Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2006 So strong!

Chapter 2006 So strong!

Now, everyone present is in a state of confusion. No one can figure out the origin of this old man named Yang Zhenpeng who suddenly appeared?Why did such a peerless top master appear out of nowhere in the world?Just now, a Taoist priest with an excellent cultivation level came forward and just made a move, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere with his palm.

If this old Taoist named Yang Zhenpeng was just an average expert, I am afraid that everyone would have rushed up and cut him into pieces. After all, he had previously admitted to killing the dozen Taoist priests in Luoshan, but now Yang Zhenpeng took action. , showed such a powerful strength, and immediately made most people jealous, and did not dare to attack the old man rashly.

However, there are also some brave people among them, and they can't understand what this old man is doing. This person is too arrogant, and he doesn't take the heroes of the world seriously.

Although there were no people who came here to attend Xue Xiaoqi's wedding with extremely high cultivation levels, and none of the masters from the famous Taoist mountains and cave heaven paradises in the Yan Kingdom came, they all sent their disciples who were second only to the masters. Several elders and real people came to congratulate him, which gave the Xue family plenty of face.

To put it bluntly, most of the people sitting here are seniors who have been famous in the world of Yanguo for a long time. The person with the greatest lethality and fame should be the Nanjiuzi of Nanshan, the guide of the nine Taoist priests. The art of thunder is famous all over the world. Once the mighty thunder from the sky is attracted, who can resist it?

I think Yang Zhenpeng must have also seen Nan Jiuzi come here. I am very happy that Nan Jiuzi can come to the Xue family. They are here to give us reassurance and can completely shake up the place. Even if Elder Qinglong comes over, he will definitely not be able to withstand Nan Jiuzi's nine thunders, and he will soon be blasted to pieces. But Yang Zhenpeng also doesn't take Nan Jiuzi seriously. This is really awesome. Well, I think even my great-grandfather could not completely ignore a terrifying existence like Nan Jiuzi.

But Yang Zhenpeng in front of him could completely turn a blind eye.

What he wants to challenge are the hundreds of Taoist and Buddhist masters from all over the Yan Kingdom present. Even though he is my enemy, I admire him for his heroic spirit.

But at this moment, Nan Jiuzi had no intention of taking action immediately. He just spread out and everyone stood in a certain position, wrapping Yang Zhenpeng and his men in a circle. The expressions on each of their faces They were all very heavy, and several Taoist priests had already put their hands on the hilts of the swords, feeling quite eager to try.

I feel that there may be an extremely terrifying fight that is about to begin.

This feeling made me very uneasy, and my heart was beating loudly.

The old Taoist priest from Chongyang Palace just passed by with a duster, rolled up tables, chairs, benches and gravel and hit Yang Zhenpeng. Yang Zhenpeng easily neutralized his cruel attack with a moment of sleeves.

Seeing this, the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace suddenly raised his brows. His breath was like a rainbow, and he suddenly showed a powerful momentum. He waved the whisk in his hand again and hit Yang Zhenpeng. The whisk passed by , and there was a deafening explosion. If there was a huge boulder weighing a thousand kilograms in front of it, I think it would be broken into several pieces immediately if the whisk whipped it.

However, Yang Zhenpeng still didn't dodge or dodge. When he saw that the whisk was about to slap him, Yang Zhenpeng stretched out a dry old hand, and grabbed the hand that was hit by the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace. The whisk, the strong wind of the whisk, even if it was held tightly by Yang Zhenpeng, the momentum remained undiminished, and the force brought by it tore several holes in Yang Zhenpeng's clothes.

Yang Zhenpeng narrowed his eyes and said angrily: "How dare you contend with me, you are as mean as an ant!"

After saying that, Yang Zhenpeng waved his palm and slapped it on the chest of the old Taoist of Chongyang Palace. The old Taoist of Chongyang Palace was not weak at all. At the critical moment, he also quickly slapped a palm, and with Yang Zhenpeng They fought hard, and the two palms collided, and there was a thunderous explosion. In full view of everyone, the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace let out a miserable groan, and a terrifying scene happened. But seeing that The old Taoist Priest of Chongyang Palace was instantly thrown away by Yang Zhenpeng's palm. His Taoist robe was torn apart by the energy from all directions and turned into rags, scattered on the ground. The old Taoist Priest of Chongyang Palace's The arm was twisted several times, all the fingers were blown off, and it crashed into the crowd. Several experts quickly went over to take over the body of the old Taoist Priest of Chongyang Palace, but they were also hit by the inertia of the old Taoist Priest's body. It rolled over several times and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Xue Xiaoqi quickly walked to the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace and helped him check his injuries.

I also glanced at the old Taoist priest, but I saw that the old Taoist priest was bleeding from all his orifices, his body was shaking, and blood was constantly flowing out of his mouth.

Just how strong is this palm, just the impact of strength can tear all the clothes on a person's body.

The skin of the old Taoist Priest of Chongyang Palace had turned blue. It was obvious that the muscles and veins in his body were severed and the blood vessels burst.

It was not easy for the old Taoist Priest to be able to do this step. He was much better than the Taoist Priest just now. The Taoist Priest just rushed forward and only took one move with Yang Zhenpeng before he was beaten to pieces and transformed into A mass of flesh and blood splattered in all directions.

But the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace would definitely not survive, because Xue Xiaoqi did not save him at all, but his face was extremely sad and angry. It was obvious that there was no way to save this old Taoist. He was too seriously injured and could not save himself.

The old Taoist priest's body trembled for less than half a minute. He raised his hand slightly, looked directly at Yang Zhenpeng, and said a few words with difficulty: "So... so... so strong..."

Before he finished speaking these few words, the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace fell down and died, with blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth like a faucet.

The old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace was a formidable master at first glance, at least more than half of the people present were not his opponents, and within three or two moves, he was killed by Yang Zhenpeng. This time, many People looked at Yang Zhenpeng with deep fear, and some began to move back.

And Yang Zhenpeng was still smiling. He had just exchanged blows with the old Taoist priest of Chongyang Palace, but he was not injured at all, and he did not even move his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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