Chapter 195

There is no such thing as a feast that never comes to an end, and no matter how reluctant you are to leave, you have to leave. I haven’t been home for nearly a month, and I miss my relatives at home. It’s almost the Chinese New Year again.

Before I got in the car, I suddenly remembered one more thing, and said to Xue Xiaoqi with a flattering look on my face: "Brother Xiaoqi, what was the medicine you used to make me weak just now? Do you have any more there?" gone?"

When I asked about this, Xue Xiaoqi immediately raised his vigilance and asked me: "What do you want to do?"

"I just want to get some for you. Maybe you can use it when traveling around the world in the future." I chuckled.

Xue Xiaoqi immediately said with a wicked smile: "You won't use my medicine to stun the eldest girl and your wife, right? Then I really can't give it to you. This medicine in our Xue family is only for self-protection." Yes, it cannot be spread outside."

"Oh, Brother Xiao Qi, do you think I am that kind of person? Can our relationship be considered an outsider?" I begged.

"Looking at the mean look on your face, you don't look like a good person." Xue Xiaoqi said seriously.

Let me go, how can I be so mean? Is there anyone more serious than me?

Immediately, I said helplessly: "If you don't want to give it, I won't give it to you. Oh, just think that I, Wu Jiuyin, have misjudged the person."

I deliberately pretended to be pitiful and turned around to leave. Xue Xiaoqi immediately stopped me and asked me to wait.

I turned my head, suppressing the urge to laugh, and said with a sullen face: "Brother Qi, is there anything else you want to give me?"

Xue Xiaoqi took out a small bottle from a bag on his body, handed it to me, and said solemnly: "This thing is called Ma Feiling Powder. It is very useful for both practitioners and ordinary people. As long as he inhales it, If you go in a little bit, you will immediately lose all resistance and be at your disposal. You have experienced it just now, but I would like to remind you, don't do bad things with this thing, otherwise my two great-grandfathers will be beaten to death. I can't."

I snatched the Ma Fei Hua Ling Powder from his hand, fearing that he would change his mind, and said happily: "Brother Xiao Qi, please be rest assured. Not only do your Xue family have strict upbringing, our old Wu family It's the same thing, besides, my old man still works in the government, how dare I do anything wrong."

Xue Xiaoqi nodded and waved towards me. I packed the Ma Fei Spirit in bulk, thinking to myself, this is a treasure. If I encounter any masters in the future and I can't beat them, as soon as I take out this thing, What can he bear with me?
This time I came to Xue's house, I really made a lot of money.

After saying goodbye to Xue Xiaoqi, I took a taxi and went straight to Gaogang Village. When the car started, I was still looking back and found that Xue Xiaoqi had been standing there, watching me leave. In this Red Leaf Valley, I suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in my heart.

When I got home, it was already two or three o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, my parents were busy posting couplets at home. After seeing me back, they were naturally very happy and asked for help.

However, during this period of time, I was raised in the Xue family, eating well, sleeping soundly, taking various supplements every day, and actually gained a lot of weight.

My parents asked me where I had been, so I had to lie to them, saying that I was taken to the state capital by my grandfather and lived with him for a while. Seeing that the Chinese New Year was approaching, I returned home.

When I left, I was taken away by the old man. They didn't suspect it was fake. They didn't even finish pasting the couplets, so they were busy cooking for me.

This meal was about dumplings. Finally, I no longer had to eat the Shiquan Dabu Tang. When I saw the fragrant dumplings, I was so excited that I almost burst into tears. I took one bite at a time and ate several bowls of it, which made me full. Yes, my stomach hurts every time I walk.

I stayed at home for a few more days, and the streets were full of firecrackers, and it was the Chinese New Year.

Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang both had winter vacation, and Zhuzhu Mine also had a vacation. We just happened to get together again, but on New Year’s Eve this year, one more person joined us, and it was Gao Jianqiang, who is now The rich man, who worked with Wang Chuanbao and made a lot of money, actually drove over when he came to my house.

As the saying goes, we are not a family, and we don’t belong to the same family. Gao Jianqiang has the same temperament as me, so he can naturally get along with the other kids like me. This New Year’s Eve is full of joy and excitement.

I remember that last year, it was just like today's New Year's Eve. Zhuzi got drunk and went crazy. He went to Langtougou, which caused so many changes. In the blink of an eye, another year passed. What happened this year? He has experienced many things, allowed me to escape death several times, and made me change from an ordinary person to a spiritual practitioner. From then on, I stepped into a strange and bizarre world and came into contact with many things that ordinary people would never be exposed to.

But this year, I also had many regrets and too many sad things.

I drank too much this year. When everyone was drunk and passed out at the wine table, I walked out alone, squatted at the door, and let the snowflakes fall on my body. A beautiful figure suddenly appeared. In my mind, she is a pain that I can never get rid of. It has left a scar on my heart and I don’t know when it will heal.

I think everyone may have such a scar in their heart, and only sad people can understand it. In short, that night, I squatted alone in the snow and cried, just like a child, crying silently, only in this way Only when I feel lonely do I feel a deep loneliness.

After crying, the next day is another new day, and I have to face it all with strength.

I found that I was always a sentimental person, and once emotional, it was ingrained.

Grandpa seemed to be very busy this year and did not return home to celebrate the New Year. He just made a hurried call and asked about my physical condition. After learning that everything was back to normal, the old man hung up the phone and didn't know what he was busy with again.

In the past, my dad would go alone to pay homage to his ancestors every year. This year, I went too. I kowtowed respectfully in front of every grave, especially that of my ancestor, even though I knew it was a grave. Cenotaph.

It is this ancestor who left behind a set of Wu family secrets that have blessed our Wu family for generations to come. My admiration for him is like a torrent of rivers, stretching endlessly.

Time always passes quickly. Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang have started school again, and Zhuzi has also gone to work. I am the only one staying at home alone. I wonder if I should find something to do. A few years ago, Luo That boy Hibiki caused me to lose the foundation of my spiritual practice and almost became a useless person. Should I ask him for an explanation?

(End of this chapter)

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