Chapter 185

To say that he is an old man, he is not really an old man. He looks about ten years older than my father. He is very energetic, with bright eyes and black hair, but his body looks a little thin, so He seemed a little older, and he looked a little excited at the moment. What was even more incomprehensible was that this uncle was wearing a shoe on one foot, but the other foot was bare. As soon as he entered the door, he used a lot of He asked in a loud voice: "Which one here is a descendant of the Wu family?"

The old man laughed, took a step forward, made a courteous gesture, and said politely: "Next to Wu Zhengyang, I have met Divine Doctor Xue."

This person was Xue Yasong, Xue Xiaoqi's father. He looked at the old man carefully and then asked in surprise: "Dare you have an ancestor named Wu Feng in your family?"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Wu is the next great grandfather. Our Wu family has lived in Gaogang Village, a hundred miles away from Hongye Valley, for generations."

Hearing this, Xue Yasong trembled all over. What was very surprising was that the old uncle's legs softened and he knelt down in front of my grandfather. He said respectfully: "Junior Xue Yasong has met Uncle Wu Shi and is a little disappointed. , I hope you will forgive me. The children at home are ignorant and have not seen the world, so they contradicted you. I hope Wu Shishu will be honest..."

The old man stretched out his hands and was about to help Xue Yasong up, but Xue Yasong turned his head and glared at Xue Xiaoqi behind him, and said angrily: "What are you doing standing here stupidly? Why don't you kneel down and give me something to you?" Grandpa kowtows to apologize..."

Xue Xiaoqi was stunned and didn't understand what was going on. However, he listened to his father's words and knelt down as soon as his legs became weak and kowtowed to my father.

Grandpa hurriedly stepped forward, helped the two people up with both hands, and said politely: "Our old Wu family and old Xue family have always been family friends. There are not so many troubles. You should all get up quickly. This seems too foreign. …”

After saying this, Xue Yasong and Xue Xiaoqi, father and son, stood up. Xue Yasong quickly and politely arranged for us to sit down as guests and hosts.

At this time, Xue Xiaoqi took out another pair of shoes from behind the counter and placed them in front of Xue Yasong. Xue Yasong said with some embarrassment: "I made several guests laugh. As soon as I saw the Xuanmen token, I knew I don’t dare to be indifferent when a distinguished guest comes, so I even forgot to put on my shoes.”

It's really funny to see Uncle Xue like this. What kind of favor does our old Wu family do to their old Xue family to deserve this old uncle to be so excited?The ancients had a tradition of greeting us. This old man came out to see us without wearing shoes, which really made me feel flattered.

Then, grandpa looked back at me and said, "This Mr. Xue is your uncle, why don't you come forward and salute?"

I stood up, a little at a loss. I didn't know how to salute the old man in front of me. Should I kowtow or bow? I didn't understand the etiquette in this world.

How about kowtow? I just saw them kowtow to the old man. Thinking about this, I knelt on the ground and said: "Wu Jiuyin has met Uncle Xue Shi..."

Xue Yasong quickly stood up from the chair, grabbed my body, and said politely: "This can't be done... It can't be done. Our two families are all relatives. If we don't have so many etiquettes, just call me uncle... "

"This boy is my grandson, his name is Wu Jiuyin. He is the youngest generation of our old Wu family. To be honest, if it weren't for this boy getting into trouble outside and getting into big trouble, I wouldn't have come to trouble Xue. Home, there is really no other way..." the old man said with a sigh.

"We are all a family, and we should help each other. Moreover, our Xue family has an ancestral motto. Whenever the descendants of the Wu family come to see them, no matter what trouble they encounter, they must do their best to help without hesitation. If it weren't for you, If the ancestors of the Wu family had helped, our Xue family would not be where we are today. A drop of kindness must be repaid with a spring of water, not to mention that your old Wu family has given me the same kindness as the Xue family..." Xue Yasong said respectfully.

What they said made me a little confused. I don’t know how our old Wu family saved the Xue family and made them so grateful to us. Where I am today, I definitely owe my ancestors’ honor and blessings. The two old men were reminiscing about old times, and I could only listen on the sidelines without being able to interrupt.

After the two chatted for a while, Xue Yasong got to the point and asked the old man: "Uncle Wu, what is the condition of Jiuyin? Is he poisoned or seriously injured? As long as our Xue family can do anything Once you get there, you must try your best to do it.”

The old man sighed and said: "My Xiaojiu was neither poisoned nor injured. It was just his own fault. When fighting with others, he used his blood essence to forcibly stimulate the sea of ​​​​Qi in his Dantian, squeezing out all his spiritual energy, causing his Dantian to be damaged. The Qi Sea was destroyed and I became a useless person. I tried all kinds of methods and asked countless experts, but there was no way for him to rebuild the Dantian Qi Sea, so I thought of your Xue family. The Xue family is a family of Chinese medicine. , He was famous in the world more than a hundred years ago, his current situation, presumably only you can cure him..."

Hearing this, Xue Yasong also frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "This is indeed a difficult problem. Dantian Qihai is the most important thing for a practitioner. If this is destroyed, there is basically no hope. , I have been practicing medicine for decades, and I have never seen such a condition be cured, and it does not fall into the category of difficult and complicated diseases..."

As soon as I said this, my heart suddenly felt cold. It was over, and even the Xue family had nothing to do. It seemed that I was really hopeless.

However, the old man refused to give up and asked: "I wonder if the two old men Xue Xuanhu and Xue Jishi are still alive? To be honest, my nephew, the reason why I came to the Xue family was because of the guidance of my great-grandfather. These two old miracle doctors have extraordinary medical skills. , has been practicing medicine for more than a hundred years...maybe there are some solutions to this kid's situation in my family..."

Xue Yasong's face changed several times, and he seemed a little embarrassed. He pondered for a moment and said: "One family does not talk about two families, you are not outsiders, and my nephews do not hide it from each other. My two great-grandfathers are both still alive, and they are over 120 years old. It was just 50 or [-] years ago that they stopped seeing the world. The two old people found a place in Hongye Valley to live in their old age. They usually didn't have anything particularly important to do, and we, the younger generation, didn't dare to disturb them... …”

After a pause, Xue Yasong said again: "But since it is the descendants of the Wu family who are looking for me, I believe that the two old people will not disappear..."

(End of this chapter)

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