Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1938 The shop diagonally opposite

Chapter 1938 The shop diagonally opposite

Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang were clamoring to order wine and food. As soon as they left, Lao Li suddenly said something, saying that he had almost guessed who wanted to harm Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang.

When he said this, I was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Lao Li, you have this magical power, how can you guess who did it?"

"It's not a guess to be precise, but a general judgment. In fact, you can already guess a rough idea, but you're not sure which one it is." Li Banxian turned to look at me and smiled slightly.

"Tell me clearly, which one do you think it is?" I said solemnly.

"People like Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang don't usually offend anyone, so it's impossible for enemies to come to their door. Even if they do, it's because of you, but the other party won't take such a soft way. So just One possibility left is that the two of them violated the interests of others. On that snack street, the rice noodle shop opened by the two of them was very popular. It’s all said by the two of them; it’s just that in this way, some people are happy and others are worried. If there is a rice noodle shop on that street, what do you think will happen if it is crowded out by Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang?” Li looked at me and said.

I suddenly became enlightened, nodded, and said: "The arrival of Xiaoxu and the others made it impossible for the other party to continue working. It was precisely because they were excluded that they felt jealous, so they started to attack the two of them. Crazy protective?”

Lao Li smiled and added: "Actually, when I was in front of their store, I glanced at the snack street. Maybe you didn't pay attention, but there was a very popular rice noodle shop diagonally opposite Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's rice noodle shop. The big rice noodle shop is much more upscale than their two stores. Their business seems to be good, but one thing is very important, that is, the entrance of their rice noodle shop has been decorated with Feng Shui. If you don't know a little bit about it, , that definitely doesn’t make sense, so I think what’s going to harm Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu is probably the rice noodle shop diagonally opposite them.”

When Lao Li said this, I really didn't notice it. My attention was all focused on Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's store. As for the situation outside, I didn't pay much attention to it, but after listening to Lao Li's analysis, it was very clear. You can't go wrong for sure.

"Lao Li, what do you think we should do next?" I asked.

"Since people have called at the door, we can't be silent. Why don't we just let Xiao Mengmeng go to their shop to make trouble when we drink here tonight? If the other party sees that it's haunted , will definitely find a way to deal with it. If they really find someone who understands the art of yin and yang, it will prove that the other party almost attacked Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang. In the other two days, we will send people to live and work in the two of them. We will monitor the situation at our place, and if there is any sign of trouble, we will rush over and take care of that person." Lao Li said again.

"But who can I find someone to monitor? I don't want to do such a boring thing." I said depressedly.

"Of course you don't need to worry about this. I think that even if the other party wants to attack, it will definitely not be during the day, but probably in the middle of the night. At that time, let Mengmeng find two brats to keep an eye on it. If there is any trouble, Just let Mengmeng come over and inform us, and we'll rush over and clean it up." Lao Li said again.

That's a good idea.

Immediately afterwards, I told Mengmeng to tell her to hurry to the rice noodle shop diagonally opposite Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, which is when the small restaurant is most popular. There are many people, so the yang energy is strong. Ghosts usually dare not show up, but Xiao Mengmeng is different. As a ghost , with a dignified Yin Qi on his body, no matter how many people he faces, he is still fearless. Unless there are many masters on the other side, Mengmeng will be afraid.

Mengmeng got my order, smiled at me, and left here immediately. I have always been very strict with this little girl and will not let it run around easily. Now let it go This little girl was naturally very happy to scare people.

Not long after Mengmeng left, Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu came back with big bags and a few bottles of good wine.

Then the four of us got together and started eating and drinking.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and we brothers don’t get along very well. Whenever we talk about the various experiences and embarrassing things we experienced when we were young, we can’t help but burst into laughter.

If I had not experienced the incident in Langtougou, maybe I should be with them now instead of fighting and killing in the rivers and lakes and living a turbulent life. Or maybe this store is a place where I, Xiaoxu or Zhi Forced to drive together, they lived an ordinary life.

While eating and drinking, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang kept toasting to Li Banxian and me, saying that it was thanks to us this time, otherwise not to mention that the store would not be able to open, and their lives would probably be at risk.

By the way, the two of them were also very curious, and asked us who did it to them. This method is too despicable and shameless.

Lao Li smiled and told them that the results should be out soon, and it would only be a matter of two or three days, so he asked them not to be anxious.

The brothers were quite good at drinking when we got together. We drank until late at night and drank several bottles of liquor. I was also a little drunk and my head was not working well.

Later, I seemed to have drunk too much, and I couldn’t remember what happened next. When I woke up, it was already the next morning, and the sun was shining brightly. When I came to the living room, I saw Lao Li watching TV outside. Zhiqiang He Xiaoxu is not here.

After asking, I found out that they were already busy in the store. Lao Li said that I drank too much last night and said a lot of nonsense. I asked Lao Li what I said, but he just laughed but shook his head and said nothing.

Later, Lao Li told me that in the middle of the night, Xiao Mengmeng came back. Seeing that I was drunk, he returned to the Eight Treasure Bag of Qiankun to stay.

"Then what did Xiao Mengmeng tell you after he came back?" I couldn't wait to ask.

Li Banxian laughed and said: "Xiao Mengmeng, this girl is so bad, she almost demolished my rice noodle shop. When there were the most people, this little girl ran in with blood on her face, and then disappeared out of thin air, and so on. , they were so scared that no one was left in the store..."

I also chuckled, thinking that this little girl is indeed capable of tossing.

Afterwards, Li Banxian said again: "After Xiao Mengmeng scared people away, she smashed a lot of things, and the owner of the store was also frightened. Later, the owner of the store called, and there really was a person who knew the way The onmyoji of my son rushed over..."

(End of this chapter)

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