Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1893 Borrowing the fetus to return the sun

Chapter 1893 Borrowing the fetus to return the sun
The moment I turned my head, I saw a dark figure moving quickly towards me. It felt like it was a child, about two or three years old, but I didn't wait until I could see him clearly. The child suddenly jumped up at an extremely fast speed and lay on my shoulder. Then he opened his mouth and bit down on my neck.

Let me go, what the hell is this?
The thing bit my neck, and I felt all the blood in my body boiling, rushing toward my neck, and then flowing into the little monster's mouth in large amounts.

This feeling was extremely painful. For a moment, I wanted to give up the idea of ​​activating the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra and tear the child biting my neck from my body.

But once I stop losing the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, there will only be one consequence for me, and that is to be killed by Yuan Chaochen and Elder Baihu together, and my death will be even worse.

The key is that right now, I don’t know what is biting my neck.

Fortunately, the little monster biting my neck was not big. Although it was sucking my blood, I could resist it for a while.

The little monster bit my neck, and I didn't let go of my hand. Instead, I continued to quickly circulate the qi sea in my Dantian and release the terrifying resentment, making the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra terrifying. For some, the best way now is to die together.

Even if that little monster drains my blood, I will use the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Meridian to drain the energy from their bodies and crush them to ashes. No one will be able to survive.

Yuan Chaochen, who was opposite me, seemed to have seen my thoughts. At this moment, he was also controlled by my Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra and couldn't break free, but he didn't show any fear at all.

He smiled sinisterly at me, and then said: "Wu Jiuyin, don't hold on, you are bound to die anyway, I will give you a happy death, why do you do this? No matter what You will all die before us."

"How will you know if you don't try... The worst we can do is go to hell together." I gritted my teeth and insisted.

"Do you know who is biting your neck and sucking your blood?" Yuan Chaochen smiled sinisterly at me again.

"Who is it? How do I know?" I said angrily.

"She is my master, the corpse ghost mother-in-law who once died in your hands. Fortunately, although my master was killed by you at that time, his soul was not dispersed. At that time, I secretly went back and took my master's soul. Collected them together. A few years ago, when I was being hunted by you, my junior sister and I lived a turbulent and wandering life. It was during that time that we found a way to rebirth from the classics handed down by our master. The method, but the conditions are very harsh, it requires the right time, place and people, and it also requires rigorous deduction. So in order to avenge our hatred, my junior sister and I got pregnant with a child and asked my master to take away the soul. In this way, the child we gave birth to would be She will possess the soul of my master. My master was killed by you back then, and today she will avenge the blood. It is not a loss at all for you to die in the hands of my master... Hahaha..."

Yuan Chaochen laughed evilly and wildly, not worried at all that he was being swallowed by the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra.

When I learned from Yuan Chaochen that the child lying on my neck sucking blood was a corpse ghost, I wasn't too surprised, because when Chen Yu escaped, Li Zhanfeng greeted me in advance and said The child born to Yuan Chaochen and Chen Yu was not normal. It was most likely that the corpse ghost mother-in-law borrowed the fetus to return to the human body. In the first two years after birth, Chen Yu's child was normal, with nothing unusual. Everything was normal. He pretended to be very good, and when the corpse ghost mother-in-law had grown to a certain level, she suddenly attacked and killed more than a dozen of the experts in the special team who were specially guarding him, and her methods were very ruthless, leaving her soul shaken.

Li Zhanfeng told me that the people in the special team responsible for looking after Chen Yu and the child had feelings for the child. After all, they got along with him day and night and loved him very much. They even bought him a lot of toys to take back because they thought he was cute. The children suddenly became ferocious and killed them all in one go.

Yuan Chaochen is really a genius, and he is so cruel and ruthless that he is really willing to kill his and Chen Yu's biological child just to resurrect his master, the corpse ghost mother-in-law. How can ordinary people do such a thing.

Only ruthless people can achieve great things, and Yuan Chaochen meets all the conditions for achieving great things.

This kid has such a big brain, he even knew the timing of his master's appearance, so he could use it to deal with my Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra.

I have a very bad feeling. This time, I think it is very likely that I will be plotted to death by Yuan Chaochen.

After a moment of stalemate, I felt a little dizzy. A lot of blood in my body was devoured by the corpse ghost, and the energy of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra I released was getting weaker and weaker.

My mind is buzzing. Is everything going to end?
At the moment when I was almost passed out, suddenly, a golden light bloomed, and there was a "buzz" sound in my ear, like a bronze bell, which was deafening. At this moment, I felt like it was biting me The ghoul mother-in-law on the neck suddenly let go, and quickly jumped off my body, and then my body went limp, and I fell to the ground.

"Xiaojiu...Xiaojiu..." In a daze, I heard someone calling me. I wanted to open my eyes to see who it was, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just wanted to close my eyes, and then fiercely Get a good night's sleep.

"Xiaojiu...Xiaojiu, you must not sleep. If you fall asleep, you won't wake up..." This seemed to be Xue Xiaoqi's voice, calling me and slapping me hard on the face several times. I woke up a little bit, and then someone opened my mouth, and stuffed some pills into my lungs.

My mind was buzzing, and my whole body felt as if I had fallen into the water.

I don’t know how long this situation lasted, but my consciousness slowly recovered a little soon, so I opened my eyes and looked around. It was hazy, and I only felt that there were many figures shaking and noisy. Soon, and after a while, I was able to see something clearly. When I turned around to look, I found Li Banxian and Xue Xiaoqi standing next to me, looking straight at me.

"Xiaojiu...are you feeling better?" Xue Xiaoqi asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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