Chapter 1915
It was with the power of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword that I forced them both back at once.

Then, I patted the Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth, and Xiao Mengmeng appeared. He quickly helped me get rid of the poisonous insects flying and crawling toward me, and at the same time, I went to help Chen Qingan. I was really worried about them. There will be an error.

Because Xiao Mengmeng has been living in my body before, sometimes I don't need to speak at all. Xiao Mengmeng can understand some of my thoughts secretly.

As soon as Xiao Mengmeng came out, she immediately turned into a scarlet evil spirit and swept towards the Gu insects flying towards me.

Where the scarlet evil energy swept through, countless Gu insects immediately fell to the ground. Even the Gu insects crawling on the ground were all killed. When Xiao Mengmeng reached Chen Qingan, he immediately stood in front of her and pinched her. After a few magic spells were cast, countless small black whirlwinds soon floated out of thin air all around. In a moment, those small whirlwinds turned into countless ghost soldiers and generals with golden helmets. Their numbers were far greater than those of the black witch monks. and the great wizards.

Although these ghost soldiers with golden helmets and ghosts are transformed from ghost soldiers, they are nothing to these black wizard monks and great wizards with advanced cultivation, and they are far from their opponents. However, in terms of numbers, , enough to form an overwhelming advantage over them. Even if their souls are beaten and annihilated one by one, it can delay them for a long time and give Chen Qingan a chance to breathe.

In an instant, above the sighing moon, hundreds of ghost soldiers and generals suddenly appeared at the place where ancestor Chen Ting's spiritual Gu was buried. Their shouts of killing shook the sky. Some of them went to support Chen Xuanqing, while others also He ran towards me and started to deal with Yuan Chaochen and Pontiva.

I found that Xiaomengmeng is simply my little lucky star. Its trick is tried and tested, and it is simply a weapon in group warfare.

In this way, it also relieved a lot of pressure on my side, and countless swords and spears came towards Pontiva and Yuan Chaochen.

Yuan Chaochen and Pontiva didn't panic too much in the face of these ghost soldiers and generals.

With a flick of the long whip in Pontiva's hand, the black mist evaporated, and the souls of more than a dozen ghost soldiers were scattered. Yuan Chaochen was even more sharp, and the soul-eating stick in his hand was specially used to deal with these ghost soldiers. Prepared for spirit bodies such as ghost generals.

As I swung the soul-eating stick, black mist filled the stick, and I also found that there were many holes with tiny pinholes on the soul-eating stick. When I waved it, it would make a shrill ghost roaring sound. At that moment, Then a large number of ghost soldiers and ghost generals were sucked into the soul-eating stick.

Yuan Chaochen's methods were indeed much more powerful. With such a strategy, the ghost soldiers and generals sacrificed by Xiao Mengmeng would surely suffer heavy losses.

When I looked at Yuan Chaochen, suddenly an idea flashed in my mind and I remembered something very important.

I remember that before I came here, Yuan Chaochen seemed to be entangled by Bai Zhan, and then I asked Monk Hua and Li Banxian to help Bai Zhan deal with Yuan Chaochen.

Now that Yuan Chaochen appears here, where have Bai Zhan and the others gone?
There was the elder Qinglong guarding the outside, and I realized that it was really not a wise move for me to leave them all there.

When I thought about this, I couldn't calm down immediately.

But after Xiao Mengmeng came up with this trick, I suddenly realized that I still had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

While Yuan Chaochen was entangled by those ghost soldiers and generals, I killed Pontiva first, so that I would have one less powerful enemy.

I thought like this, and Mengmeng naturally understood my thoughts, and immediately controlled all the ghosts and ghosts to rush towards Yuan Chaochen, sacrificing those ghosts and ghosts to buy me some time.

In this way, Pontiva was isolated. He shook the long whip in his hand and swept towards me.

I sneered slightly and thought to myself, damn it, you went to Yan Kingdom’s territory to act wild and you will never come back today.

At that moment, I slashed towards Pontiva with one sword move, triggering the shocking fire dragon move in the Xuantian Sword Art. Suddenly, a purple fire dragon spit out from the tip of the sword and swept towards Pontiva. go.

And Pontiva suddenly changed his moves, and the long whip in his hand suddenly turned into a black dragon, and it hit the long purple dragon head-on, and soon they were entangled together, and Pontiva was filled with hatred. I didn't care, and ran directly towards me.

It came just fine.

At that moment, I pretended to be frightened and stepped back a few steps on my toes. Then Pontiva stretched out his hand and slapped me in the distance, and a strong wind rushed towards me.

At this time, I used the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and stretched out my hand to grab the Pontewa.

In the early stage of operation of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, the energy field fluctuations produced were not very large, so Pontiva did not have much precaution.

When he slapped his palm towards me, I immediately put away the sword spirit and used Yinrou Palm and Heart-Destroying Palm to forcefully take Pontiva's palm.

The force of this palm was so strong that it made my arm numb, but it was quickly transferred away by the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po.

After exchanging palms, before the Pontiva left, I grabbed the wrist of the Pontiva with my backhand, and then activated the resentment condensed by countless ghosts in the Forgotten River that were sealed in the qi sea of ​​Dantian. , all the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra suddenly burst out.

Pontiva struggled for a while, but was unable to break free from my arm. Instead, he felt a terrifying devouring power emanating from my body.

In an instant, Na Pontiva became panicked and shouted: "What kind of evil method is this, kid?"

"Don't you know? Let me teach you now..." I said gloomily.

While Pontiva was shocked, what I never thought was that even though he was restrained by the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, he could still fight back. He waved his hand and slapped me again with his other arm. come over.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I caught his palm with my chest abruptly. My chest felt oppressed for a while, and I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but I quickly reached out and grabbed his other arm. Living.

Both arms were firmly grasped by me, and it was difficult for Pontiwa to break free. What's more terrifying is that the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra has been activated to its peak moment, and the energy in Pontiwa's body The energy and cultivation base are continuously gathering towards my Dantian Qi sea.

Pontiva was completely panicked. He gritted his teeth and struggled several times but couldn't get free. However, what I found incredible was that Pontiva's head suddenly grew longer, and then the head detached from the body.

(End of this chapter)

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