Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2121 What a powerful Gu

Chapter 2121 What a powerful Gu

"Master Xinan's poison is extremely poisonous. If you inhale even a little bit, you will be poisoned and die within a minute. Please be careful." Mr. Die reminded us after releasing the butterfly poison.

However, not long after Mr. Butterfly released those butterfly Gu, the colorful large butterflies that were flying around just now suddenly shook and fell straight down from the mid-air one by one. In less than half a minute, they were gone. All dead.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. I quickly drew a few void spells in the air, which condensed into a strong energy barrier, blocking the way of the few of us, and blocking the black energy spreading towards us. poison gas.

However, when the black poisonous gas filled the Gang Qi barrier, it had a strong corrosive nature, causing the runes on the Gang Qi barrier to tremble slightly.

The Millennium Gu and the huge beetle were fighting each other quickly in mid-air. I saw a ball of white light suddenly lingering around the Millennium Gu, and it quickly flew around the big beetle. After going around several times, the beetle seemed much bulkier, and it felt like it was being led by the thousand-year-old Gu.

Suddenly, Millennium Gu suddenly took action and crashed into the huge beetle at an extremely fast speed. It seemed to have penetrated directly into the body of the beetle. The beetle that was still lying in the air just now suddenly jumped out of the air. It fell down and made no sound.

When Master Xinan saw this situation, he was shocked and exclaimed, trembling: "What a... What a powerful Gu... It actually killed the black armor Gu that I have been practicing for 20 years..." "

But after the black armor Gu landed on the ground, a cloud of white smoke appeared immediately, and then from the white smoke, the thousand-year Gu flew out again and circled in the mid-air.

In a battle between poison and poison, unless the strength is equally matched, the winner will usually be decided quickly. The Thousand-year-old Gu and the Black Armor Gu are the best proof.

This is the fastest time I have ever seen Thousand-Year Gu defeat an enemy. In the blink of an eye, I didn’t even see how the Thousand-Year Gu moved its hands. The Black Armor Gu fell to the ground and turned into a white smoke. Nothing is left.

As expected of the Thousand-Year Gu, the King of Gus, I have never encountered any kind of Gu that can make the Thousand-Year Gu suffer losses.

With the Millennium Gu, I feel like I can walk sideways in Tongnan Continent.

Master Xinan was shocked and took a few steps back. He suddenly took out a white bone flute from his body, put it to his mouth and started playing. However, he saw a thick layer of beetles on the ground. Suddenly, they all fluttered their wings and flew into the sky, flying quickly towards Millennium Gu and us.

With so many Gu insects, it was really a dark place, overwhelming. In just a moment, we couldn't see Master Xinan and the Millennium Gu, because everything in front of us was submerged by those black beetles. These black beetles suddenly seemed like Like crazy, he rushed towards us desperately, hitting the Gang Qi barrier with a "bang bang" sound. Seeing that the Gang Qi barrier was about to be unable to withstand it, Monk Hua saw that the situation was not good, and directly The purple golden bowl was sacrificed and floated into the air. Suddenly, the golden light flourished, and a magnificent Dharma barrier rose from the ground, covering us again, and this was able to stabilize the situation.

Through the qi barrier, we can see the beetles outside the qi barrier, densely packed and airtight, if someone with dense phobia sees this scene, they may be so scared that they faint on the spot.

Suddenly, a ray of white light suddenly appeared among the airtight swarm of insects, like a meteor streaking across the dark sky. When this ray of white light flew by, large tracts of beetles fell like rain. They fell to the ground and all died.

That white light was the Millennium Gu. Its whole body was wrapped in a faint white light. Wherever it passed, countless beetles fell to the ground. Not only were there many of these beetles, each of them must be highly poisonous. Millennium Gu Just flying past them, all those Gu insects were dead, without any ability to resist. I even suspected that these Gu insects were not poisoned to death by the Thousand-Year Gu, but by the Thousand-Year Gu, the King of Ten Thousand Gus. The breath scares everyone to death.

Thousand-year Gu helped us eliminate the countless Gu insects in front of us, and flew straight towards Master Xinan not far away.

Master Xinan was completely frightened by the power of the Thousand-Year Gu this time. He probably never thought that the Thousand-Year Gu could be so powerful. Master Nan quickly took a few steps back, and quickly called on the black witch monks around him to rush forward to deal with the Thousand-Year Gu. The black witch monks were also frightened by the power of the Thousand-Year Gu at this moment. In a hurry, they released The poisonous poison on his body dropped, and all kinds of poisonous insects flew all over the sky, all heading towards the Millennium Gu to greet him. Suddenly, a dozen or so powerful Gu insects flew into the air, trying to block the Millennium Gu. The consequences can be imagined. The Thousand-Year Gu only circled back and forth a few times among the many Gu insects. Then those Gu insects fell to the ground one after another. They were almost defeated in one or two rounds and were defeated. Thousand-year Gu can be killed easily.

This was not over yet. After the Thousand-Year Gu killed those Gu insects, it shot straight towards the black witch monks. When those black witch monks saw the Thousand-Year Gu flying towards them, they turned around and wanted to run away, but the speed of the Thousand-Year Gu was too fast. It was fast, and soon it got into the body of a black shaman monk. His back went in and his chest came out. The running black witch monk kept walking and ran forward for a few steps before falling to the ground. As soon as the black shaman monk's body hit the ground, he instantly fell out of the way, and then turned into countless colorful worms, surging towards the men and horses brought by Master Xinan.

Seeing this scene, not only the people on Master Xinan's side were frightened, but even Monk Hua and I were stunned with surprise. Looking at this situation, we don't need to take action to deal with these people brought by Master Xinan. , the Millennium Gu can be easily solved by oneself.

"It's such a terrifying poison... No wonder Qinglong and my own poison will be swallowed by it. There is no suspense at all..." Mr. Die also said in horror.

Thousand-year Gu killed a black witch monk and continued to fly forward. The more panicked the black witch monk became, the more defenseless he became when running. Thousand-year Gu passed through the bodies of those black witch monks one by one, and each one was black. The shaman monk fell to the ground and died immediately. He died instantly. His whole body was black...

(End of this chapter)

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