Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1979 Asking for a Justice

Chapter 1979

"Xiao Qi, are you seeing that you are going to get a wife soon, and are you starting to be merciful? If you are afraid, Xiao Jiu and I will just kill you. You should go home and take your wife, hehe..." Monk Hua smiled mischievously. said.

Xue Xiaoqi originally had good intentions, but now that he was ridiculed by Monk Hua, his face suddenly turned ugly. He immediately said: "Old Hua, what do you mean? Don't talk about whether to marry a wife or not. If Xiaojiu is in trouble, I will spare it." I will definitely go if I have to go out, I am also thinking about everyone, if you think so, then I will just go with you, at most it will only save my life."

Monk Hua was also joking with Xue Xiaoqi. Seeing that Xue Xiaoqi was a little unhappy, he chuckled and said, "Look at you, we have been brothers for so many years and you can't even make a joke? Are you really angry? "

I gave Monk Hua a blank look, and said: "Old Hua, this joke can't be played around, especially in this kind of thing, don't say that Xue Xiaoqi turned his face, I'm also anxious with you."

The old woman chuckled, touched his bald head, and said: "Okay, okay, I won't argue with you two. You two will discuss your ideas. Once you've agreed, I'll just go with you. I'll beat that old guy to vomit blood." Three liters.”

Xue Xiaoqi and I looked at each other, and finally I nodded: "Since Fatty Jin told us that the old guy is difficult to deal with, we'd better be careful. Feng Shui is also very scary, in my mind , basically the poison is almost the same level, especially the sinister Feng Shui technique that makes people hard to guard against. If it really doesn’t work, we can only call Lao Li over. Didn’t we say Xiang Li Chenzuo? The Li family and the Zuo family will let them divide it. Let's figure it out. When the time comes, we will go directly to their Zuo family and do those sneak attacks. It will really damage our reputation and make people laugh at the world. Let's break in openly. I believe Lao Li, he will deal with Zuo's family. There should be no problems at home. Some time ago, he got the true inheritance of ancestor Chen Ting's Xiantian Tu, so there is nothing to worry about.

"I think it's best to do this. In a while, I will be getting married to sister Ling'er. After handling this matter, Lao Li just happened to stay here to have a wedding banquet." Xue Xiaoqi said with a smile.

"Okay, okay...just do as you say." Monk Hua also said.

After we discussed it, I made a phone call to Li Banxian. This time, Lao Li was at home. As soon as he got up, he asked how the situation was here. I told Lao Li that Master Liu Xun and Liu might have escaped. When it came to matters at Zuo Yuankui's house, Lao Li was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: "I just said that Liu Xun couldn't have arranged that desperate situation. Someone must have taken action. If it was Zuo Yuankui, that old man If it’s something, there’s no doubt about it.”

"Old Li, do you want to come over? I asked Fatty Jin from Wanluo Sect. Fatty Jin said that their Zuo family's Feng Shui is as famous as your Li family in the north. Zuo Yuankui is very difficult to deal with, so a few of us will go there. If you do, you might get into his trap." I said worriedly.

"Yes, that Zuo Yuankui is really not an ordinary character. After all, he has matured with age and has been immersed in Feng Shui for a lifetime. He must be 80 years old. His attainments in Feng Shui are probably higher than mine. We should be careful. That's fine at all. Let's do this. You guys wait for me. I'll go to Dongchen to find you right away. Let's meet up together. Then we'll go find Zuo Yuankui and ask for justice. In fact, I also really want to meet the Zuo family. , is he really as powerful as the legend says? The Zuo family’s Feng Shui skills are all crooked and very sinister. If I don’t go, I’m afraid you won’t be able to deal with him.” Lao Li said worriedly.

The matter has been discussed and decided, and we went directly back to the house in Tiannan City near the special adjustment team. This place has not been inhabited for a long time. The house is full of dust. I am also a little bit disappointed. I am afraid that Master Liu Xun and Liu are here. I didn't do any tricks in this house. As soon as I entered the house, I took out the corpse ruler and walked around the room. Fortunately, I didn't find anything bad. This house is a building. I thought There is no place to bury anything.

After arranging Monk Hua and Xue Xiaoqi at my home, we had a meal, and then I contacted Li Zhanfeng and came out to meet. First, I thanked him for taking care of me for a long time, and second, I asked Li Zhanfeng to take care of me. I, Xiaoxu and Zhuzi, please don’t be targeted by my opponents. When I met Li Zhanfeng this time, this guy’s face was glowing. When I asked, I found out that he has been promoted again. He used to be the deputy director of Tiannan City’s special task force. , now he has resigned from his official position. For this reason, Li Zhanfeng specially thanked me, saying that it was because I often asked him for help that he made many meritorious deeds, including destroying several rudders on Guiyong Road and capturing many people alive. He has few important figures and has become the fastest promoted person in the special team. He is in a high position at a young age, which is rare in the special team.

At first, I thought it was inappropriate to bother Li Zhanfeng all the time, and I felt sorry for it. Unexpectedly, I helped him a lot. I smiled slightly and said, "In that case, I thought I would have to bother you more often. Put it this way Maybe in three or two years, he will directly take over my old man's position. My old man is already very old, and it's time for him to retire and enjoy his life.

Li Zhanfeng said that there is no such thing. Generally, the youngest person who sits in the position of my grandfather must be over 50 years old. He still needs to practice and practice.

After meeting Li Zhanfeng, I went to see Mr. Jia who was guarding the gate in the special task force. Every time I went, Mr. Jia was leisurely, smoking a dry pot, lying on a chair, and parked a single field. Fang's storytelling is very beautiful.

I specially bought some dry tobacco leaves for Mr. Jia, which is his favorite thing, and I paid tribute to him.

Mr. Jia was very happy to see me. When he saw him, he looked at me carefully, smiled and nodded: "Boy, I really saw you right. You are becoming more and more promising. In just a few years, my cultivation has reached this point. I have been cultivating for a lifetime and have never achieved what you have achieved now. But having said that, the greater your ability, the greater your burden. You have to think about more. People do more things.”

Mr. Jia rarely preached like this, and I kept agreeing.

I chatted with Mr. Jia for a long time and discussed what I had done recently. The old man gave me a lot of comments and gave me some pointers on spiritual practice. Before I knew it, it was getting dark. I guessed that Li Banxian should be about the same. We arrived at the train station, so we said goodbye to Mr. Jia and drove directly to the train station to pick up Li Banxian.

(End of this chapter)

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