Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 207 The Two Brothers Surnamed Huang

Chapter 207 The Two Brothers Surnamed Huang
However, I still have some doubts in my heart. Generally, people who steal corpses specifically pick the corpses of young women, who either died unmarried or did not have children after marriage. This is the first time I've heard of it.

Granny Lin spent her whole life doing good deeds and benefiting the people. She was respected by people in eight villages. After she died, her body was treated like this. It was really outrageous. I secretly swore in my heart that I would not be spared lightly. Such a wicked person.

After leaving Granny Lin's grave, I took advantage of the darkness and ran towards Xiliwa.

Xiliwa is not very close to Nanluoling Village. It is more than 50 miles away, and it is all on mountain roads. But now my body feels better, full of strength, and the spiritual power in my Dantian is very strong. Full, fifty miles of mountain road, for me now, it only takes more than an hour to run.

I walked quickly, over the mountains and ridges, and followed the path. After an hour and a half, I came to Xiliwa Village.

This is a quite big village, with about two to three hundred households and five to six hundred people. As soon as I walked into this village, I was a little confused. At that time, I only heard the old village chief from Nanluoling say that it was Xili The kid from Wa Xinghuang made a living by stealing corpses, but I didn't have time to ask them what their names were and where they lived in the village.

It was also because he was too impatient that he rushed over.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, most people had gone to bed, and it was impossible to find anyone to ask.

I first came to the village and walked around a few streets. Suddenly I saw a house with lights on, so I walked over and found that this place was a small shop. Generally, small shops in the village are closed. It's relatively late, so it's not unusual for the lights to be on now.

I pretended to be a buyer and walked directly into the small shop.

The owner of the small shop is an old man, and he doesn't sell many things, just tobacco, wine, sugar, tea and the like.

When I saw these things, I thought of Granny Lin. Granny Lin loved drinking and smoking during her lifetime. In the past, when I went to her house, I would always buy some cigarettes and alcohol. Now things have changed and Granny Lin is no longer here. , even the body was stolen.

This made me feel sad for a while.

As soon as I walked into the small shop, the old man stood up and asked me what I wanted to buy.

I took out 100 yuan, handed it to the old man, and said with a smile: "Uncle, give me a cigarette, Lao Zhulong~"

The uncle took the money and immediately got me a cigarette and put it on the counter. I took the cigarette, smiled at the old man and said, "Uncle, I want to ask you about two people, they are from Xiliwa. Do you recognize the two brothers named Huang?"

The old man looked me over and said, "There are a lot of people named Huang in our village, including two brothers. Which two are you looking for?"

Putting it this way, it was a bit difficult for me. I thought about it and then said: "Uncle, to tell you the truth, I have a relative whose distant cousin has passed away. I heard that Xiliwa does that kind of business. ...so I came here to inquire about it, I believe you must know about it, right?"

Hearing what I said, the old man immediately snorted coldly and said, "Are you looking for the two brothers Huang Xianli and Huang Huanbin? Those two boys are not doing their jobs all day long, and they actually mess up some messy things. They are the most troublesome in the village. It's those two boys..."

As soon as I heard that there was a door, I immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes... I'm just looking for these two. I don't know where they live. Please ask the old man to show me the way..."

The old man sat on the chair, pointed eastward, and said: "The courtyard at the end of the village at the east end belongs to their house. You can just go there."

I thanked the old man profusely, but I didn't take the stick of cigarettes, which was regarded as his hard work.

As soon as I left the grocery store, my face turned gloomy. I thought to myself, if the two boys named Huang bumped into me, Wu Jiuyin, it would be unlucky for you. Once the identity of Granny Lin is found out, You stole the body, I have to break all your legs!
I quickly ran towards the east end of the village. The last courtyard was a quite large courtyard with high walls and a locked door.

But this door couldn't stop me. I took a breath, jumped up, and lay on the courtyard wall. I looked into the courtyard, but I saw that the courtyard was really not small, and there were still people parked inside. A van, looking towards the house, the lights were still on.

But before I could take a closer look, I heard a burst of wild barking, and three big wolf dogs barked at me.

As soon as I saw these big wolf dogs, in order not to arouse the alertness of the two brothers, I immediately jumped down from the courtyard wall.

If you want to enter this courtyard, you must first deal with the three big wolf dogs.

In the past, when encountering this kind of thing, the little spirit demon Mengmeng was the best. As soon as it appeared, the big wolf dogs would be so frightened that they would tuck their tails between their legs and dare not make a sound. But now that Mengmeng is gone, it really makes me a little embarrassed.

But I quickly thought of other ideas. I had the Ma Fei Hua Ling Powder that Xue Xiaoqi gave me. Xue Xiaoqi told me that this thing is effective for both practitioners and ordinary people, but I don’t know if it can be used for animals. has an effect.

I didn't care at the moment, I opened the bottle directly, found a stone from the ground, poured some powder on the stone, I found out where the doghouse was, and immediately threw the stone over.

Just after the stone was thrown near the kennel, I turned over and climbed up the high courtyard wall again, looking in the direction of the kennel, but I saw that the place where the stone fell was right next to the kennel, and the three big wolf dogs Thinking it was something delicious, they all came over to sniff the stone. After a while, the three big wolf dogs turned around a few times and then lay motionless on the ground.

Oops, it works on dogs too, I didn’t expect it.

I was so happy that I jumped over the wall and landed lightly on the ground. When I walked past the kennel, the big wolf dogs just looked at me and made a few whining sounds in their throats. I couldn't even scream.

I stooped my waist and walked all the way to a window door of the house. There was a light on inside the house, and I could clearly see two figures dangling around.

When I walked under the window, I smelled the aroma of wine wafting out. The two brothers were still drinking and talking about something while drinking.

 I’ll make up for last night’s update. There are two more updates tonight. Dear friends, come over with all kinds of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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