Chapter 1853
After a while, the power of the Yin-Yang Bahe Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra has been urged very strongly by me. Su Bingyi could move forward a few steps at first, but now he is already retreating rapidly.

At this time, Su Bingyi was really panicked. He backed up and shouted in horror: "Wu Jiuyin, you are too courageous. Do you know who I am? If you kill me, you will definitely die." , you committed a capital crime!"

Su Bingyi was using his status as the boss of the Southwest General Administration to suppress me, but I was already on the verge of killing, so how could I care so much.

It was a scene where either you died or I lived. If I showed any signs of weakness, I would be the one who died.

Even if I was killed by them, based on Su Bingyi's scheming, it must be that I was killed by people from Gui Yongdao. It had nothing to do with him at all. They were only allowed to kill me, but I was not allowed to kill them. How could it be possible? This principle.

I didn't say a word, but the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra suddenly became stronger again. Su Bingyi was immediately pulled over by me, and my hand immediately covered his Heavenly Spirit Cap.

The cloud of death suddenly fell on Su Bingyi. He began to curse me crazily and threaten me. I didn't listen at all. I only had one purpose, which was to kill Su Bingyi.

Let’s just forget all the old and new grudges together today.

A steady stream of power poured into my body from Su Bingyi, pouring into my Dantian.

Su Bingyi struggled for a moment, and then something unexpected happened. Su Bingyi took out a golden talisman from nowhere, held it in his hand with trembling, and then crushed it. The talisman suddenly burst into flames.

I read it right, it was indeed a golden talisman, just like the golden talismans given to me by Qingshan Master Long Hua.

The talismans of Tianshi Dao in Dancheng Mountain are the best in the world, and they are famous in the Yan Kingdom. This reputation is definitely not in vain.

When the golden talisman in Su Bingyi's hand burned, I suddenly felt a huge force hit my chest directly, causing me to fly out and roll to the ground. The magic also came to an abrupt end.

When I went to see Su Bingyi again, I found that he was already 200 meters away, right at the entrance of the yard.

He glanced in my direction with some embarrassment and fear, and then ran away with his tail between his legs. Even his eldest brother Su Shanglu left him alone and ran away.

I rolled up from the ground, even more furious. The golden talisman Su Bingyi used just now was just for escape, and it didn't have much lethality, so I wasn't hurt at all at this moment.

Unexpectedly, Su Bingyi also had a means of escape. This golden talisman must be considered a treasure at the bottom of the box.

After I stood up, I immediately activated the Eight Steps of Mizong and chased in the direction where Su Bingyi escaped. After dozens of Eight Steps of Mizong were used, I was already behind Su Bingyi.

Su Bingyi was injured by my Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. He didn't escape very fast. He staggered a little while walking. He looked back at me while running away, just like a bereaved dog.

A big boss of the Southwest Bureau's Special Task Force was hunted down like this by me, and there is probably no one else left.

In the blink of an eye, I caught up with Su Bingyi and kicked him in the back.

Su Bingyi groaned miserably and immediately fell to the ground. A dog came to chew the mud. Before he could get up, I came to his side and stepped on his back. The sword spirit in my hand was inspired, against his neck.

"Su Bingyi, do you have anything else to say?" I asked harshly.

Su Bingyi turned his head, spat out a mouthful of sand, and said in a panic: "Wu really dare to kill me? If you kill me today, you will definitely be reduced to a wanted criminal. There is no place for you in the world .”

"Are you threatening me? I don't believe in evil anymore. If I kill him, I'll kill him. I'm afraid of a ball. A good man should be happy with his grudges. You don't need to worry about what happens in the future. Just suffer death!" With that said, I raised the sword in my hand again and slashed at Su Bingyi's head.

But just as the sword was raised, a voice suddenly came from not far away, shouting in a panic: "Master Jiu, keep someone under the sword!"

I was stunned for a moment, but the sword did not fall again. I turned to look at the source of the sound, but suddenly I saw a group of people wearing Yixian uniforms rushing towards me on the opposite side. The leader was It was a man in his forties, sweating profusely.

Before those people could rush over, Li Banxian's voice came from behind him: "Xiao Jiu, don't be rash, you can't kill this person."

When I looked back again, I found that Li Banxian and his second senior brother were also rushing toward me.

Lao Li walked faster, and with his second senior brother, he ran to my side, grabbed the sword in my hand, and said excitedly: "Xiao Jiu, this person must never be killed. If you kill him, you will have endless troubles. You will be happy for a while." But there are endless troubles waiting for you behind, so you can’t kill."

After Lao Li said this, my mood stabilized a little, and I slowly put down the sword in my hand. Yes, I can't ruin the rest of my life because of my impulse.

At this time, the group of Yixian costumes also rushed over, and the leader of the man wiped the hot sweat from his brow, and said quickly: " must not do anything, fortunately I came in time, otherwise you will We’re in big trouble.”

I glanced up and down at Yixian's clothes and found that I didn't recognize this person at all, so I asked, "Who are you?"

"I am the leader of the Cangdong Special Task Force, my name is Yang Gang, and I am a subordinate of Director Wu." The man wiped his sweat and said.

At this moment, I realized that this man named Yang Gang was ordered by my grandfather to prevent me from killing Su Bingyi.

Su Bingyi is the general director of the Southwest Bureau. If I really kill him, it will be a big mistake. Grandpa will definitely not be able to save me, so he asked someone to come over and persuade me.

I can’t refute the old man’s face if I don’t give it to anyone.

I had confidence in my heart, and I immediately told the people around me: "You guys, step back. I want to say a few words to the man named Su. Don't worry, I won't kill him."

Yang Gang and Li Banxian glanced at me a little worriedly, but still took a few steps back and stood aside.

Then, I stepped on Su Bingyi and said angrily: "Su, I can spare you this time, but I will warn you one last time. If you dare to play tricks on me behind my back again, I will definitely kill you." You! Listen to me!"

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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