiritual power was also strong enough. I wanted to ask her who she was several times, but I didn't have time to open my mouth. She was running too fast. It was fast, and the wind was so strong as we were running so hard that we couldn't hear anything.

The two of us ran away at an extremely fast speed. It felt like we ran for nearly two hours before she stopped. She was probably hundreds of miles away.

At this time, we had already run out of the dense forest and came to a small hillside. There were dozens of families living on that hillside. She pointed to the people on the hillside and said, "Follow me, we can temporarily settle down there."

After that, she took another step towards the mountain. Not long after, the two of us were on the hillside, walking quickly on the streets of the small village.

It was already around eleven o'clock in the evening, and the village was very quiet, with no pedestrians in sight.

The old lady looked very familiar with this place. After entering the village, she kept walking. When she reached the middle of the village, she opened the door of a courtyard, greeted me and walked in.

I still trust this old lady very much, otherwise she wouldn't save me.

At that moment, I walked in with the old lady, crossed the yard, opened the door, and the two of us came to the main room.

This yard and house are very ordinary, just like a very ordinary farmer's house.

As soon as I entered the house, I held up my hands and thanked him: "Old man, thank you very much for rescuing me just now. Otherwise, I would have been in a much worse situation. I wonder why you have to come to the rescue because of your surname, old man?"

The old man looked back at me, waved his hand and said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. I am also entrusted by others to rescue you from trouble. You can leave on your own after a while."

It had been chaotic and dark just now, so I didn't take a closer look at the old man. Now when I took a look, I suddenly discovered some clues.

Oops, something is wrong. Although this old lady’s face is old, her small hands are very white and tender, just like the hands of a teenage girl. And the most suspicious thing is, whose old lady can grow such So plump?As soon as I saw her, I immediately thought of someone, but I didn't say it immediately. Instead, I said seriously: "Old man, who exactly was entrusted by you? You should be able to tell me, right?"

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? You tell you not to ask questions that you shouldn't ask, but you still keep asking." She said with some displeasure.

I chuckled and said shamelessly: "Old man, your temperament and temperament are very similar to that of an old friend of mine. That person is the descendant of ancestor Chen Ting. She is a beautiful girl named Chen Qing'an. I don't know what you recognize, old man. Don’t you know him?”

Hearing what I said, the old man looked startled, sighed, changed his tone, and said with some dejection: "You have recognized me like this, you really have good eyesight."

As he said that, the old lady pulled off the human skin mask on her face, revealing a pretty face. This old lady was really Chen Qinghuan pretending to be. Although this disguise technique was used very well, it was a pity that Still showing off his flaws.

We haven't seen her for a long time, but this girl Chen Qingan is still so elegant and beautiful, but her face is still as cold as usual.

I looked at Chen Qingan for a while, which made her feel a little embarrassed, so she asked, "How did you see through me?"

"It's very simple. Who can be as old as you? Next time you disguise yourself, remember to flatten it a little. This is too scary..." I laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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