Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1851 Don't be afraid to die!

Chapter 1851 Don't be afraid to die!

This is a trap set by the Cangdong Su family. The three brothers just want to kill me together to avoid future troubles.

Even if they can't kill me, they can escape unscathed by relying on Su Bingyi's official status.

Su Bingyi is the general director of the Southwest Department. He went to Cangdong and said he wanted to handle the case. This is a complete lie. This place is not under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Department at all, but the area that my grandfather said he has jurisdiction over. Even though If something happens, it's not the turn of people from the Southwest Department to come and intervene.

The plan was perfect and flawless, but I didn't want to follow their routine.

Damn, they almost killed me, how could I spare them lightly.

The reason why I want to kill Su Xiaotian is to explain something to the other two brothers of the Su family. Don't provoke me in the future, and don't play any tricks. If you want to kill me, then he must be prepared to take his own life. Prepare.

This Su Xiaotian is an example.

As a result, Su Xiaotian was indeed slapped to death by my palm, and was lifeless.

When the two brothers saw that Su Xiaotian had been killed by me, they immediately became furious and ran towards me desperately.

As soon as the two brothers took action, the Thirteen Heroes of the Ghost Sect behind Su Shanglu also started to take action, and Su Bingyi's men from the Southwest Department were not idle either, and they all came to help.

But at this time, Li Banxian and his second senior brother stood in front of the people of the Southwest Department's special task force, and said in a deep voice: "Stop, everyone. This is a personal grudge between the Cangdong Su family and Wu Jiuyin, and the special grudge against the special team. The team has nothing to do with it. You leave the evil cult monsters of Gui Yong Dao alone, but you want to deal with Wu Jiuyin. Are you tired of living?"

Li Banxian's words were so powerful that all the dozens of people in the special team stopped in their tracks and looked at each other, unable to make a decision for a moment.

After a pause, Li Banxian continued: "You also know that Wu Jiuyin was nicknamed the Murderer. After the son of the headmaster Dan Chengshan was killed, Dan Chengshan did not dare to do anything to him, and he even treated him as a guest. If you are not afraid of death, go ahead and see who dares to stand up for you if you are killed!"

As soon as these words came out, the minds of those in the Southwest Department were completely shattered.

What is the origin of the son of Master Dan Chengshan?Those are the descendants of the top Taoist sect masters, and they will be killed at will. How can the identities of these people in the special group be compared with the sons of the master Dan Chengshan? There is a huge difference in strength and background. What can they do to stand up to them? It's nothing more than giving away people's heads. If you kill, you will kill. No one will stand up for them. They all know my identity. My grandfather is also the boss of the Yanbei Department of the Special Task Force, and he also has a backer behind him.

They all understand that when gods fight, it affects the fish in the pond. Who will get into trouble now?
Although Lao Li was trying to scare them, the stakes involved were very high. How could anyone really not be afraid of death and even want to die?

In fact, Lao Li also knew my concerns. I took action with Su Bingyi and Su Shanglu. These people from the special team would bring me a lot of trouble. It was impossible for me to really kill the people from the special team. After all, I was in an official capacity. , it got so big that I couldn’t eat and walked around.

Just one Li Chao makes me anxious. I don't dare to kill them.

Seeing that Li Banxian and his second senior brother were blocking the way, those people from the Southwest Department hesitated for a moment and then dispersed. Then they began to deal with the people from Gui Yong Dao that Su Xiaotian had brought before, and they no longer paid attention to my affairs.

However, both Su Shanglu and Su Bingyi are not weak. Now that they are attacking together, I feel a certain amount of pressure.

They were determined to kill me because I killed their own brother.

This is already considered a blood feud.

In an instant, the two swords of Su Shanglu and Su Bingyi came towards me, and Su Shanglu's Ghost Sect Thirteen Heroes also came to join in the fun.

I don’t have any worries about Su Shanglu’s Thirteen Heroes of the Ghost Sect. I heard Fatty Jin from the Wanluo Sect say that Su Shanglu’s Thirteen Heroes of the Ghost Sect are all scum recruited from the world and have done evil things in the world. Really unable to survive anymore and being wanted by the special task force, he defected to Su Shanglu and became a lackey of the Su family. He didn't have to worry about killing them.

Immediately, I also became ruthless, the sword soul in my hand shook, and I fought with the opponent.

In fact, in terms of strength, among the three heroes of the Su clan, Su Bingyi has the most powerful methods, because he not only understands the Su family's cultivation methods, but is also a disciple of Dan Chengshan, and is a fellow disciple of Dan Chengshan's master Hua Qingzhen. If you are not strong in cultivation, you will not be able to be the boss of the Southwest Department.

As soon as he came up, Su Bingyi used a very powerful method, displaying Dan Chengshan's unique skill Xiaoyan Six Transformations Sword Technique. For a moment, there seemed to be many more Su Bingyi and many more swords around. I was surrounded by water from all sides, and more than a dozen swords were slashing at me.

I don't dare to take such a fierce sword technique lightly. This is not the first time I have experienced the power of Xiao Yan's Six Transformations Sword Technique.

At that moment, after Su Bingyi performed this move, I immediately used the Eight Steps of Confusion and stepped out of the battle circle. As soon as I stood still, Su Shanglu came towards me with a diagonal stab. Men Shisanying also took the opportunity to catch the autumn wind.

No matter what the hell, let's strike hard first. Seeing them swarming towards me, I immediately raised the sword spirit in my hand and shouted: "White Dragon takes action!"

With a shout, the sword soul suddenly glowed with purple light. Along with the sound of dragon roar, there was a sudden roar in all directions with me as the center. The mud rose into the sky, and the ghost gates rushed towards me. Thirteen Ying suffered heavy casualties immediately, and at least half of them were lifted into the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

Before the smoke dissipated, I quickly took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell. With a slight shake, seven or eight corpses nearby suddenly began to shake, and then suddenly ejected into the sky, and all of them turned into green. The hairy zombies rushed towards the thirteen heroes of the ghost gate.

In the blink of an eye, Su Shanglu and Su Bingyi came towards me again, their swords fierce, all heading straight for my life.

However, the Six Changes of Xiao Yan sword technique used by Su Bingyi is completely different from the one used by Li Chao, because his cultivation level is much richer than that of Li Chao. As soon as this sword technique was used, the surroundings were surrounded by sword shadows, and I was surrounded by sword shadows. Surrounded tightly, airtight.

For a moment, the sword in my hand was flying up and down, and I kept using the method of missing eight steps to dodge, and my body was as fast as a phantom.

In fact, Su Bingyi's speed was too fast, which made people feel that there were so many extra people and swords.

(End of this chapter)

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