Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1818 Dragon Blood Xuanhuang

Chapter 1818 Dragon Blood Xuanhuang
I told Fatty Jin an address, and he responded quickly, saying that the car would arrive shortly and asking us to wait where we were for a while.

We happened to be tired from walking, so we found a secluded place to rest. Especially Bai Zhan, even though I was carrying him on his back, his body was still shaking. It can be seen that when he dealt with Pontiva at that time, he really put himself at his best. All the physical energy was drained.

Several of us were chatting and waiting, about half an hour later, a spacious car parked beside us, and a man in his 30s got out and walked up to us. He said politely: "Gentlemen, I came to pick you up on the orders of Butler Jin. Shall we leave now?"

When the car came, I asked everyone to get in the car. After getting in the car, everyone found a place to sit down, while Bai Zhan lay on the bed behind the RV and fell asleep.

I had a lot of trouble last night and was in a state of high tension all the time. When I stopped like this, I suddenly felt very tired all over. I fell down and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, the sky was completely dark. I asked Li Banxian next to me and found out that I had arrived in Dongchen. I would reach Hongye Valley in about two or three hours.

Ever since, I made up for another sleep, and slept until the tourist area of ​​Hongye Valley stopped.

When we arrived at Hongye Valley, it was already late at night. A group of us got out of the car and went straight to the Xue Family Pharmacy. We wandered all the way. By the time we arrived at the Xue Family Pharmacy, it was already dark. .

After arriving there, Xue Xiaoqi and Monk Hua waited eagerly, and quickly took me, Bai Zhan, from me.

Without saying a word, Xue Xiaoqi helped Bai Zhan check his body, and then said: "Brother Bai Zhan's body doesn't have any major problems, it's just excessive consumption. His cultivation has improved a lot than before, and he can still If you can resist it, you can recover in ten and a half days in the medicine shop. I will brew herbal medicine for him today and use Shiquan Dabu Decoction to make up for it for a while, and he will recover soon."

This is good news, but when Bai Zhan heard that he still wanted to drink the Shiquan Dabu Decoction, he suddenly felt depressed, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't drink it.

At the same time, Xue Xiaoqi also checked Yue Qiang and Li Banxian, and there was no big problem.

Needless to say, I looked very energetic, especially after a good night's sleep, my eyes started to shine.

After all of us had finished checking, Monk Hua asked about our trip to Dancheng Mountain. He knew more or less about what happened in Dancheng Mountain. It was Li Zhanfeng from Tiannan City’s Zhouting who gave Xue Xiaoqi He made a phone call to inform him that it was Gui Yongdao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect who joined forces to attack Dan Chengshan.

Xue Xiaoqi and Hua Monk were very anxious when they received the call, but it was already this morning when Li Zhanfeng called them. Hua Monk and Xue Xiaoqi both wanted to dare to go to Dancheng Mountain, but Li Zhanfeng told them that everything was over. It's settled, all of us are safe and have left Dancheng Mountain.

At that time, Monk Hua also called me, but the phone was turned off after I finished the call with Fatty Jin, and Monk Hua's call was not connected.

I usually only turn on my mobile phone when I need it. Since what happened to Li Chao last time, I have a psychological shadow. I am always worried that the special dispatch team will locate my mobile phone. to find my location.

At this time, I remembered, damn, Li Chao's matter has been settled, and the people in the special team will not dare to embarrass me in the future, and I don't need to be so trembling.

From then on, I could walk in broad daylight without any worries.

After we were safely out of danger, Monk Hua and Xue Xiaoqi did not go to Dancheng Mountain and had to wait for us in Xue's pharmacy.

However, the two of them were also worried, so they immediately asked us what happened, how could a thousand-year-old Daoist sect like Dan Chengshan be broken by Gui Yongdao?
Several of us talked to Monk Hua and the others about the specific situation. Monk Hua and Xue Xiaoqi were speechless. Monk Hua even slapped his thigh with hatred, saying that such a lively scene would not be complete without him. It was such a pity. He even scolded me, asking me why I didn’t take him to Shanqing City and missed this great event.

This kid felt uncomfortable if he didn't do anything all day long. He missed such a big event and felt like he was scratching his head.

He even joked that if he leaves him next time, he will kill me.

I rolled my eyes at him, damn it, it’s too late to hide from such a thing, he is still climbing up the pole, if you know in advance that Gui Yongdao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect will attack Dancheng Mountain together, I will not go , almost lost his life there.

In the next few days, our brothers have been staying in the Xue Family Pharmacy. My parents in Tiannan City are away, so I am alone. There is really no point in going back, so I might as well stay with my brothers.Bai Zhan and the others recovered from their injuries, while I consolidated my recent cultivation.

Especially after the corpse fighting helped me digest the power of the corpse demon and he taught me a part of my cultivation, my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. I am trying to practice the eighth sword style of the Xuantian Sword Art—— Dragon blood is black and yellow.

This trick requires a strong cultivation base as a support. I tried to practice for a few days, and I felt a little bit confused, and I found some tricks in it, but I didn't make a big breakthrough.

I stayed at the Xue Family Pharmacy for more than ten days, and the injuries of several of them were almost recovered. At this time, Yue Qiang bid farewell to us, saying that he had left Chenshan for a long time and wanted to go back to see the master. In addition, let me inform the teacher that we must be careful and take strict precautions recently. The people from Guiyong Road have been making a lot of noise. Originally, they were planning on Chenshan at the beginning. If we hadn't seen through their conspiracy at that time, maybe Chenshan would have been killed. The mountain will end up like Dan Chengshan, even more miserable.

Yue Qiang went back this time mainly to tell Chen Shan about this matter, so he was a little anxious.

He wanted to leave, but we didn't force them to stay. Before leaving, the guy asked for the phone numbers of several of us, and also gave us his phone number, saying that we could contact him anytime if anything happened, and that he would be on call.

After seeing off Yue Qiang, I remembered another thing, which I have been putting off for a long time, which is to go to Kongming Island on the coast of the Haohai Sea to meet Li Kexin. We still have Many words were not explained clearly. No matter what the outcome was, she had to give me an answer.

 Four updates tonight, this is the first.

(End of this chapter)

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