Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1942 Who hit my man

Chapter 1942 Who hit my man
As soon as Master Liu stepped in, the four of us rushed in one file at a time.

Before I entered the door, I heard a rough voice shouting: "Brother-in-law! Who beat you? How did you become like this?"

"It's not all because of you. If I hadn't stood up for you, I wouldn't have received this beating..." Master Liu covered his cheeks and said with a look of resentment.

"Who dares to hit you? Let's see if I don't kill him!" the rough voice said again.

As we talked, a few of us walked in.

Then, I saw the person who was talking. He was a fat man about 1.9 meters tall, with a dragon-like appearance on his body, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was probably heavier than both of me.

Behind the big fat man, there were several male clerks who took out the guy involuntarily and looked at the rest of us with wary expressions.

Then Master Liu turned his head and looked at me with some fear. The meaning is self-evident.

The tall and thick man looked at us, stretched out his fat finger and pointed at us: "Brother-in-law, did they do it with their hands?"

Without waiting for our reply, Xiaoxu took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Yes, we were the ones who fought. What do you want?"

"Fuck me! Beat my brother-in-law and see if I don't kill you!" The guy picked up a bench and swung it at Xiaoxu's head. Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang were not to be outdone and came from the side. After touching the stool, he was about to go up and fight with that guy.

Their tempers are still the same as when they were children, and they haven't changed at all.

It’s just that I have already worn away a lot of the edges and corners, and I no longer have the same appearance as before.

Just when they were about to take action, Master Liu grabbed the guy's arm, pulled him back, and said quickly: "Dongzi, don't take action, you can't beat them... It's better to sit down and take care of this matter." Let’s talk, let’s make amends where we should pay, and make amends where we should…”

The fat man named Dongzi said angrily: "Brother-in-law, I'm afraid they will give a shit. We are no less than them at all. You see, if I don't beat them, they will find their teeth all over the place."

With that said, the delivery man named Dongzi threw Master Liu away, picked up the stool and threw it towards Xiaoxu and the others.

It seems that if I don't teach them a lesson, they will definitely not restrain themselves. I can't get used to their temper. At that moment, I stood in front of Xiaoxu and the others, then I flew up and kicked that guy. on the belly.

I went, not to mention the feeling. It was quite elastic when I put it on his belly, and there was a counter-shock force, but the fat man was also thrown four or five meters away by my kick, and he was knocked over. After two tables, I stopped. A few people behind the thing wanted to take action, but seeing such a strong guy, I kicked him so hard that he couldn't fight back. He couldn't crawl for a while. When he got up, he didn't dare to go forward again.

These people are all handymen in these rice noodle shops. They are employees hired with money. There is no need to stand up for that.

However, at this moment, a dramatic scene happened. Under the eyes of everyone, suddenly a middle-aged woman who was a circle fatter than that Dongzi came out shaking her body fat. She first glanced at the lying on the bed. On the ground, "Ouch!" Dongzi yelled in pain, and then looked at me with eyes that could kill people. Those small eyes were slits, and they were indeed fierce. At this time, I realized that He actually held a kitchen knife in his hand.

The fat old lady pushed away the two people blocking him and said angrily: "Who just hit my man, please pay!"

"I was the one who hit you. I'll pay you a penny!" Zhiqiang took a step forward without any fear.

What I didn't expect was that the fat old lady directly picked up the kitchen knife and slashed at Zhiqiang's shoulder.

Let me go, this fat old woman is really fierce, she dares to cut at the touch of a knife.

At this time, I happened to be standing nearby. When I stretched out my hand, I grabbed the blade. It was not the hand of the fat old woman.

The fat old woman was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that I would dare to pick up his kitchen knife with my hand, and she was stunned in shock.

At this time, the knife was still more than ten centimeters away from Zhiqiang's shoulder.

Not only did I hold the knife, I also snatched the knife from the hand of the fat old woman, and then in front of everyone, I bent it with both hands into the shape of a ball. , then handed it to her and said: "Auntie, this is the knife for you."

The fat old lady was so frightened that she trembled all over, but said forcefully: "For a moment... don't think that you can bully people just because you know a few things. Let me tell you, my third brother is still on duty at the security station, and I will arrest you all soon." , actually committing murder and beating people in broad daylight."

If you want to frighten such a messy person, you have to make her feel completely terrified.

At that moment, I looked at the fat old woman, and instantly opened the Qi field all over my body, slowly releasing my terrifying power. Suddenly, the atmosphere in this room became extremely solemn, and a pressure came over me. Come on, after that fat old lady felt the great terror on my body, she shivered with fear and almost cried. Then she sat down on the ground and said tremblingly: "Brother...brother... ...I will never dare to do it again...just spare me this time."

To deal with such a woman, I can't hit her. I have never hit a woman before. If she acts like a rogue, I have no choice but to act in a hurry, so I have to use thunder to deter her. Live her.

But this trick is very effective. Not to mention that this woman is not a practitioner, even if she is a practitioner with pretty good skills, if I open all the Qi fields, I can easily crush her. This is A kind of unspeakable horror, but also a kind of crushing in strength, just like the fear of a little sheep standing in front of a fierce tiger.

Seeing the woman frightened like this, Li Banxian quickly walked up to the fat man named Dongzi, pulled his collar, and put the husband and wife together, and then I said seriously: "Two Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here just to advise you, if you want to do business, do your duty and don't do some shady things in private. I hope this is your first and last time. If my brother makes another mistake this time, I promise you will regret doing such a thing."

The couple was completely frightened by me. They nodded and said, "I know... we know... we will never dare to do it again..."

"Very good, I hope you keep your word, I don't want to see it again."

With that said, I straightened up, waved to everyone, and left the place directly.

(End of this chapter)

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