Chapter 214
"Wu Jiuyin, I don't have so much trouble dealing with you. Have you seen the old woman behind you? After you die, I will not let you rest in the ground. I will directly refine you into an immortal body and follow you all day long. I drink blood like hair, what do you think?" Yuan Chaochen said to me with a sneer.

At this time, I turned my head and glanced at Granny Lin. She had calmed down and stood motionless.

But what surprised me even more was that right behind the big tree where Granny Lin was standing just now, another person stepped out. This person was still a woman. She covered her face with a black gauze and looked at her features. She is very delicate and has big eyes. She must have a very handsome face under the black veil.

But at this moment, those eyes were indeed full of resentment, staring at me coldly.

This woman has a pretty good figure and is well-shaped. Judging from her age, she must be in her early 20s. She suddenly appeared. I thought she was a soy saucer, but when I saw the magic weapon in her hand, I immediately understood. Coming over, this woman must be with Yuan Chaochen, because the magic weapon in this woman's hand turned out to be a soul-calling flag. From this point of view, the woman exuded a sinister aura.

At this time, my doubts were lifted again. I was thinking just now that Granny Lin had become immortal, how could she open her mouth to speak. It turned out that it was this woman just now, hiding behind the big tree, deliberately making a hoarse voice. , talking to me like Granny Lin, just to lure me over. I want Granny Lin to sneak up on me and kill me with one blow.

Fortunately, I was not that stupid and had some precautions in advance. I only got a few bloody cuts on my chest, but the bleeding was no longer bleeding. Our old Wu family has had super self-healing abilities for generations. This is all Thanks to our ancestor Wu Feng.

As soon as this woman appeared, she immediately glanced at me, then looked at Yuan Chaochen, and asked in a deep voice: "Junior brother, is this the person who killed our master?"

Damn it, you are really cheating. When did Granny Corpse Spirit show up with a female apprentice? Why didn’t Li Zhanfeng and the others tell me about it?
It seems their information is wrong.

Yuan Chaochen nodded noncommittally, and then said: "Yes, this kid killed our master. Today, we are working together to kill him and avenge our master!"

The woman frowned slightly and asked again: "Junior brother, could you be mistaken? This guy's skills are only mediocre in my opinion. How can he be our master's opponent?"

Yuan Chaochen said anxiously: "Senior sister, he was not the only one to fight our master. There was also a monk, and that monk was more powerful than him. The two of them joined forces to kill our master, but the last blow was fatal. It’s this kid.”

While I was talking, seven or eight black figures suddenly appeared in the barren mountains and mountains, and together with the two senior brothers and sisters, they surrounded me.

When I took a closer look at these seven or eight black figures, I realized that they were not human beings. They were actually seven or eight immortal bodies with yellow paper talismans on their foreheads. I don’t know where they were hiding just now. All came out.

Good guy, it seems that little naughty boy Yuan Chaochen is determined to kill me today, and he is well prepared.

Not only did I call the senior sister Yijiao Didi, but I also got seven or eight immortal bodies to help me. This time I really ran into big trouble.

While I was looking for Yuan Chaochen to settle accounts, he had also been looking for an opportunity to look for me. He was so thoughtful at a young age, and he didn't know where he got the close relationship between me and Granny Lin, so he used Granny Lin's body to come here. They lured me into taking the bait, and I stupidly came over, and then I was ambushed by them.

Unfortunately, I still thought it was the corpse thieves who were doing this. They are much more terrifying than the corpse thieves. The corpses they stole were directly refined into immortal bodies and used as murder weapons.

At this moment, I was surrounded by people, and I couldn't run away even if I wanted to. Yuan Chaochen said proudly: "Wu Jiuyin, you are definitely going to die today. Do you want to do it yourself or let us do it?"

"Boy! Your master asked me to kill you. I'm still afraid of you, little guy. If you have the ability, just use it. If I'm afraid, I'm not a member of the old Wu family!" I raised my copper coin sword and threw it away. The wooden stick, at the same time, took out the corpse-laying ruler on his body.

At this time, the Corpse Ruler had already sensed the evil energy surrounding it, and the little red dot at the end had flickered violently, shrouding me in a blood-red light.

If there is a disagreement, they can only fight.

Yuan Chaochen made a hand gesture and shouted: "Kill him!"

The yellow paper talismans on the heads of the undead bodies around them suddenly fell to the ground. A layer of long black hair quickly condensed on the bodies of the corpses. The sharp teeth and fangs quickly bared their lips, and the sharp nails on their hands They also grew out and stretched out in my direction.

I thought these immortals were just ordinary walking corpses, but these are all black-haired immortals. Where did they come from?
I remember when Zhuzi and I fell into the general's tomb, we were just ordinary white-haired immortal bodies, but they were already so ferocious. As soon as these seven or eight black-haired immortal bodies were born, I was immediately covered in white-haired sweat. .

Yuan Chaochen saw the fear in my eyes and immediately said to me: "Wu Jiuyin, these black-haired immortal bodies are treasures that my master has refined for many years. When Luo Xiang came to us, he only brought some ordinary ones." The corpse puppet went over, thinking that I could kill you. This time I brought all the black-haired immortal bodies of my master. You can die in the hands of these black-haired immortal bodies. It is not unfair at all. My master and she are so poor. I can rest in peace..."

After saying that, these black-haired immortals roared at the same time and rushed towards me.

At the critical moment, I had no choice but to enlarge my move first, threw the copper coin sword in my hand into the air, and quickly performed several hand gestures. The copper coin sword suddenly overflowed with golden light, and in an instant it decomposed and turned into a sword. I picked up dozens of copper coins, and with a "crash", they scattered above my head, some hitting the immortals, and some hitting the woman and Yuan Chaochen.

Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation.

After the two old men of the Xue family recast the Dantian Qi Sea for me, my cultivation can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds. I am no longer the weakling Wu Jiuyin I was a few months ago. The spiritual power in my Dantian is full. It still takes many steps to unleash the ultimate move of the Seven-Star Copper Coin Sword Formation, but now it can be said to be accomplished in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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