Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1821 Lei Gonghai

Chapter 1821 Lei Gonghai

I smiled slightly and said, "Grandpa, is this your intention, or is it the intention of the General Administration of Special Operations?"

"Of course it's not what I meant. Grandpa respects your opinion. If you want to come, come if you don't want to. They won't do anything to you. You can just do it yourself." Grandpa said nonchalantly.

"Then I won't go. If you let me go, old man, I will definitely follow you. Whoever they are, I don't want to bother with them." I said.

Grandpa laughed and said: "Just like what Grandpa thought, I knew that your kid would definitely not come. With your personality, you are not suitable for hanging out in this kind of situation. All kinds of intrigues and intrigues make people exhausted. , you are too straight-tempered. If you hang out here, you will probably get into several fights a day, which will cause a lot of chaos and grandpa will also have a headache. You can just stay outside. Grandpa thinks it is fine, and you don't need to care about fame and fortune. "

I thanked the old man, and then said: "Grandpa, thanks to you last time, I was captured from Zhouyi District by the Seventh Elder of the Criminal Court in Dancheng Mountain. You informed Grandpa Gao to take me from the Seventh Elder of the Criminal Court." He snatched it back with his hands, which made those old guys lose their temper at all. Grandpa Gao is really awesome, and he won’t accept it until he accepts it.”

"There's nothing we can do about it. If your great-great-grandfather doesn't take action, no one can settle this matter. You were going to be taken to Dancheng Mountain at that time. It is estimated that the old Wu family will be extinct. It's time for your great-great-grandfather to come out and shake up the place. , otherwise everyone will think that our old Wu family is easy to bully. If you take a good rest recently and improve your cultivation, it is estimated that the road ahead will be even more difficult." Grandpa said.

Then I went straight to the topic and said: "Grandpa, do you have any information about Bai Maitreya? Guiyong Dao and the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult have launched a big move to attack Dancheng Mountain. It is estimated that Bai Maitreya will not leave the mountain without him." Far away, otherwise they wouldn’t dare to make such a move, what do you think?”

The old man sighed and said: "We have searched all the places we should look for, but there is no clue at all. No one knows where the person is hiding. It is very troublesome."

"Grandpa...what, I have some clues here, and I was just about to tell you..."

"What? Do you have news about Bai Maitreya?" the old man said excitedly.

"Grandpa, there is a point. When I captured Elder Xuanwu and forced him to reveal the whereabouts of Bai Maitreya, he said one word to me - "big", and then he exploded and died. It was broken into pieces. It must have been banned from saying the name of the place. If you look it up with just one word, the scope will be narrowed down a lot. Grandpa, do you have any insights on this word?" I said.

Grandpa pondered for a while and then said: "Then this matter is not easy to handle. Are you sure that the word he said is "da" and not "da"? Or "da" or "shuo"? It is also a huge project to search for each one one by one. , but I will find someone to verify this matter, so please stop interfering, Bai Maitreya is unpredictable, and you will die if you encounter him, do you understand?"

I responded, said a few words to Grandpa, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, I was thinking in my mind, even though the old man hasn’t contacted me very much, he actually misses me a lot. When he escaped from Yishan Country last time, the old man took action. This time about Li Chao’s matter, the old man also did the same. He gave me medicine, asked me to untie the fairy rope, and called Grandpa Gao to come out and save me. Every time, he secretly arranged it well and seamlessly. Without these scheming ideas, it would be difficult for grandpa to do this. The position of top leader in the North District.

Now things are complicated and getting more and more confusing, but I don’t want to care about these messy things at the moment. I don’t care about Chen Yu, Yuan Chaochen, or Bai Maitreya. Anyway, I will have a fight sooner or later, so think about it. Useless.First of all, I have to settle my own affairs. I will go to Kongming Island to find Li Kexin and settle my affairs first.

The next day, I left the Xue Family Medicine Store in Hongye Valley with Li Banxian alone, drove directly towards Cangdong.

When I arrived in Cangdong, I made a phone call with Fatty Jin and researched the specific route to Kongming Island. I didn’t know until I asked about it. When I asked about it, I was shocked. It turned out that Kongming Island was It's quite a distance from the coastline.

Originally, I wanted to use the water-avoiding beads to get over with Li Banxian, but the violence was too far and consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy. I had to rent a boat to get over. However, Fatty Jin reminded me that all the fishermen near that place knew it. , but no one dared to go, so I was mentally prepared.

Originally, I wanted Fatty Jin to send me a boat, but this guy didn't mention it. He was probably worried that his people would die there. After all, the place was too dangerous.

Therefore, only Li Banxian and I have to figure out how to go to Kongming Island.

In a fishing village, we approached several families in succession. When they heard about the place we were going to, they didn't even discuss the price. They shook their heads and said no, and refused without any room for negotiation.

It was just like Fatty Jin said, no one dared to go there, how terrifying that place was.

After spending most of the day, Li Banxian and I visited several nearby fishing villages, but still no one was willing to go.

Just when I was about to give up and just use the water-proof beads to pass by, a middle-aged man suddenly came to me and asked if we were going to go to sea and go to the Leigong Sea. The so-called Kongming Island was this person. The so-called Lei Gonghai, people in the rivers and lakes call that place Kongming Island, but the nearby villagers call that sea area Lei Gonghai, because that place often has violent storms, thunder and lightning all year round, so it is called In Leigonghai, it is said that when a fishing boat approached that sea area, it was struck by a thunderbolt from the sky. The boat was destroyed and people died more than once. Over time, Kongming Island became Leigonghai. Fishermen talked about it. The color changed, and no one dared to go to that place.

The middle-aged man who came to see us was called Zhang Degui. He said he was willing to go and asked us how much we would pay. I gave him 50 at the first glance. The man was still unwilling and shook his head and said it was [-], and it was only close to Lei Gonghai. Nearby, they have to turn back, otherwise they don't even think about it, but when the time comes, he can provide us with a boat. They leave in the escape boat. They don't care if they can come back alive. The boat will be sold to us.

50 yuan to buy a broken fishing boat is indeed not very cost-effective, but we are not very familiar with the route to Kongming Island. It would be best if someone takes us there, but I am not short of the money. I took out the money and gave it to him and asked him to take us there.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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