Chapter 247

The person who appeared in front of Xue Xiaoqi and me at this moment was a man dressed like a Taoist priest. He looked like an immortal and Taoist, but he was actually not too old.

His shout just now was like thunder on the ground, deafening and deafening, making my consciousness blur for a while. This is the very famous Taoist roaring skill. If you don't have a strong cultivation base, you won't be able to roar with such a powerful voice. Come.

This technique is also recorded in my family's book "Secret Techniques of the Wu Family", but my cultivation level is not enough and I can't practice it to this extent.

Since this person told us to stop, he is the helper of Thousand-Armed Buddha and our enemy. So what else is there to say, we can only continue the fight.

Although Xue Xiaoqi and I are not the opponents of this Taoist priest, neither of us are the kind of people who will bow their heads when they see a strong person. If we want us to surrender, there is only one way, and that is to extract from our corpses Step over.

After a brief shock, Xue Xiaoqi and I immediately stood together, took two steps back, each raised the magic weapon in our hands, and pointed it at the Taoist priest in front of us.

After the Taoist priest glanced at us, he immediately leaned down and checked the injuries of the Thousand-Armed Buddha. His brows could not help but frown slightly.

"Second brother, you are finally here. If you were one step later, I would have been killed by these two boys..." The Thousand-Armed Buddha said with an aggrieved look.

"Brother, the second brother came a step too late and made you suffer..." As he said that, the Taoist priest grabbed the Thousand-Armed Buddha's arm and tried to pull him up. Only then did he see the Thousand-Armed Buddha's calves. There was a black poisonous snake biting tightly, and the Taoist priest was very cruel. With a wave of his hand, a burst of energy spurted out, and the snake flew out, hit a stone not far away, and was instantly broken. It became several pieces.

Even so, the Taoist priest still failed to pull up the Thousand-Hand Buddha. The poisonous snake that bit the Thousand-Hand Buddha's leg just now was unknown. The Thousand-Hand Buddha was so poisoned that he could no longer stand.

When the Taoist stood up again, his eyes immediately turned cold and he said in a deep voice: "Where did you two come from? You dare to do such violence and hurt people. If I don't teach you a lesson, I'm afraid you will be in trouble in the future. Innocent people will be hurt again.”

Xue Xiaoqi and I looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Just now, the Thousand-Armed Buddha called this Taoist Priest his second brother, and this Taoist called Thousand-Armed Buddha his eldest brother. So these two are brothers, so what else is there? It's easy to say, since the two of us beat the Thousand-Armed Buddha into such a state, he must be looking to settle the score with us.

Immediately, I refused to be polite to the Taoist priest and said angrily: "This is really a thief shouting to catch the thief. This Thousand-Armed Buddha stole our things. We came to ask for them from him, but now they are ours. And Is it natural?"

The Taoist leader snorted in displeasure, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly the Qi field on his body was released, and his Taoist robes swelled, and he uttered a few words: "Strong words!"

Seeing how unreasonable this veteran was, he decided that what we were doing was wrong, and that was the rhythm of the fight.

Facing such a seasoned Taoist with profound cultivation, Xue Xiaoqi and I lost our confidence, but we were not intimidated by this. I was the first to attack, using my ultimate move as soon as I came up, raising the Beidou Copper Coin Formation and heading towards him. Pointing at the old Taoist, the copper coin sword immediately hit the old Taoist's body.

The old Taoist stared at me, his expression unchanged, his face calm, and he didn't even move. If you are looking for death, then don't blame me for being cruel.

Immediately, I quickly performed another trick, and the copper coin sword decomposed again with a "clatter" and flew towards the veteran's body.

Just when the dozens of copper coins and swords were about to touch the old Taoist body, the old Taoist let out a cold snort again, his whole body's energy surged, his two fists were clenched suddenly, and a burst of energy gushed out, but seeing The dozens of copper coins that were about to hit the old Taoist suddenly turned around and flew towards Xue Xiaoqi and me.

Oh my God, this veteran's ability is so powerful, it's simply unbelievable. He didn't even take action, but he could knock my copper coins away with just the surge of energy in his body.

At this time, I was so shocked that I quickly called Xue Xiaoqi on the side to get down quickly. At the same time, I took a few steps back, performed a few hand gestures, and activated the spiritual power in my Dantian Qi sea crazily.

When I saw those copper coins were about to fall on me, they reluctantly condensed together and reassembled into a copper coin sword. It flew past my scalp and was inserted directly into a big tree nearby. , the sword body was more than half submerged into the big tree, and it was still buzzing, which was terrifying.

I was so frightened that I was stunned on the spot, but the old man remained motionless, staring at me with a pair of cold eyes.

Immediately, I made another hand gesture, pulled the copper coin sword over, held it in my hand and slashed towards the old man.

At the same time, Xue Xiaoqi also got up from the ground, picked up his weird magic weapon, the scale pole, and ran towards the old Taoist with me.

The old Taoist was still motionless, as steady as a mountain. It was when Xue Xiaoqi and I rushed in front of him that he took action.

My sword was stabbed into his chest, but Xue Xiaoqi didn't know when he hung a weight on the scale pole and hit the old Taoist on the head.

Seeing that our magic weapons were about to fall on him, the old man suddenly stretched out his hands. One hand firmly grasped the weight that hit his head, and the other hand stretched out two fingers. His head clamped the tip of my copper coin sword.

This accuracy, this strength, is simply no one else.

Xue Xiaoqi and I were both dumbfounded at this moment. Who is this awesome old man?Why is your cultivation so powerful?

Just like that, the old Taoist suddenly exerted force on his hand and threw me and Xue Xiaoqi away with our swords.

I just felt a strong force coming, like a suction force, dragging my body to fly. It flew six or seven meters away before falling heavily to the ground. I fell into a dog-gnawed mud with Xue Xiaoqi. , as embarrassed as you want.

The fall was so strong that it took Xue Xiaoqi and I a while to get up from the ground. When we turned around to look, we found that the old man was still standing there, but he turned in a different direction and looked at us again.

This is the first time in my life that I have encountered such a powerful enemy. This veteran’s cultivation is many times stronger than the corpse ghost’s mother-in-law. In front of him, Xue Xiaoqi and I combined, multiplied by ten, it is estimated that we are not in front of our eyes. This seasoned opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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