Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 187 3 portrait

Chapter 187 Three Portraits
Then, my grandfather and I stood up. One of the old men walked up to me, stretched out his hand to touch my head, and sighed: "Oh, time flies so fast, like a white horse passing by. In the blink of an eye, these [-] years have passed." , we have all become old guys, and the great-great-grandson of the Wu family has grown up to be such a big young man, old... old..."

"Who says it's not the case... When we first met Uncle Wu, he was the same age as this kid. At that time, Uncle Wu was already very good. He rescued us from the hands of the bad guys, and then met the master... ...We two old guys have only survived to this day..." Another old man also said sadly.

I didn't understand anything they said, and I didn't know how my ancestor Wu Feng saved these two old men more than a hundred years ago, so that they have never forgotten it and are grateful to this day.

We stood in the yard for a while, and then the two old people took my hands and walked into the house. They ignored my grandfather, which made me feel quite flattered.

After a group of us entered the house, the first thing that caught our eyes were several portraits placed in the main hall. The middle portrait was of a strange man in white robes, holding a staff in his hand. , there was a huge ruby ​​on the staff, and looking at the clothes, it didn’t look like Yan people, it always felt like a minority from the south, there was a line of small words on it, I took a quick look, there is Meng Chiyou Lao I don't know if it's a first name or a last name.

On the left side of this old portrait of Meng Chiyou is a Yanren, a man dressed like an old man, carrying a large medicine box on his back, wearing a coarse cloth gown, and a pair of straw sandals on his feet. He has a kind face and kind eyes, but his appearance is quite ordinary. Dressed like a country doctor.

I was stunned after taking one look at the man on the right side of the old portrait of Meng Chiyou. That man looked to be in his twenties. He was wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe and was holding a sword in his hand. On top of the sword Various runes were engraved on it, vaguely forming the shape of a dragon. On the young man's shoulder, squatting was a strange monkey. It was not big and grinned. It looked very funny. The reason why the monkey was said to be long. What's strange is that the monkey has two white eyebrows above its eyes. At a quick glance, it looks like it has four eyes.

The young man in the portrait gave me a sense of déjà vu. He looked so familiar. When I thought about it carefully, I woke up from a dream. The features of this young man looked very similar to mine. When I looked at the portrait, I felt like I was looking into a mirror.

For a moment, I was stunned, looking at this portrait blankly and unable to lift my legs.

At this time, a big hand patted on my shoulder, which scared me a lot. I turned around and saw that it was one of the two white-haired old men, who looked at me with a smile and said, "Boy... look Does the person in the portrait look familiar?"

I nodded involuntarily.

The old man laughed and said: "If it looks familiar, you are right. This is your ancestor Wu Feng. I specially found a superb painter to draw the face of your ancestor. This portrait is hanging in our The Wu family has been around for 100 years..."

Hearing this, my grandfather and I were both shocked. At that moment, my grandfather pulled me, and we knelt in front of the portrait of our ancestor Wu Feng, kowtowed respectfully a few times, and then stood up. Get out of body.

These two strange old men must be the two old miracle doctors Xue Xuanhu and Xue Jishi that Grandpa Gaozu mentioned, but I can't tell who is who at this moment.

After kowtowing, the two servants asked us to sit down respectively as guests and hosts.

After a short while, Xue Yasong brought tea and placed it in front of us.

As soon as I opened the lid of the tea, a refreshing fragrance hit my nostrils. I couldn't help it, and took a sip. It immediately filled my lungs and made me feel extremely comfortable. I had drunk the tea from my grandfather's office before, and it had the words "special supply" on it, but Compared with the tea I was drinking now, it was not even as good as water to wash the pot. I didn’t care about my image for a while. I drank a few more cups and suddenly felt like I was in a ecstasy. I have never had such a good drink in my life. Drinking tea.

One of the old men saw me drinking a few cups of tea, and he laughed and said: "The humble house is simple and there is really nothing to entertain. We only have some tea leaves that I grew myself. Let's make do with it."

The tea grown by people like old gods is naturally not ordinary. Moreover, Grandpa Gaozu said that they are miracle doctors. This tea may also have the effect of prolonging life. Otherwise, they may live to be over 120 years old. Naturally, I will drink more. cup.

After chatting for a while, we got to the point. One of the taller old men asked: "How did you two find this place?"

Grandpa stood up, cupped his hands, and said, "Zhengyang found this place according to Grandpa's instructions. Please forgive me for disturbing you..."

Both old men nodded, and the shorter old man smiled slightly and said: "Is that old guy okay now? I haven't seen him for many years..."

"Thanks to the two old men, my old man is very good. He has been practicing in seclusion and has not been out of the mountain for many years. Zhengyang does not dare to disturb him. If he had not encountered difficulties this time, he would not disturb him. Ask about where the two grandpas live..." Grandpa replied sternly.

At this time, I really couldn’t help but want to ask a question that I had been holding in my heart for a long time. This was also the doubt that had always existed in my heart after meeting my great-grandfather, so I intervened: "Two grandpas... Jiuyin I have a question I don’t know whether I should ask..."

The two old men looked at me with smiles, and the slightly taller old man said: "This is just like your own home. There is nothing you should or shouldn't ask. If you have anything to say, just say it."

I glanced at the grandpa next to me. He seemed a little unhappy and thought I was too talkative. However, I still asked: "Two grandpas... how did our ancestors help you? After so many years, the two This grandpa has always been thinking about my ancestor..."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on the faces of the two elderly people disappeared. When grandpa saw this, he scolded me: "Xiaojiu, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. You have no place to speak here..."

Unexpectedly, the slightly taller old man waved his hand and said: "Zhengyang, don't be angry with Xiaojiu. There is nothing wrong with asking about these things. Since Xiaojiu wants to know, then I will tell him It doesn’t hurt to talk…”

(End of this chapter)

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