Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 197 Who are you?

Chapter 197 Who are you?
"Take it back!"

Before Wang Chuanbao could finish his words, I interrupted him sternly.

Wang Chuanbao was stunned immediately, and said quickly: "Jiuye... Come on, if you have any requests, just ask. Luo Sanye said that as long as you ask, he dares to give it. This is a good thing that falls from the sky." , you said you..."

"Take it back! Do you need me to say it again?" My voice became a little colder, and murderous intent suddenly came into my eyes. I thought to myself, Luo Xiang, Luo Xiang, what the hell have you been doing, looking for someone to kill me? Why wasn't it like this when I was a child? Why wasn't it like this when I was looking for the corpse spirit mother-in-law to harm me?But it happened that things got to this point, my cuteness was gone, and I almost became a cripple, so I came here to apologize.

late!It’s so early and so late!

If I hadn't met the Xue family, I would have become a useless person. What's the use of giving me 100 million, let alone [-] million?

In this world, money is not everything, and some things cannot be bought back.

Seeing my murderous eyes, Wang Chuanbao was immediately frightened. At that moment, he didn't dare to say a word. He quickly waved his hand and asked the boy holding the money box to retreat.

However, Wang Chuanbao did not leave at this time, and said in a low voice: "Jiuye... why are you so stubborn? When will retribution be repaid? The powerful people in Luo Sanye's family have come to surrender to you. You I don’t know who this Third Master Luo is, but I, Wang Chuanbao, know that when he was a member of society, no one was afraid of him. That was you. You were the first person that Third Master Luo asked him to apologize to you. I, Wang Chuanbao, have conquered you!"

"Okay, take the money and go. I recognize you as my friend. I can collect your things, but I won't collect the Luo family's money. You go back and tell Mr. Luo that I will take care of you early tomorrow morning." Just go to the Sanluo Group to find him, and be sure to let me see his face, and I want to have a good talk with him!"

When Wang Chuanbao heard what I said, his eyes widened and he said with some horror: "Master Jiu... what are you going to do? You really can't afford to offend Mr. Luo. You... you don't want to hit him, right?"

"I said, I just want to talk to him, nothing else. Just bring the words." I softened my tone a bit.

"That's okay!" Wang Chuanbao nodded and said: "That's it, I'll go back first, and I will definitely bring your words."

"Brother Leopard, no!" I said politely, then turned around and entered the back room.

Leopard took his two bodyguards and left my yard in despair.

As soon as Brother Bao left, my parents immediately gathered around me, asking me questions. They also asked me how I met such a rich man, and if I could find a job with me. Don't stay here like a little wife all day. At home, it’s time to go out and do something.

The old couple talked in my ears for a while, which made my head almost explode. I muttered a few casual words, turned around and went back to my room, closed the door, and finally had some peace and quiet for a while.

Looking at this familiar room, the little spirit demon Mengmeng immediately appeared in my mind. I don't know what happened to this girl. Will Yuan Chaochen directly crush her consciousness and completely disappear from this world? superior.

After such a long time together, I have developed a deep relationship with that girl, and I really can’t bear to part with her. If there is a one in ten thousand chance, as long as Mengmeng’s consciousness is still there, I will definitely save her. Come out and stay with me again.

This poor little girl can't live in peace even if she becomes a spirit.

After practicing for a whole day and night without eating or drinking, my Dantian was soaring and I was full of energy. Early the next morning, I got on my old bicycle and went directly to Tiannan City.

I'm going to find Mr. Luo.

There are still some things that need to be sorted out between us.

The reason why a tough man like Mr. Luo can take the initiative to seek peace with me is not just because of my personal reasons. I think a large part of the reason is because of my old man. Although the old man doesn’t care about the things I have done recently. I don’t really agree, but I am his grandson after all, and he cannot ignore it. The old man must also know what kind of person Luo San is. According to my guess, the old man must have used some means to beat Luo San to make him afraid. No matter how awesome Mr. Luo is, how dare he go against someone of my grandfather's level?
In fact, I have no other purpose in going to Mr. Luo. I just want to ask where Luo Xiang is. As long as Luo Xiang is willing to tell me the whereabouts of Yuan Chaochen, I will never trouble him again.

I rode that broken bicycle that rang everywhere except for the bell. I wandered all the way to the city. When I passed a hospital, I couldn't help but stop. This hospital was where I once knew Li Kexin. She was there. I work here, and I suddenly want to go in and take a look. It seems that Li Kexin still owes me an explanation. It’s just over between us, without a word. I always feel awkward in my heart, so I want to ask in person. Finally, It would be nice to be able to give up my hope completely and not worry about anything anymore.

After much hesitation, I parked your broken bicycle at the entrance of the hospital, walked in without hesitation, and went straight to the nursing department. I carefully looked for Li Kexin through the window, but I searched for a long time, but I didn't see her figure. .

Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I caught a young nurse who had just gone out and asked: "Hello, I want to ask you something. Is Nurse Li Kexin Li off duty today? Why didn't I see her? ?”

The little nurse looked at me strangely and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm her friend." I replied immediately.

"It's because her friends don't know where she has gone, and like you, she resigned from the hospital a few months ago. I heard that her father went to work in other places, and the whole family moved away..."

I didn't even hear what the little nurse said. My head was buzzing, and I could only see her lips moving.

Moved away?How many months ago?

What kind of situation is this? Just to avoid me, it’s not like this, right?
I was stunned for a long time, and the nurse was about to leave, so I grabbed her again and asked anxiously: "Then do you know where her family has moved? Can you tell me?"

The little nurse shook her head and said, "I don't know about this. Nurse Li has not been working with us for a long time, and we are not familiar with her."

"Does anyone here have her phone number?" I asked again.

The little nurse still shook her head, turned around and left.

Immediately, I quickly took out my phone, found Li Kexin's number, and called, but the phone said: "Sorry, the number you dialed is an empty number..."

 Sorry, my child is sick and I have been running around for a day. I am very worried. I am sorry for the late update~
(End of this chapter)

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