Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 227 Turning the war into jade

Chapter 227 Turning the war into jade
I had a busy day yesterday and didn't eat anything all day and night. I was really hungry. I had a big meal and was about to go back to the house to practice for a while to recover some of the damage caused to my practice by using blood and essence that day. Before he got up, he heard a "dong-dong" knocking sound from the courtyard door.

"Could it be that my parents are back?" I thought, so I stood up and went to open the door. On the way, I was still thinking that they should not knock on the door when they came home. Why are my own people so polite?

After I opened the courtyard door, I immediately saw a fat, smiling face. As soon as I opened the door, he shouted: "Master Jiu, are you at home?"

This person is none other than Wang Chuanbao, but he is not alone. In addition to the two bodyguards in black formal suits behind him, there is also a familiar face. I have seen that person before. It was the same person I met last time. The cold-faced man I saw when I was looking for Luo San had one of his fingers broken off by me. He stood behind Wang Chuanbao without saying a word. His face was still so cold. After taking a look at me, He immediately turned his head to the side.

I specifically glanced at his fingers. It had obviously been processed. I seemed to have heard Luo San call his name, "Yiran". His eyebrows were somewhat similar to Luo San's. I guess he was Luo San. brothers or relatives.

When I saw it was them, I was immediately stunned. I didn't know why they came to my house.

"Master Jiu, just let us stand here, won't you invite us to come in and sit down?" Wang Chuanbao chuckled, easing the awkward atmosphere.

I stepped aside, made a way, and immediately walked towards the main room.

The four of them followed me and entered the house.

"Sit wherever you want. I won't make tea for you until we boil water." I sat down on the sofa. Wang Chuanbao first asked the cold-faced man to sit down, and then he sat across from me.

"Master Jiu, I'm here today. I don't have anything to do. I just came to take a look. Let me introduce to you. This is Master Luo's third brother, Brother Luo Yiran. You must have met him before. "Wang Chuanbao glanced at the cold-faced man and continued to say with a smile.

"Brother Bao, you've known for a long time that something is going on. You also know that I don't like beating around the bush. If you have any questions, let's talk straight to the point. After we finish talking, I have other things to do." I came up and said.

Wang Chuanbao nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, I know Brother Xiaojiu's temper best, so I won't hide it..."

"Wu Jiuyin, come out for a moment. I have something to talk to you about." Before Wang Chuanbao could finish speaking, Luo Yiran interrupted him, which made Wang Chuanbao blush.

After saying this, Luo Yiran turned around and walked towards the yard. I immediately stood up and followed him to the yard.

Luo Yiran turned to look at me and said in a deep voice: "We have also inquired about what you asked us to inquire about that day. The kid Xiaoxiang said that he did not know where Yuan Chaochen was hiding. He has now gone to Shi Guo, it's not entirely because of avoiding you, but part of the reason is because of avoiding Yuan Chaochen."

"Avoid him?" This surprised me very much. Yuan Chaochen and Granny Ghost were both invited by this guy Luo Xiang. How could Luo Xiang avoid Yuan Chaochen?
This makes me very confused.

Luo Yiran seemed to see my doubts, and immediately explained: "Yuan Chaochen is also looking for Luo Xiang everywhere. After you killed his master, the corpse ghost, that day, this kid also poured out some of his resentment on Luo Xiang. , If Luo Xiang hadn’t asked them to come and kill you, his master wouldn’t have died. If Luo Xiang hadn’t run so fast that day, he would have been killed by Yuan Chaochen, so he fled to the Stone Kingdom.”

After hearing what Luo Yiran said, I realized that Yuan Chaochen was a mad dog who would bite anyone. I really didn't expect this.

Immediately, Luo Yiran continued: "My brother called you early this morning, but you didn't answer, so I asked Wang Chuanbao to go directly to your home and explain the matter clearly to you in person. We Luo Yiran You must know my background. When I first started my career, I was not involved in serious business. However, my brother also paid the price for this and spent four years in prison. Since my brother was just such a child, he was spoiled since he was a child. That's why that kid did some outrageous things. My brother didn't expect that things would become so big, let alone that he could find such evil ways as the corpse ghost mother-in-law."

At this point, Luo Yiran paused, his expression changed, and then he said: "I also know that your Wu family is not simple, and it has something to do with the superiors. My brother is now doing serious business, and I don't want to offend anyone. After all, peace brings wealth. I am here to apologize to you on behalf of my brother and that bastard in our family. I hope this matter can be settled between us. However, this does not mean that our Luo family is afraid of you. We just don’t want to Just causing trouble.”

I remained silent and didn't speak. Since they had talked about this, it was enough to show their sincerity. I didn't want to hang on to him. Although I still couldn't stand that kid Luo Xiang, I just couldn't stand it. Let's leave it like this, as long as he doesn't provoke me anymore, I don't want to cause more trouble.

Luo Yiran saw that I was silent, coughed dryly, and then said: "Of course, since you are here to apologize, you can't just say it with your mouth. This time I specially asked me to bring you some money. More, just 300 million. Even if it makes up for your loss, I hope our two families can turn their differences into friendship. Even if we can't become friends, we don't want to become enemies."

Hearing this, I immediately took a breath of air-conditioning. Good guy, he is indeed a rich man in Tiannan City. He made a sale of 300 million. This is not a small amount. Immediately, I said seriously, "

Let's not mention the money matter. I promise you, the affairs between our two families will end here and will have nothing to do with each other from now on. "

"No!" Luo Yiran said categorically: "You must accept this money. If you don't accept it, we won't trust you. Besides, you can accept this money for nothing. Now the relevant departments in Tiannan City are also worried about the corpse ghost mother-in-law." The matter has been pestering us, asking about the whereabouts of Luo Xiang every now and then, which gives my elder brother a headache. I hope you can talk to the people above and stop pursuing Luo Xiang's matter. After a period of time, when the limelight has eased, we will bring Luo Xiang back from the Stone Kingdom. Don’t worry, we will discipline this kid well and never let him cause trouble again."

(End of this chapter)

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