Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 182 One-eyed Flower Snake

Chapter 182 One-eyed Flower Snake
The three of us walked along a winding path for a long time before we saw a small village in the valley. This village is not big, and there are only a few dozen families. Li Zhanfeng had already identified it before. The family of traditional Chinese medicine named Xue lived there, so he always supported me and led the way.

After entering the village, we stopped in front of a large courtyard. This courtyard looked very old. It was still a building from the Wen Dynasty, with blue bricks and tiles. There were two stone lions at the door, and even two doors. It is also a black-painted wooden door with a lot of color loss. It looks very old and has a sense of heaviness from the times.

There is also a plaque hanging at the gate with four characters: "Xue's Pharmacy".

The font is neat and neat, and it seems to be old. The meaning of the font is also very simple and clear. It is a pharmacy owned by Xue.

We stayed at the door for a moment, and Li Zhanfeng said: "Director Wu, this is the place. Let's go in and take a look?"

The old man responded and walked towards the courtyard first. Li Zhanfeng and I immediately followed. After entering, we found that the courtyard looked quite big. There were many flowers and plants planted, some of which I couldn't even name. Come on name.

But in such a large courtyard, there is not a single tree planted. There is only a layer of bluestone in the middle corridor. On both sides of the bluestone, in addition to some vegetables such as greens and radishes, there are some plants similar to herbs. .

The owner of this house is really good at saving space. This is the first time I have seen someone growing herbs in their own home. He is worthy of being from a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

After walking through a long corridor, there is a large living room at the end. There is a plaque hanging above the central hall, and the letter is four big characters: "Hanging the pot to help the world", the font looks like a dragon and a snake. , vigorous and powerful, and it was made by a famous artist at first glance.

The old man looked at these words carefully and couldn't help but gasped and said: "It's really a big deal!"

I didn't know why, so I asked Li Zhanfeng, who was standing next to me, what the origin of this plaque was. Li Zhanfeng gasped and whispered to me: "The words on this plaque were written by Li Zhen..."

As soon as I heard the word Li Zhen, I took a breath of air-conditioning. I guess everyone knows who Li Zhen is. At the end of the article, there is a high-ranking official, a popular person next to the Queen Mother Xici. As an official, he is almost like a prime minister. The location is actually an inscription for a small pharmacy in this wilderness mountain village. How big of a background does this have?It seems that the two old men we are looking for should live here. This Xue's Pharmacy is a veritable family of traditional Chinese medicine. You can tell just by looking at this plaque.

Immediately, the three of us filed in and walked into the hall. What we saw was a room full of medicine cabinets, which circled the entire room. A fresh scent of medicine hit our nostrils. When I came here and smelled this smell, I felt that I wasn't that tired anymore. I don't know if it was a psychological effect.

There is a large wooden counter in the middle of the main hall. There is a young man sitting in front of the counter. He is fresh-looking and has good features. He looks to be about 27 or [-] years old. He is wearing a dress with buttons and a light-colored face. Gray, the whole person looks energetic.

Four people were standing in front of this young man, a middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman who looked very rich, and behind them stood two people wearing formal suits and ties, looking like bodyguards.

The middle-aged man turned his back to us and said bitterly: "Dr. Xue, please save me... A few months ago, I had a tumor on my face for some reason. As I grew older, I went to several big hospitals. They couldn't tell me what kind of strange disease it was. In short, it couldn't be cured. I went to the best hospital in the capital some time ago and couldn't find anything. I had an operation and removed it, but it grew back two days later. It was bigger than the previous tumor. They said it was a difficult and complicated disease. They had never seen a disease like mine. The tumor was getting bigger and bigger, and it was leaking out. I had pus and blood, and the stench was so bad that I couldn't even eat. I heard from a friend that there was a miracle doctor here who specializes in treating all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, so I came here because of his reputation. As long as Dr. Xue can cure me, I will be happy. No matter how much money you have, it’s really uncomfortable to have this tumor on your face..."

The young man nodded slightly and said seriously: "Don't worry, let me take a closer look."

As he said that, the young man reached out and held the middle-aged man's head, and looked around. When the middle-aged man's head turned to our side, I glanced subconsciously, and it really scared me. Suddenly, there was a big tumor under the middle-aged man's left eye, like a big eggplant, and it stretched up to his chin. It was really like an eggplant, thin at the top and thick at the bottom, black, purple, and shiny. It was shiny, and it made people sick to look at it. When the eyelids moved, the whole big tumor trembled. Although it didn't want to get closer, there was a stench wafting over, like the smell of a dead rat.

After looking at it for a while, the young man nodded and said: "This is not a serious illness. It is caused by the evil energy entering the body and stagnation. However, the right medicine must be prescribed. Have you eaten anything weird in the past few months? Try to Don't hide it from me, otherwise the gods won't be able to save you."

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and then said: "I didn't eat any weird things in the past few months. I ate a lot of big fish and meat, and I also ate some game, pheasant and rabbits. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. eccentric……"

At this time, the rich middle-aged woman interjected: "I remember three months ago, didn't we travel to Shiguo? In a small local restaurant, we caught a one-eyed flower snake, and you bought it and cooked it. That snake is the boss. You ate it all by yourself. You kept saying it was delicious but didn’t let us take a bite. Not long after you came back, you had a tumor under your eye. Is this something like that snake? Does it matter?"

The young man looked at the rich middle-aged woman and said seriously: "Can you tell me what the snake looks like?"

The middle-aged woman thought about it carefully, and then said: "What impressed me the most is that the flower snake has only one eye, and one grows on the top of the forehead. It looks very strange. The snake is about one meter long. , there are three kinds of flower colors on the body, black, yellow and red, these colors form patterns on the flower snake's body, they all look like small eyes..."

(End of this chapter)

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