Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2501 Old Chapter 3 Here Comes

Chapter 2501 The third child is back

All of us discussed at Mr. Zhao's house for a long time, and before we knew it, it was getting dark.

While they were chatting, footsteps came from outside again, and someone said at the door: "Grandpa... Another group of people from Guiyong Road came. They are now checking door to door. What should we do now?"

Mr. Zhao glanced at all of us and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, everyone, please hide in the secret room for a while. It's getting late today. If there is anything, how about we discuss it tomorrow? Wait until Gui Yongdao Now that the people are gone, I will arrange for someone to come over and bring you some food. You can also think about it below and see if there are any other ways."

Without further ado, everyone responded, and Mr. Zhao opened the mechanism again, and everyone jumped in one after another.

After the largest Yu Zhuang finally squeezed in, the chair returned to its original position.

When they arrived in the secret room, everyone looked for a place to sit down, all with sad expressions on their faces.

Now things are at a stalemate, and no one knows what to do.

Not long after I got down, another group of people broke into the hall above. I pricked up my ears and listened to what was going on above like a hundred steps. The people above were rummaging through boxes and cabinets and making a fuss for a while. After that, it stopped.

After the people from Gui Yong Dao left, everyone deliberated for a long time, but still could not come up with an appropriate solution.

Not long after, Mr. Zhao personally brought us cooked meals, put them in a basket, and handed them to us.

This meal is not much different from the food outside. It consists of white flour steamed buns and a few side dishes, but the meat dishes are the meat of some unknown animal, and they taste very delicious.

Although the food was delicious, none of them had much appetite. They each ate a little and then sat there in a daze.

Yu Zhuang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly sighed in the silent atmosphere and said to himself: "I don't know whether I should bring you here or not. It's okay now. We have pissed off the chief helmsman of Guiyong Road." Those people must have sealed off the entire Great Desert City now. We can’t leave even if we want to. It’s only a matter of time before we are discovered if we stay here. We can’t squat in this dark secret room all our lives.”

Yu Zhuang is very pessimistic, and when something happens, he feels like the sky is falling.

"Yuzhuang, don't worry, we will be able to go out soon. I promise, within five days, we will make big moves." I said.

"At the beginning, you said well that you would rescue my parents and the people in our fishing village, but you are hiding here by yourself, and you can't even get out. It seems that I can't count on you." Yu Zhuang muttered again Said, the old man had a face that made him angry.

This guy was chirping, so we stopped paying attention to him. The more we talked about him, the more excited he became.

After eating dinner, everyone sat cross-legged on the ground, each recuperating and maintaining their strongest fighting capacity at all times.

During the day, I also devoured the cultivation of that lord, and now I can consolidate it.

There was no sun or moon in the practice. Early the next morning, Zhao Tianyi opened the door of the secret room again and called us out to take a breath and figure out how to deal with it. It was really frustrating to stay in this secret room. We felt refreshed after we came out. Feeling refreshed.

Mr. Zhao prepared breakfast for us and let us eat whatever we wanted in the hall.

At this time, I saw that Mr. Zhao's face looked a little unhappy, and his eyes were a little wandering while eating.

Grandfather Gao also noticed Zhao Tianyi's weirdness and asked him if he had anything to say.

Zhao Tianyi hesitated and said: "Everyone, the people from Guiyong Road are checking more and more intensively. It's just that two groups of people came in a short time yesterday. I don't know if they will come today. I'm really worried that they will find this person." If we search you out of the secret room, you will be in big trouble."

Grandfather Gao put down the bowl and chopsticks and said: "Brother Zhao, I know you are under great pressure. If it is really inconvenient, we will leave after breakfast."

Zhao Tianyi waved his hand and said: "Brother Wu, you have misunderstood me. I have no intention of driving you away. I am just worried about your safety. As soon as I go out, the streets are full of people from Guiyong Road, which makes people uncomfortable." A little worried, I thought, if it really doesn't work, you can leave the Wilderness City in two days when the weather has eased a bit. I know a secret path that leads directly to the Blackwater Abyss. If you want to leave, you can completely avoid it. Open to those people who return to Yongdao, because even the people who return to Yongdao don’t know how to go along this trail, and there is no formation outside…”

"Okay, okay...can you really leave?" Yu Zhuang said excitedly.

"Yes, we opened this secret trail a long time ago. If you have a dozen or so people walking around with a smaller target, you will definitely not believe it if there are more people..." Mr. Zhao said.

While he was talking, suddenly there was a burst of hurried footsteps outside the room, and he panted and said at the door: "Grandpa... the third child is back, and he has brought many people from Guiyong Road..."

"What? The third child is back...where is he?" Mr. Zhao said excitedly.

"We're at the door. There's nothing we can do to stop him..." the man outside the door said again.

"Hurry up... The third child is back. You should hide quickly. If you are discovered by that bastard, the third child, you will definitely be in big trouble." Mr. Zhao quickly urged everyone.

The matter was urgent, so no one dared to delay, they quickly jumped into the secret room and hid.

As soon as the mechanism above was closed, I heard the sound of the door being pushed outside.

Immediately afterwards, many people broke into the hall one after another.

"Grandpa... my mistress is here to see you..." a middle-aged man's voice said.

This person should be what Zhao Tianyi told us, his third-eldest grandson, the one who works on Guiyong Road.

"Okay, okay... Mistress, you brought so many people to see grandpa. Grandpa is very happy. Are you planning to search the Zhao Mansion again?" Zhao Tianyi said in a somewhat sinister tone.

"Grandpa... Recently, there have been a few people from outside the city who have killed many people from our holy sect. The exits around Dahuang City have been blocked. They will definitely not be able to escape from the clutches of our holy sect. My grandson has also been ordered to come here. Check it out and ask Grandpa to forgive me." Zhao Chen said.

"Why are you bringing so many people here? Let them go out quickly. Grandpa looks upset." Zhao Tianyi said.

"Brothers... you go out first and wait for me in the yard. Grandpa and I haven't seen each other for several years. Let's say a few words..." Zhao Chen said very politely.

(End of this chapter)

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