Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 173 The Two of Us Killed

Chapter 173 The Two of Us Killed
This old woman is not at a loss, because I was fighting her with all my life, and I just wanted to exchange my life with him, so that I could die and live again.

"You...you...how could you kill me..." When she was about to die, the old witch was still asking me in this unbelievable tone. How could I answer? Killing is killing, no matter how much I say. It's all nonsense.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in my ears, and suddenly, a golden light hit the old witch again, and hit the old witch's forehead, the old witch didn't even hum With a sound, he fell to the ground and died on the spot.

When I looked carefully, I found that the thing that hit the old witch was the golden bowl of Monk Shixin. After the blow, the golden bowl quickly turned around and fell into the hands of Monk Shixin not far behind her. .

Monk Shixin was seriously injured, his face was very pale, there was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he was still half-kneeling on the ground.

The old witch finally died. I still haven't recovered from what happened just now. Not to mention that the old witch didn't believe that I could kill her. Even I don't believe it at the moment, but this time The old woman was indeed dead. Her body was right in front of us. Blood was scattered on the ground. Her head was cut open and her brains were knocked out by the golden bowl.

It is true that I am already dead and cannot die anymore. When I understood this, my whole body's guard relaxed, and a weak feeling of collapse began to spread towards my whole body. I could feel that after using the essence and blood, For me, the backlash has already begun.

But I can't fall down yet. I have never forgotten the real purpose of coming here. It is not to kill this old witch, but to teach that rich second generation Luo Xiang a lesson. He is me. The purpose of coming here.

I looked up towards the second floor and immediately saw Luo Xiang's panicked expression. At this time, the two beauties beside him had already gone to who knows where, and there were only a few in black formal clothes. The bodyguard stood behind him.

As soon as Luo Xiang's murderous eyes came into contact with mine, he trembled all over, turned around and ran away. How could I let him go? Before the backlash had completely swallowed me up, I He pinched his fingers again, pulled up a few copper coins scattered on the ground, and hit Luo Xiang.

As soon as Luo Xiang turned around, a few copper coins fell on him. I didn't see exactly where they hit him. I just heard Luo Xiang let out a miserable howl like a pig being killed, and was immediately beaten by those few. Men in black formal attire carried him away.

I wanted to chase him, but after running two steps forward, the feeling of exhaustion became stronger. As soon as my body softened, I fell to the ground with a thud.

I was so tired that every part of my body felt like it was being torn apart. The pain made me lie on the ground and tremble like a spasm.

Then, when I turned around, I saw the old witch's apprentice staggering towards me carrying his soul-eating stick.

I have been ignoring him all this time. This kid was seriously injured by me just now, and he has been sitting there recovering his anger. Now I see the old witch being killed by me. Are you planning to come here for revenge?
I was powerless to resist. Any ordinary person could easily kill me with a knife. I didn't even have the strength to move.

But just when the boy was still seven or eight steps away from me, a person quickly stood beside me. This person was the seriously injured monk Shi Xin. He held the Demon-Conquering Pestle in one hand and the other. Holding the golden bowl in one hand, he stood beside me, breathing heavily.

As soon as he saw Monk Shixin standing next to me, the young man suddenly stopped, stared at me with extremely malicious eyes, and said viciously: "Wu Jiuyin! I remember you, kill me." The hatred between teachers is irreconcilable, sooner or later, I will destroy your whole family!"

Putting down this ruthless sentence, the boy swayed and ran towards the back of the villa with the soul-eating stick. At this moment, I remembered that he had captured Mengmeng, and I couldn't help feeling a pain in my heart. He quickly said to the monk Shi Xin beside him: "Shi... Shi Xin... don't let him run away... my Mengmeng... Mengmeng..."

Monk Shi Xin looked back at me, nodded, and then chased the young man wanderingly, but he only took two steps, his body swayed, and he immediately fell to the ground and never got up again.

This monk doesn't look much better than me. The Angry-Eye King Kong on his body was beaten to the point where it almost lost its soul. This Angry-Eye King Kong should have been forged with the monk's soul. At this moment, the soul is damaged, and like me, my vitality is also severely damaged.

After just such a delay, the young man disappeared in front of us.

At this moment, the courtyard of this villa was silent, with only the corpses on the ground proving that there had been a war here.

everything is over.

Monk Shixin turned over hard and turned to look at me. Just when he was about to speak, a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, followed by a period of heavy breathing. After resting for a while, he said to me: " Wu Jiuyin... If I had known you had offended such an old witch... I wouldn't have come over to join in. Let me tell you... I will definitely not pay back your 500 yuan. It's not even enough for my medical expenses... …”

I smiled bitterly and turned over. This monk is really interesting. Even now, he still asked me about money. I didn’t even think about him paying back the 500 yuan. No matter how you say it, we are living our lives now. Let alone five hundred, even one million, I definitely don’t intend to ask for it.

The backlash of pain engulfed my body in waves. The pain was so painful that I couldn't speak. Even breathing felt extremely laborious.

Am I going to die?
Monk Shi Xin didn't know my situation, but he said to me: "Wu Jiuyin... Now we two have killed someone... What do you think we should do about this matter? If we squat on the fence, will we have to do it in the future?" We look after each other inside..."

These words reminded me and made my heart tremble again. Yes, we killed someone. The police came soon and saw the corpses on the ground. How should we explain it?
I don't care, I don't know if I can survive, but I can't harm this monk.

When I thought of this, I said to Shi Xin: "Monk... can you take your mobile phone out of my pocket and let me make a call..."

"Who do you want to call?" the monk asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry about it... just find my phone... I don't have time..." I urged.

Although the monk didn't understand, he still crawled over and took my mobile phone out of his yellow cloth pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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