Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 192 Added a lot of powerful medicine

Chapter 192 Added a lot of powerful medicine
After grandpa left, I stayed here alone, feeling quite uncomfortable.

But the next day, Xue Xiaoqi came to take care of me.

To be honest, I'm really not used to staying with the two elderly people of the Xue family. After all, they are quite old, and I don't know what to say to them. Everything I say is very reserved.

Maybe the two old people considered this problem, so they left Uncle Xue and replaced him with his son Xue Xiaoqi to take care of my food and daily life.

Xue Xiaoqi is four or five years older than me, and we both belong to the same era, so I finally have someone to talk to.

When this young man first met him, he thought he was a stern person. But after getting along with him for a few days, I found that he was quite kind. Especially after learning that our two families have a deep connection, he treated me very well. He was even more taken care of.

In fact, I am also quite interested in their medical practice. I often hear some of his opinions on medicine. When he talks about practicing medicine and treating diseases, this guy’s eyes light up and he talks endlessly. He tells me, He began to learn medical skills from the adults in his family when he was three years old. When he was four or five years old, he had already memorized the "Herbal" and "Medicinal Classics" by heart. As for any herbal medicine, even if it was packed in a tin box, he would use his nose to read it. If you smell it, you will know what kind of medicine it is.

The two old men Xue Xuanhu and Xue Jishi only came to see me occasionally. When I met Xue Xiaoqi, I could see a hint of relief in their eyes. It seemed that the two old men also had high hopes for Xue Xiaoqi. Given the high expectations, Xue Xiaoqi should also be a peerless genius studying medicine.

After hundreds of years of vicissitudes, things have changed and people have changed. In our generation, many things have changed, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that these things passed down by our ancestors must be passed down from generation to generation by our families.

I was in a coma for three days at first, and for the next four days I lay there motionless. At most, I could only blink my eyes and move my mouth, that's all.

Every day, Xue Xiaoqi came to feed me. What I didn't expect was that here, I couldn't escape the curse of Shiquan Dabu Tang.

However, the Shiquan Dabu soup they made was more refined than the one my grandpa made for me, and a lot of strange poisonous insects were added to it. Since I had some difficulty chewing, Xue Xiaoqi always mixed the contents of the soup with it. Use a knife to cut it into very small pieces before putting it in my mouth.

This family took great care of me, which made me deeply moved.

Seven days later, I regained consciousness and was able to sit up from the bed and take two steps.

Starting from the eighth day, I had a new activity, which was to take a bath in a wooden barrel filled with various herbs every day. It was said that it was to help me resume my spiritual practice as soon as possible and cleanse my marrow and cut my menstrual flow. , every herb in this wooden barrel was picked and selected by the two old men personally. Some of them are treasures that have been kept for decades. They are all used on me. Every time Xue Xiaoqi sees me brewing During the medicinal bath, a feeling of physical pain flashed through his eyes. From his eyes, I knew how precious these herbs were.

I secretly thought to myself that the Xue family has been very kind to me, Wu Jiuyin. If I, Wu Jiuyin, become prosperous in the future and learn some skills, I will protect this family like my ancestor Wu Feng and will not let them be harmed. any harm.

I have to say that this medicinal bath is really effective. Every day, I feel that my body is recovering rapidly, and my body is getting more and more strength. I am like a piece of dead wood in spring, sprouting, growing, and gradually becoming towering trees.

However, I have learned a lesson this time. After less than 32 eleven days, I don’t dare to force my Qi anymore, and I don’t even dare to try. If I destroy my Dantian Qi sea again this time, I will probably be in trouble for the rest of my life. It is impossible to recover.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed, and I have stayed here for 21 days. On the second day of No. 20, two old men came to my room, still smiling, with loving eyes, very kindly.

Mr. Xue Xuanhu looked at me and said, "Xiao Jiu, the 21st day has passed. Today is the 20th day. Give it a try. Can you relieve your qi?"

After listening to the old man's words, I immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, pinched my fingers, moved my breath, and let my head go empty. The pores on my body opened slightly. As soon as I felt the Qi field, a cold breath flowed into me through the pores in my body. In my body, after a while, the cold breath became stronger and stronger, and surged directly, filling my empty Dantian Qi sea. This kind of refreshing feeling was something I had never experienced before. He couldn't help but open his eyes, looked at the two old people with a look of joy, and said excitedly: "I can do it...and it's even better than before. I feel that my practice has suddenly improved a lot... "

Mr. Xue Jishi smiled slightly and said: "That's right. We brothers have been busy repairing your body these days, adding a lot of powerful medicines, some of which are precious medicines left by our master. Now your physique is different from Compared with your ancestor Wu Feng, he is not far behind, and he will have an extra layer of protection when traveling in the world in the future."

"That's right. If your spiritual power supply is insufficient when you are fighting with others, you can continuously activate the sea of ​​​​Qi in your Dantian and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for several uses to keep yourself in a state of energy. In this way, you will improve invisibly. It's your cultivation." Mr. Xue Xuanhu also said.

I was ecstatic in my heart. This not only recast my Dantian Qihai, but also replaced it with a new one. This is equivalent to replacing my old car with an engine worth millions. How? Could you please make me ecstatic?

However, Mr. Xue Xuanhu quickly hit me again and said: "It's just that your current cultivation is really not good. I think back then, when your ancestor Wu Feng was as old as you, his cultivation was hundreds of times better than yours." , you kid, you still have to practice hard in the future, and you can’t bring shame to your old Wu family.”

I thought my cultivation level was very good now, but it turned out that the gap between me and my ancestor was so big.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Mr. Xue Jishi say: "Oh... I don't know what Uncle Wu was thinking. Why not pass down his most powerful skills? Whether it is the Xuantian Sword Technique or the Yin-Yang Eight Infinite Combinations As for the Marrow Cleansing Sutra, as long as this kid has learned the same thing, he will be a great figure in today's world!"

 Good night everyone, sweet dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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