Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1816 One mouth is useless

Chapter 1816 A mouth full of cowardice
Just when the sword spirit here was about to have a big fight with Su Bingyi, something suddenly happened. A raft floated quickly on the river. Someone stopped Su Bingyi, and the voice sounded familiar.

Su Bingyi's sword was still about one meter away from me. He suddenly paused. The sword energy blew my hair up. This guy's cultivation level is not low. Since he is Hua Qingzhenren's Junior brother, who is also the general director of the Southwest Bureau, is considered a leader at the same level as my grandfather, so his cultivation level is naturally not much different.

With this move, I felt that this person's cultivation level should be on par with that of Master Hua Qing.

Dancheng Mountain is headed by Hua Qingzhenren, but the right to speak in the court should be Su Bingyi.

Now that something big has happened in Dancheng Mountain, Su Bingyi will definitely come. Who knew I was so unlucky to run into him as soon as I went out.

If I fight Su Bingyi with real swords and guns, I'm sure I can beat him, but I don't think I can win or lose within a hundred moves.

On the raft, there were a few old men walking across the water. I looked back, but I recognized the person who came. It was none other than Zhishan Zhenren, one of the seven elders of the Dancheng Mountain Punishment Court.

Following behind were several elders from Dancheng Mountain, all of whom were quite old.

Seeing these veterans approaching, Su Bingyi didn't dare to make any mistakes. He quickly sheathed his sword, cupped his hand, and said with great respect: "Uncle Supreme Master..."

Zhishan Zhenren walked towards me, glanced at Li Yi who was stepping on my feet, and said politely: "Wu Jiaerlang, this kid didn't hurt you, did he?"

"As for him, he can't even hurt me." I said with some disdain.

Su Bingyi's face darkened immediately, and he said angrily: "Let my people go, if you are not convinced, I will fight with you, life or death!"

"Presumptuous!" Zhishan Zhenren snorted angrily and said: "Hua Yi, do you still take Pindao seriously? Do you still recognize me as your uncle? Pindao asked you to stop, but you still If you want to fight, do you think you are capable, or else you have to fight against Pindao?"

It turned out that Su Bingyi's Taoist name was Hua Yi, and he was indeed of the same generation as Master Hua Qing. Seeing that the Supreme Master in front of him was really angry, Su Bingyi immediately restrained his breath and said respectfully: "Disciple doesn't dare, Master Master." Don't get angry, I know I'm wrong, but this kid bullied others too much, he has repeatedly opposed me, and even played tricks on me, I can't swallow this bad breath!"

When he said this, Su Bingyi glared at me.

The Supreme Master really laughed miserably. After laughing, he immediately said angrily: "I am here to ask you, where were you when Guiyong Dao and the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect came to attack Dancheng Mountain? Countless Dancheng Mountain disciples were hacked Where were you when the people from the Shui Sheng Sect used machine guns to sweep away a large area? Now that the people from Guiyong Dao and the Black Water Holy Sect have escaped, why are you here? Are you here to see how miserable Dancheng Mountain is? ?”

Su Bingyi suddenly became shameless when he said this, lowered his head, and said with some helplessness: "Uncle Master, the disciple just got the news, so he notified the special team to cordon off all parts of Dancheng Mountain. , we must annihilate all those who belong to Gui Yongdao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. If the disciples had known this news earlier, they would have come to Dancheng Mountain even if they risked their lives to live and die with Dancheng Mountain."

The anger of Zhishan Zhenren was not eliminated, but he pointed at me and said: "The Wu family man you are going to deal with, when Dan Chengshan's life and death were at stake, he risked his life to save Dan Chengshan's formation, and even fought back. Killing Xuanwu, one of the four elders of Guiyong Dao, saved the entire Dancheng Mountain. If he hadn't been there, the cave heaven paradise in Dancheng Mountain would have collapsed long ago. Where would your sect be? What do you think of Dancheng Mountain now? The benefactor's action is exposing me to Dan Chengshan, which is unkind and unjust. How can I save my Dan Chengshan's face?"

When Su Bingyi heard what Zhishan said, he suddenly looked incredulous. I think he must be thinking, is it just him?Can this kid kill Elder Xuanwu and still preserve the formation within the formation in Dancheng Mountain?

Isn't this a joke?
Soon, Su Bingyi confirmed my idea and said: "Uncle, is he the only one who can kill Elder Xuanwu? It's impossible... This kid is very cunning. You old man won't be deceived by this kid, right?" "

"You bastard! Do you think Pindao is lying to you? Your uncle Zhi Qingren, together with Wu Jiaerlang, fought against Elder Qinglong and Pontiwa of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. The entire Dancheng Mountain people saw it. In the eyes. Now that Dan Chengshan is in trouble, it’s okay not to help. Now he is about to attack Dan Chengshan’s benefactor. Do you feel that you are promising and capable? You have a backer, so you don’t take the teacher’s sect seriously. In your eyes?" Zhishan Zhenren was really angry this time.

Su Bingyi immediately knelt on the ground and said with fear and fear: "Disciple knows that he is wrong. Please calm down my uncle."

"Then why don't you apologize to your benefactor quickly," Zhishan Daoist said again.

Su Bingyi's face changed back and forth several times. That old face must be unbearable. I caused their family so much misery, and I even made fun of him not long ago. At such a long age, he still has to apologize to a junior like me. , can he be happy in his heart?
However, under the watchful eyes of Zhishan Zhenren of Dancheng Mountain and the other elders, Su Bingyi's high head must be lowered today.

At that moment, Su Bingyi stood up, raised his hands towards me angrily, and said, "I couldn't help myself just now..."

Before I could say anything, Bai Zhan, who had been standing behind him, became a little unhappy and said calmly: "Brother Xiaojiu, I heard that his apology was not sincere enough. I didn't even hear what he said just now."

Su Bingyi raised his head and glanced at Bai Zhan. Bai Zhan was holding the Fire Spirit Red Dragon Sword in his hand and faced his gaze with no fear. I didn't say anything, I just looked at Su Bingyi playfully.

Since my brother said that sincerity is not enough, I have to give him face, but Su Bingyi can't.

For a moment, the atmosphere became awkward. Su Bingyi had a red face and didn't even have a step.

What's even more cruel is that Zhishan Zhenren said again: "The sound you speak is not as loud as the flying mosquitoes. Can you speak louder so that we can all hear you?"

As the leader of the Southwest Department, he had never been so arrogant before. However, in front of his elders, he had to be a dragon and a tiger. Today, he had to deal with this cowardice.

Su Bingyi's face turned red to the root of his neck. At that moment, he cupped his hand towards me again and said loudly and politely: "Wu Jiuyin, I was the one who offended Su just now. I hope you can forgive me and don't take it to heart."

(End of this chapter)

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