Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1955 The scream of a woman

Chapter 1955 The scream of a woman

While I was on the phone, I kicked all the people who had been knocked out by me with Ma Fei Hua Ling Powder Ma and broke their necks one by one. When I was completely convinced that they were people from Gui Yong Dao, there was no need for them. Whatever was left alive, even if it fell into the hands of those in the special team, they would not escape death.

I asked the person leading the way to take the key to the house. After we went out, I locked the door. There were dead people in the house. If someone discovered me, I would definitely expose my target.

I walked with Shahai, and when I put my hand on his shoulder, I was so frightened that he became shorter and almost collapsed.

"Have you decided what to say?" I asked.

"No...no..." the man said.

"In a moment, you said that I found a very suspicious person entering the factory, and that I came to report the situation and wanted to see the helmsman. Do you understand?" I said.

Sha Hai nodded quickly and said, "I understand... I understand..." and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Then, I followed the man out of the factory building where he worked, and walked around from the courtyard to the backyard. This factory area looked very old, and there were many waist-thick trees planted in the yard.

Shahai took me far away and then walked around to the backyard. There was a brick house in front of it, a three-story building that was estimated to be 30 or [-] years old. There were many dead ivy vines on it.

When I walked to this old brick house, there were two people guarding the door.

As soon as we arrived at the door, the two people came forward. One of them said: "Shahai, aren't you in charge of the office area? The boss said you can't just run around."

Sha Hai quickly made a very anxious expression, glanced at me and said: "This new brother said that he just saw a suspicious person climbing over the courtyard wall and running towards this side. I am Bring him here to report the situation to the young helmsman and see if you want to send someone to look for him."

The two people were stunned for a moment and looked at me. One of them said, "Have you seen what the other person looks like?"

"I see, a young man with very good skills. When I pass by, no one will be found." I said.

The two people glanced at each other and became wary. One of them said, "Isn't that right? The young helmsman just went out and brought a few girls with him. How did he recruit them so quickly?"

"That shouldn't be the case. The young helmsman personally went out and brought the envoys to the left and right. He will definitely be reliable and will definitely not reveal any clues. How could anyone find us? Our place has been very safe for so long. ." Another person said.

"The helmsman told him to calm down and not go out to cause trouble in the recent period, but the young helmsman still ran out. The helmsman didn't even know about it. I heard that the limelight outside has been very tight recently. Let's share the helm. I can't cause trouble recently, but the young helmsman doesn't listen. I think this matter is not trivial, and I must inform the young helmsman to take strict precautions." said the man just now.

I have been listening to their conversation carefully, and I quickly caught a piece of information. They just said that the young helmsman went out for a trip and brought back a few girls. They must be Yang Fan and her two friends.

Only about seven or eight hours have passed since this incident happened. I rushed over from Bao Ren non-stop and tracked it all the way here. Finally, I got some insights, and I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The sword soul in my palm can't wait to drink blood.

I am waiting patiently now. As soon as I see Yang Fan, I will kill him.

The two guys who were responsible for guarding the door discussed it, and then one person took us in.

First, they passed a locked door, and then there was a hall. There were people coming and going in the hall. There were many rooms deep in the hall, and there should be people inside.

There are two floors above this building, and I don't know how many people are there.

It’s just a branch, I don’t have to think too much about this. A few years ago, I took a few brothers and dared to choose several branches in Cangdong. I have made a lot of progress in these years. In my eyes, these people are just a group of people. They are just ants, they can be mercilessly crushed by me.

Even though my cultivation has not fully recovered yet, dealing with these people is no problem.

After passing through the hall on the first floor, passing several heavy iron doors, a staircase going down appeared.

As Sha Hai said, there is a secret passage under this old building. When we came here, Sofa told me that this place was the place where the mass plot was launched decades ago when relations with the former Soviet Union were tense. grain, instructions for digging deep holes, and underground fortifications built. After the ignorant people from Guiyong Road took over the cement factory through special channels, they carried out major renovations to the air defense fortifications below. There are many rooms below, and There is also a secret passage leading outside.

I have just informed Li Zhanfeng and asked people from the special task force to come and surround this place. I think they must also know the structure of this old cement factory, so they should deploy more people around it.

I hope that none of the people on Guiyong Road here will escape.

After entering the basement, I found that the corridor was quite bright, with lights all the way.

After turning two corners in the underground fortification, I suddenly heard a woman's scream coming from a place.

"Ah... don't... don't... I beg you..."

Then there was the sound of clothes being torn.

"Little girl... let me have some fun with you... haha... This college student is much better than those sold outside. He has good skin and looks dewy... haha..." Someone laughed wildly, and there were people around him. Many people booed.

My scalp exploded at the sound of these movements.

Could it be that Yang Fan was also there?

When I thought of this, my steps involuntarily changed direction and turned around towards the source of the sound.

The man who led us to meet the young helmsman and Sha Hai were walking in front. Suddenly they saw me changing direction and walking towards the other side. The two of them turned around at the same time and faced me. I'm chasing him here.

"Where are you going? The young helmsman is not over there. Come back quickly!" shouted the man who brought us in.

My blood rushed to my forehead, I didn't care about that much, I ran to that place directly, but I saw four or five people around the door of a room, all laughing wantonly, and some people were lewd in the room. Laughing and shouting loudly: "Old Wu, Liu San, hurry up, brothers are waiting outside, let you go first, maybe there are still two young children... Haha..."

 Good night~ I’ll give you an update on the third day of the month~
(End of this chapter)

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