Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1977 Left Black Hand

Chapter 1977 Left Black Hand

We didn't bother Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang, we drove directly to the rice noodle shop of Liu Xun's brother-in-law. As expected, we were all in vain. The store door said the store was for lease, and it was probably Liu Xun's brother-in-law. He and the fat woman had also left here long ago, fearing that we would find clues to Liu Xun.

Liu Xun disappeared, and his brother-in-law was also missing. Now all clues were interrupted.

However, we can almost get a definite answer, that is, the person who arranged the desperate situation in my house this time must be Liu Xun. Even if he did not dare, this kid must have participated.

The three of us stayed at the rice noodle shop for a while, and saw Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang walking towards us. As soon as we saw them coming, we all got out of the car.

Hua Monk, Xue Xiaoqi, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang all know each other. When they saw us, they were very happy and asked why we came here in time. When we were busy in the store, a clerk said that he saw you. Car, your car is so eye-catching. We only have one like this in the entire Tiannan City.

After saying hello, I went straight to the point and said, "Xiaoxu, Qiangzi, when did the rice noodle shop diagonally opposite you move away?"

The two of them looked at each other with some doubts in their eyes. Xiao Xu said: "They moved away more than ten days ago. After our rice noodle shop reopened, they had no business here. After a few days, they moved away." They left, and they said hello to us before leaving. We were a little embarrassed, as if we had squeezed them away."

"Then did they say where they were going?" Xue Xiaoqi asked.

The two shook their heads and said they didn't say anything. They said hello and left.

Zhiqiang asked curiously: "Xiaojiu, did they do something to offend you? Otherwise you wouldn't have come here."

In order not to worry them, I said: "That's not the case. I just came over casually to see if they would do anything bad to you after I left. The main thing is that I don't trust you."

Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang both laughed. Xiaoxu said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this at all. Since you helped us last time, that Ma Jing and Sect Master Ma have been here several times. If nothing happens, just let him My people hang around my store and often take care of our business. They are very nice and there is no need to worry at all.”

I responded and said that's fine, you guys should be busy first, we have other things to do, and we'll come back to you another day.

Their store was indeed very busy, and there were quite a few people there in the early morning. They said a few words to us and then hurried back.

I drove the car and took Laohua and Xiaoqi around to a secluded place, and then discussed how to deal with this matter.

First of all, we must find this Master Liu Xun Liu. Only by finding him can we confirm whether he did this thing. But after he did it, he hid. He must have been very strict. We It's hard to find him. Besides, we don't know anything about Liu Xun.

Then, I suddenly thought of Fatty Jin from Wanluozong. Their Wanluozong was very well-informed about the news in Jianghu.

Thinking of this, I made a phone call with Fatty Jin. Fatty Jin was still the same. When he came up, he flattered him first, then asked me what I could do for him, and joked that I am now their Wanluo The second boss of the sect, the eldest boss is Sect Master Le. The second boss has orders, and his subordinates dare not disobey them.

I smiled and said nonsense. We are buddies, so I won’t beat around the bush with you. You can help me check up on someone. This person is somewhat famous in the yin and yang industry in Tiannan City. He has been around for many years. Check out this person’s background. If you can It would be best to find out where he is now, and feel free to give me an answer.

Hearing me talk about this matter, Fatty Jin became serious and said that he was just a small role in the world, and he was not popular at all. How could he fall under the eyes of Lord Jiu?How did he offend you?

I briefly told Fatty Jin that my family had been placed in a desperate situation.

Before he finished speaking, Fatty Jin said angrily: "Master Jiu, don't worry. Even if this person got into a mouse hole, I can dig it out for you. Just wait for me for 10 minutes and I will call you in 10 minutes." .”

Let me go, Fatty Jin is very efficient in doing things. For things that I have no clue about, he can solve them in 10 minutes.

After hanging up the phone, a few of us sat in the car and waited. We waited for seven or eight minutes. In less than 8 minutes, Fatty Jin called me. He came up and said to me, "Master Jiu. , I have found out the person you are talking about. This Liu Xun came from Cangdong. He has stayed in Tiannan City for almost twenty years and has been making a living from Liu's Feng Shui Pavilion. In Tiannan City these days, Nian Hun has been prosperous and has made friends with many high-ranking officials. He is somewhat famous. The most important thing is that his subordinates have some real skills. They can also tell that they belong to some wealthy families. A guest of ours suddenly closed the Feng Shui Pavilion about ten days ago and disappeared in Tianan City. Some people said they saw him heading towards Cangdong. We also found the location of his car driving on the highway from the relevant units. Record, he should be in Cangdong now."

Hearing Fatty Jin's words, I couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. This guy is so capable. In seven or eight minutes, he was able to find out Liu Xun's driving route from the relevant departments, and he was able to find out Liu Xun's driving route from the relevant departments. , How big a network of relationships does this have to have.

Soon, I asked: "Are you sure where Liu Xun went to Cangdong?"

"I'm not sure about this, because some places can't be found, but we can roughly guess where he went. This Liu Xun has a master on the ground in Cangdong, whose name is Zuo Yuankui, in the area of ​​Cangdong. His yin and yang practice is well-known, even in the entire Yan Kingdom, many people know about his Feng Shui attainments, and his prestige among his peers is very high, but this person is a little bit small-minded, it is easier to hold grudges, and he also protects the calf , as long as anyone offends him, it will definitely be bad luck. No one dares to provoke the whole Zuo Yuankui in Cangdong, and this person is nicknamed Zuo Black Hand in Jianghu. If you offend him with any sentence, he will play tricks behind your back, and you don’t know what happened when you get tricked, and no one can catch him, he is a difficult guy.”

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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