Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1900 Stone Gu

Chapter 1900 Stone Gu

The second senior brother rushed forward, and I immediately sacrificed the sword spirit and shouted: "Brothers, the time has come for us to make a name for ourselves. Today's battle on Xuanshan will destroy Gui Yongdao and Hei The leader of the thieves of the Water Spirit Sect, stand up for the righteousness of the world and shout, kill me!"

I understand my situation. At this moment, I am using the power of essence and blood to persist until now, and the power of essence and blood has a time limit. Once the time is up and the backlash comes, I will become extremely powerful. I am weak, and my life may be in danger, so now I must try my best to rescue Chen Qingan without losing any more time.

I held up the sword spirit and followed the second senior brother and rushed over. The shouts of killing in front of me were loud. People were swaying on the northern peak of the entire hanging mountain. There were many magic weapons hovering on the top of the mountain, and Accompanied by rattling gunshots, there was a rumble.

Based on my encouragement, everyone behind me also showed their magic weapons, and together with me, they rushed towards the mountain regardless of their own safety.

However, just when everyone was about to rush to the top of the mountain, suddenly a group of men with firearms appeared in front of us. Without saying a word, they opened fire on us at the same time, and dropped the grenades one by one.

The morale that had just been boosted suddenly died down after seeing these modern firearms. I shrunk and hid behind the broad figure of the second senior brother. Monk Hua also gasped in fright and directly The purple golden bowl was sacrificed and everyone was enveloped in it.

Even so, under the suppression of their powerful firepower, the second senior brother was also blocked and retreated. Monk Hua's purple gold bowl was also shaking, and the golden light was dim.

Needless to say, this was caused by that bastard Yuan Chaochen again, and I really lost my temper because of him.

This kid is from the Yan Kingdom, and he should know that the Yan Kingdom's spiritual practice community cannot use firearms, but he completely ignores it. By doing this, he wants to completely break away from the Yan Kingdom's spiritual practice system and is incompatible with the righteous path of the Yan Kingdom.

Under the strong fire suppression, we did not dare to go there rashly. I immediately called my second senior brother to cover me and hid behind a huge rock. I finally felt a little safer.

Monk Hua and the others also had to avoid the edge temporarily and found a place to hide.

I was annoyed and looked up at the sky. We had been working hard for most of the day since we entered this paradise on the mountain. It was already evening. Since it was winter, the sun was not very strong, and we went down the mountain very early. .

It was very favorable for Xiao Mengmeng to appear at this time. Without a moment's hesitation, I released Xiao Mengmeng. I pointed at the people who kept shooting at us on the top of the mountain and said through gritted teeth: " Little Mengmeng, don’t leave any alive, kill them all.”

Xiao Mengmeng responded, and immediately turned into a scarlet evil spirit and quickly floated towards the lightning.

Less than half a minute later, screams kept coming, and the crazy firepower directed at us suddenly stopped.

I stepped out and looked towards the mountain, only to see that Xiao Mengmeng was possessed by a servant guard. He took a gun and opened fire at his own people, sweeping away a large area. The servant guards reacted. It also fired bullets at the servant possessed by Mengmeng. Even if it was hit by bullets and its body was riddled with holes, it could not hurt Mengmeng at all. It could still control the corpse and keep entangled with the opponent. .

Seeing this, I was so happy that I quickly stepped out again, continued to let the second senior brother clear the way, and rushed up the mountain with my brothers. Before we could reach the top of the mountain, Mengmeng quickly flew away from the corpse. He came out, and then quickly pinched a few spells. The dark wind was howling above the lightning, and countless small black whirlwinds were wandering around. Then, ghost soldiers and generals, wearing golden helmets and golden armor, suddenly appeared in the crowd. , and then slashed at those people from Gui Yongdao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect.

The top of the mountain, which was already in a mess, started to howl as soon as Xiao Mengmeng appeared.

The people on the top of the mountain felt something was abnormal, and immediately released a team of people and blocked the road up the mountain, trying to prevent us from going up the mountain.

When we saw those people, they still kept walking, but when we rushed forward, I could clearly see that blocking the mountain path were several Gu Masters wearing black robes with gold rims. I had seen these people before, and they belonged to Elder Qinglong. subordinates.

These people were masters who had participated in Dan Cheng Mountain's destruction of the formation within the formation. They were all very powerful. For them to come forward to intercept us really put a lot of pressure on us. I waved my hand to the people behind me, signaling everyone to stop. Be careful.

Monk Hua, a stupid young man, ignored me, rushed forward, blocked in front of me, and cursed loudly: "Those bastards in front of me, your grandpa Joyoung soymilk machine... no no no... Joyoung flower Li Bai is here Now, why don’t you kneel down and be ambushed!”

However, the wizards wearing gold-rimmed black robes paid no attention to us and did not pay attention to us at all. However, one of them snorted coldly and shook the witch staff in his hand, and the other wizards also did the same at the same time. Raising the witchcraft staff in their hands, they chanted a few spells quickly, mysteriously and strangely, and twisted their waists a few times. A lot of red mist floated out from their black robes, and it became dense. The stones on the ground flew into the air one after another, heading towards us quickly.

"Stone Gu! This is stone Gu! Xiaojiu, this poison is very powerful, hurry up and avoid it!" Xue Xiaoqi recognized the opponent's method at a glance.

As soon as Monk Hua saw countless large and small stones flying on the ground, and they were quickly hitting us, he knew something was wrong and said in horror: "I'll go, what is it!"

I clearly saw that all the flying stones turned red. There must be something poisonous on those stones.

At that moment, I didn't dare to take it lightly. I directly raised the sword in my hand and performed the fire dragon shocking move. With the sound of dragon roar, a fire dragon swept towards the red stones flying towards us.

At the same time, Monk Hua once again offered the purple golden bowl and stood in front of everyone.

Wherever the purple fire dragon passed, stones fell down one after another, but some red stones also hit Monk Hua's purple gold bowl, dimming its light a lot.

These wizards in black robes with gold trim really had some tricks up their sleeves. I watched helplessly as the purple fire dragon was about to reach them, and was decomposed by the red mist steaming from their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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