Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1908 Familiar Breath

Chapter 1908 Familiar Breath

The Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra was directly used to deal with these obstacles brought by the corpse ghost mother-in-law.

I think that maybe all of this was arranged by that guy Yuan Chaochen. He asked Granny Ghoul to intercept and kill me here, in order to avenge me for killing Granny Ghoul last time.

I killed her last time, but this time the corpse ghost mother-in-law wanted to put an end to it with her own hands and took my life.

But will I just let her take my life?
This is simply not possible.

Therefore, out of necessity, I activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. I didn't bother to bother with people like them and just swallowed them all.

Anyway, I can't deal with them trying to trick me and lower my head, so I might as well just do it all in one move to save a waste of time.

The first person who suffered greatly was the corpse boy lying on me. They originally wanted to bite me, but before they could bite me, they were tightly restrained by the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. The corpse energy and evil energy on their bodies were swallowed up in large quantities. At this time, they had no power to resist. As the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra on my body became more and more powerful, the intensity of their struggle also increased. Getting smaller and smaller, the only thing they can do is scream in pain, waiting for the energy in their bodies to be swallowed up, and then disappear into ashes.

Then, I stretched out my hand again, and Void grabbed the black witch monks with frightened faces. Soon, a black witch monk was sucked in by me, and his bare forehead was also caught by me. He took it out of his hand and his whole body was shaking.

All this, the corpse ghost mother-in-law has been watching coldly, with a strange smile on her lips.

To be honest, I don’t know much about what the ghost granny is doing now, but I have a strange feeling that the ghost granny in front of me is much scarier than when I first saw her. Apart from her appearance, there is also the invisible aura exuding from her body.

Also, the corpse ghost granny once attacked me sneakily. It seems that it has a way to isolate the damage caused by the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. Obviously, Yuan Chaochen has studied me carefully and found some way to deal with it. .

This is what I fear the most. The Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra is already my trump card.

The screams of the corpse boys gradually subsided, and even the black shaman monk I held in my hand had most of its energy devoured by me, and it quickly aged.

The Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra continued to spread outwards, and the black shaman monks retreated in fear. Suddenly, I once again strengthened my focus on the spread of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, but I heard " With a "boom" sound, a wave of air rose from the ground and swept towards the black witch monks. Immediately, four or five more black witch monks were sucked in by me and surrounded me in all directions. Their bodies were shaking. , struggling violently.

At this moment, the corpse ghost mother-in-law who had been standing not far away suddenly let out a sinister laugh, suddenly fell to the ground, and suddenly rushed towards me, her mouth opened to an incredible extent. , exposed the fine little fangs in his mouth, and bit me.

When it pounced on me, a dark red aura evaporated from its body. I had never seen this kind of aura before, and when the corpse ghost grandma pounced on me, I also saw it pinch After a few weird tricks, a very special aura spread from the body of the corpse ghost granny, which seemed to be somewhat close to the aura of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. It was also a devouring power.

Soon, I understood. Yuan Chaochen said before that the reason why his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds was because he practiced an evil method in their corpse ghost sect called the method of transforming demons, which can devour the opponent's cultivation level. Yuan Chaochen said If he knows this technique, then his master, the corpse ghost grandmother, should also know it.

That is to say, the ghoul mother-in-law used this method before to shield it from the damage of the Yin-Yang Bahe Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. When I was devouring its energy, she was also devouring my cultivation, no wonder After she drank a lot of blood, I would be extremely weak like just now.

In the blink of an eye, the corpse ghost mother-in-law was in front of me, jumped up suddenly, and bit my neck again.

Soon enough, I had put away the sword spirit with my other hand and secretly took out the Corpse Ruler. As soon as the Corpse Ghost Granny landed on my shoulder, she had not yet bitten it. When I grabbed my neck, I bent down with my corpse ruler and slapped the corpse ghost mother-in-law on the head.

This time I had planned it for a long time, just waiting for her to pounce. Since this corpse ghost mother-in-law is so evil and was reborn through abnormal means, she must not be a completely normal person. As long as she has evil spirits in her body The Qi must be within the control of the corpse-laying ruler.

However, when I slapped the corpse-laying ruler on the body of the corpse-ghost grandmother, I knew that I had made the right bet. As soon as the corpse-laying ruler landed on the corpse-ghost grandmother, the corpse-ghost grandmother let out a cry. Screaming hysterically, his body collapsed and flew out, with a large amount of corpse gas coming out of his body.

Reincarnations like the corpse ghost granny are not reincarnated through continuous practice and accumulated merits like that of eminent monks. They are completely evil and are evil things that are not tolerated by the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, the corpse-laying ruler was able to restrain her.

After seeing the corpse ghost granny rolling to the ground, I felt happy and quickly put away the corpse-laying ruler. Then I grabbed it with my other hand and grabbed the corpse ghost granny. The corpse ghost granny was shocked. I exhaled, and my body was suddenly pulled by the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and I grabbed it directly in my hand.

"Master!" Chen Yu, who was hiding far away, saw the corpse ghost Granny being caught by me. He immediately exclaimed and ran towards me. He held a soul-calling flag in his hand and shook it. Suddenly, countless blue flames swept towards me.

Daluo Tianzhihuo!
However, this method was completely childish for the Yin Yang Eight Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and it had no effect at all. It was swallowed up in an instant, and then Chen Yu's body flew up and came close to me.

I felt that a steady stream of power was transmitted to my eight extraordinary meridians through my pores, and then transferred to my Dantian Qi sea through the eight extraordinary meridians. Originally, I was devoured by the corpse ghost and had a lot of cultivation and energy. The energy, the dantian is almost exhausted, but now it is filled with a new energy, how pleasant this feeling is.

(End of this chapter)

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